make the game less p2w by doing this:

NERF VIPS. Raise the recoil OR remove wallbang from m4 vips like was originally intended before a few people like in the 4th post started whining. That is how the game was intended to be, not the other way around. Remove helmet from the game as body armor is good enough and a helmet shouldn't prevent death from a headshot ($ shouldn't beat skill in this manner, especially in critical moments when peeking a Barret). There's no reason anyone should oppose this with the current state the game is in. This will make it more fair for GP players, and people will continue to buy $100+ items for the perks and advantages they carry. Almost every old player I know thinks this game is crap now because you got greedy, these suggestions are how you fix it.

Ignore 3rd comment, does not apply to edit.


  • Just stop complaining and play the game, as we all know that'll never happen.
  • That would mess a lot up lol. Not ever room is infested with box sprayers. Comp play would be terrible.
  • And give you all ZP guns for free, right?
    There's enough events in game where you can get free ZP content, stop whining.
  • Danah wrote: »
    And give you all ZP guns for free, right?
    There's enough events in game where you can get free ZP content, stop whining.

    Any protip for spinning event crates because i still haven't won any weapon from event crates.
  • and people will continue to buy $100+ items for the perks and advantages they carry
    AND to pay the game for those who never throw a single buck, so to support this game in certain manner and make it "free to play".

    And wallbang GP weapons exist, just take the time to do your own tests and searches before crying. When i cross the path of "box spop sprayers", it's more often M4 crystals, M14 and M4 customs than VIP btw.

    The only part i find interresting is the helmet. But i use BP since a while without spending a single dollar (near to perm'), one more time do you own searches to find how.
  • davethenew wrote: »
    Just stop complaining and play the game, as we all know that'll never happen.
    Complaining worked when it came to buffing VIPs during its implementation. It also worked for egys complaining about a map texture. I will keep doing both as I see fit
    That would mess a lot up lol. Not ever room is infested with box sprayers. Comp play would be terrible.
    Sort of like VIPs messing up pubs right? You don't even have to be in A7 to literally see an entire team using vips
    nopanol wrote: »
    AND to pay the game for those who never throw a single buck, so to support this game in certain manner and make it "free to play".

    And wallbang GP weapons exist, just take the time to do your own tests and searches before crying. When i cross the path of "box spop sprayers", it's more often M4 crystals, M14 and M4 customs than VIP btw.

    The only part i find interresting is the helmet. But i use BP since a while without spending a single dollar (near to perm'), one more time do you own searches to find how.
    Was doing that over and over again with m14 b4 some idiot tried to kick me for 'walling', still prefer my M4. How about you read the thread before posting a stupid response? People have been continuously spending $ in the black market before VIPs came out, so your only point is MOOT.
    Danah wrote: »
    And give you all ZP guns for free, right?
    There's enough events in game where you can get free ZP content, stop whining.
    Spoken like true vip using garbage from z8s favorite cash cow. I already have plenty of ZP guns and m14s, but I prefer regular m4a1, there is no other option that is exactly like the regular m4 that has wallbang. Why is it plausible that anyone can directly buy the most OP gun in the game and everyone else who refuses to get one has to simply put up with being shot through objects with very low recoil? The game was fine for many years before they added m4 IB, and it worked well because not many people had full wallbang guns in games. Now, most games are filled with them. Either buff the GP M4/AK, or remove wallbang from m4 vip like it was before YOU vip users started whining about it. If people want wallbang, they should have to try their luck in the black market rather than outright buying the most OP gun in the game.
  • Non zp users have guns like g36k and xm8/xm8adv to shoot through boxes. I don't see the problem here.

    it's not the wallbang feature that makes vips so OP. It's the super fast reload, low recoil, and the right click.
  • Non zp users have guns like g36k and xm8/xm8adv to shoot through boxes. I don't see the problem here.

    it's not the wallbang feature that makes vips so OP. It's the super fast reload, low recoil, and the right click.

    All of those things together is part of the reason why VIP needs its wallbang nerfed. Also, those guns don't compare to the m4 nor its vip variant when it comes to overall usability.

    One of the main things involved in FPS gameplay is cover; its need for protection/and reloading. With a VIP, you can just spray through that cover while doing full damage. The other thing is the instant reload. Once you exhaust all of your ammo that should be the window for the enemy to push you and have a chance to shoot because that is how tactical FPS games work, not to instant reload and continue spraying. The developers threw every compromise out the window and packed as many advantages in as they could into 1 OP weapon without a care for balance or how traditional shooter mechanics work.
  • ' wrote:
    Was doing that over and over again with m14 b4 some idiot tried to kick me for 'walling', still prefer my M4. How about you read the thread before posting a stupid response? People have been continuously spending $ in the black market before VIPs came out, so your only point is MOOT.... blablabla blabla "i'm the king".

    I don't see the point with the M12 screenshot ... you're totally focused on your basic M4 and its lack of wallbang. If you prefer to use it, well... have fun. I personnally find M4 boring, i'm an AK player. And it's not a reason for me to ask bigger recoil for all riffle and to wish the impossibility to spray for all players. I love sprayers. They have choosed to don't learn how to aim and move, it's perfect to be farmed.

    And one more time, to answer for the second time to your "2 many people have vips and can spray you through objects"

    I repeat, it exist other weapons, free and GP weapons, wich are wallbang like the M4 obs or ib. Just find them.
    All of those things together is part of the reason why VIP needs its wallbang nerfed. Also, those guns don't compare to the m4 nor its vip variant when it comes to overall usability.

    One of the main things involved in FPS gameplay is cover; its need for protection/and reloading. With a VIP, you can just spray through that cover while doing full damage. The other thing is the instant reload. Once you exhaust all of your ammo that should be the window for the enemy to push you and have a chance to shoot because that is how tactical FPS games work, not to instant reload and continue spraying. The developers threw every compromise out the window and packed as many advantages in as they could into 1 OP weapon without a care for balance or how traditional shooter mechanics work.

    It's a far better way to expose your angle, instead insulting people and agressing them for free. I think that you bluff as hell, you're not as innocent that you try to appear. But in the case your are :

    When i throw my fury on the feet of a newb for an entire game, he stay newb. His score's direction don't change in one game. If i do the same with an AK camo it's the same (but generally don't want trade because it's not a VIP gun ... placebo here you are), because it's the same weapon with just a different skin and reload time. I like, personnally, the VIP and BM weapons this way : challenging weapons wich start to talk only when you master them.

    With the M4 vip it's not the same, if I repeat the same experience the newb will be more in ease and record more kills. By extension if i throw my fresh G3A (this holly riffle have near the same power than a sniper riffle) and a M4 (a lot less power and wallbang effect) to a beginner, he will get more kills in one game with the M4. Just because he's not trained to the insane recoill and gameplay of the G3. And the effect is stronger if i throw my M4 jasmin instead a stock M4. It's all relative.

    "spop M4 IB/obs sprayers" make me crazy sometimes, i can't lie. It's more when the room is full of it btw. But, it's all my mistake when it happend. First i play with a commando char to be aimed in priority and with more ease, it give to me a tactical advantage and a specific gameplay when i rush.

    Second, i just failed to take in count in my strategy the "spop spray" factor, so i die and i change my strategy to take my revenge. They are generally unskilled to need all this help, so you don't have to be einstein to trick them.

    And no, wood box, doors and some other thin walls ARE NOT covers like you say. They are only here to HIDE you in a tactical approach. If the opponent have seen you, then you rush behind a box, it's just a suicide. Wallbang or not.
  • It's good to see the keyboard warriors are still holding firm what would cf be without them?

    I guess im included in the trash, the cash cows, as i have spent plenty of money on vip's. Now then you say there op as hell anyone can use them? drop one of the floor see the noobs try to use them they get trashed most of the times. If you get rekt by vip's all the time dont blame them you can't play give me a regular m4a1 or AK any time i would still beat a vip user. your lack of skill is what ruins your game and the fact you probably have no friends to have a laugh and enjoy the game with. Please don't hate us just cause your unskilled and most likely unloved just chill and learn to enjoy the game or uninstall.

    Now complain all you like i doubt z8 will make vip rated guns free for all. if so they better refund all the player's who wasted money on vip's. If you want the advantage you have to pay there is a lot of games similar to this where you get better stuff if you have the money to pay. Trash me all you like i will be gone by next week <3
  • Is there anyone left on the forum who isn't smilegates cash cow suck up?
    nopanol what the hell are you going on about with that wall of text?

    I don't need some random who calls himself trash telling me his life story ok? The point of this thread is TO NERF VIPS. If you want them to remain OP because you have one, that's fine. However, there is a large amount of players who don't and have agreed that VIPs are the worst thing to happen to this game. It has completely changed the way this game was played and for the worse. It should be nerfed, SIMPLE.
  • To start i'd like to say that I absolutely love wallbang. That being said if you really want to fix CF it'd be much better to simply remove all wallbang from the game and leave all guns on the same level. Also removing all armor and making the hitboxes for all characters the same. End of the day though, this won't ever happen because players would be in an uproar if the guns they spent so much money on suddenly became nerfed and they would probably even more angry if players that had spent no money obtained the same perks from their GP m4 as their ZP items. At this point making CF more fair is a moot point because CF is already so broken by pay to win items. Skill always beats $$$, but money sure helps when it hits the bottom line. It sucks, but if you want fair go play CS:GO or something else that is made to be fair.
  • I like to keep bringing these comments to the forum so that just maybe someone important will see it and decide to do something about it. There are so many people that are disgusted by these VIPs yet nothing at all is being done to address it, no attention at all being paid to those people. It's just being accepted despite the MANY and constant complaints I keep seeing in game. Instead, the only attention is coming from idiots who aren't even in my league assuming that because I don't like VIPs I am unskilled. I want something to change just like most other players, nerf m4 vips.
  • ' wrote:
    Impaled[;4303103']Is there anyone left on the forum who isn't smilegates cash cow suck up?
    nopanol what the hell are you going on about with that wall of text?

    I don't need some random who calls himself trash telling me his life story ok? The point of this thread is TO NERF VIPS. If you want them to remain OP because you have one, that's fine. However, there is a large amount of players who don't and have agreed that VIPs are the worst thing to happen to this game. It has completely changed the way this game was played and for the worse. It should be nerfed, SIMPLE.

    Simply put everything is part of the VVIP items, make them valuable and entice people into buying it - they are spending money for something that gives them advantage after all. Someone already mentioned, there are other GP weapons that competes VVIPs with wallbang - you are asking to nerf VVIP guns, so what about them? Don't tell me I pay $100 for a gun that's less effective than a 50k GP gun?
  • Here a list of thing I hate about the VVIP items:
    M4 IB : need it WB removes it should have the wallbang remove and return back to it original state.
    M4 OBS : nothing wrong with it
    M4 J : too rare
    The M82 : You Lied Z8. For shame.>:(
    The melee : it fine as it is.
    Deagle: 100% totally fine with this pistol I'm not bias with the colour and the fact you can Naked Snake with this gun honest.
    Ak: apart from being headshoted across the map with one. totally fair.
    Char: Annoying radio voice (it give me a headache, the kick need a cooldown of 5 sec or deal less damage (on unarmored target) (How about I kick you and see if you will die in one hit (black belt in tae kwon do (MA of Kicking) (and before you ask unless the kick is directed at the neck or head area it shouldn't kill in one hit). and it doesn't hit there since armor make you survive the hit.) , never seen the knife throw ability yet so can't judge that, annoying radio voice (yes I know but it that annoying I seriously want to votekick player for this reason alone)
  • Darkfiro7 wrote: »
    The melee : it fine as it is.
    Darkfiro7 wrote: »
    Char: Annoying radio voice (it give me a headache, the kick need a cooldown of 5 sec or deal less damage (on unarmored target) (How about I kick you and see if you will die in one hit (black belt in tae kwon do (MA of Kicking) (and before you ask unless the kick is directed at the neck or head area it shouldn't kill in one hit). and it doesn't hit there since armor make you survive the hit.) , never seen the knife throw ability yet so can't judge that, annoying radio voice (yes I know but it that annoying I seriously want to votekick player for this reason alone)

    The game is not supposed to be realistic. U think a Kukri with a dragon and all that stuff is realistic? What about Laser Dagger, is it? Remember that people pay REAL MONEY to get those stuff. Of course it has to be OP, otherwise people wouldn't buy it. And I assume you're a Axe Slasher, since they know they cannot get a chance against VIPER's kick.
  • Lmao, OK. Nerf all of the good weapons and make the bad regular weapons good.

    I bet you're one of those guys that uses only GP and old ZP weapons and uses only male characters. Quit trying to live in CF 2009, this is CF 2016, we have racing mode (which is nothing compared to the new modes that we will get), and we will get modes later on that you wouldn't even think of. I'm not going to spoil them, you'll just have to wait and see.

    And if you're going to complain when someone kills you with a better weapon than you, I suggest you quit because they would NEVER remove any VVIP Weapons. No version has removed any VVIP Weapon, just some other versions that have different ways of obtaining them like CF Japan.
  • RSAOfAnt wrote: »
    Simply put everything is part of the VVIP items, make them valuable and entice people into buying it - they are spending money for something that gives them advantage after all. Someone already mentioned, there are other GP weapons that competes VVIPs with wallbang - you are asking to nerf VVIP guns, so what about them? Don't tell me I pay $100 for a gun that's less effective than a 50k GP gun?
    You pay for the skin and the extra GP/EXP/Melee perk. It would still be more effective than GP guns because it has super low recoil, instant reload, melee, etc.

    I see another random trying to comment on my skill, if there's a VIP nuisance on the other team I just pull out my M14 (rip to this game if they release an M14 VIP) and deal with most of them. But what of the rest of my team? Its definitely not fair to the other team either. I destroy them so quickly and they get underwhelmed and called me an M14 noob (I'd do the same with my reg m4, but at least they would feel as if they had a chance and not just get mowed through because I am using a much superior weapon than they are). They usually just get shredded and its definitely not fair to watch, especially when I have to carry and everyone just dies way too easily from being shot through boxes and super low recoil. I would rather always use M4/AK but sometimes it just isn't feasible against multiple VIPs and it just feels too easy and unfair to the ones without when I do. The problem is M4 VIPS not the people without them.
  • ' wrote:
    Impaled[;4303354']You pay for the skin and the extra GP/EXP/Melee perk. It would still be more effective than GP guns because it has super low recoil, instant reload, melee, etc.

    I see another random trying to comment on my skill, if there's a VIP nuisance on the other team I just pull out my M14 (rip to this game if they release an M14 VIP) and deal with most of them. But what of the rest of my team? Its definitely not fair to the other team either. I destroy them so quickly and they get underwhelmed and called me an M14 noob (I'd do the same with my reg m4, but at least they would feel as if they had a chance and not just get mowed through because I am using a much superior weapon than they are). They usually just get shredded and its definitely not fair to watch, especially when I have to carry and everyone just dies way too easily from being shot through boxes and super low recoil. I would rather always use M4/AK but sometimes it just isn't feasible against multiple VIPs and it just feels too easy and unfair to the ones without when I do. The problem is M4 VIPS not the people without them.

    OK, you're post is about VVIP Weapons being too OP when you're saying that you're beating them with your GP weapons.

    This thread should be closed, you whining about getting killed by better weapons when you refuse to use good weapons is not going to change anything.

    The VVIP Weapons and Armor would never be removed or nerfed.
  • "weapons: Obsidian Beast, Vipers, Iron Beast" and says "I bet you're one of those guys that uses only GP and old ZP weapons and uses only male characters" as if not being a ZP W is a bad thing, which only looks bad on you for using it in a negative context, in addition to throwing assumptions.
    Can you get the point? PEOPLE WHO DO NOT HAVE VIPS GET SHREDDED BY PEOPLE USING THEM. All Caps for you. It needs to be nerfed and that's a fact. You're just being defensive cause you bought more than one of them, like most of the other comments. There are literally many, MANY people complaining about it in game. I can handle it, but not everyone has an m14 to do something about it, AND I shouldn't have to pull out another ridiculously OP weapon to continue pulling out multi kills, which I don't need a p2w weapon to do. Even VIP players are disgusted by them and don't like using their own until someone else does and forces them to do the same.
  • Money makes this game alive; the problem is the game needs to prevent illegal programming. By have a software installed to the game and the server that guards it in real time. No recoil programs and wall hack programs are all over the place. Like a brothel with splats of semen on every corner of the building. Just admit it reporting and banning isn't as effective as a program that watches over the game from night till dawn... 24/7 than banning people manually. We live on an age that almost everything is ran by computers and done automatically. The game has to start with their security before anything else. People are buying ZPs every year, month, week, or even everyday. Since 2009 or 2010 till now if I'm not mistaken this game is overwhelmed by hackers. Enjoying what they like to do which is to ruin the game and make those honest players suffer. I think days won't be enough, we need them banned permanently for hacking.
  • The game has been making money since forever and actually the game is in good states with anti hack rn, I rarely ever see a cheater. Exactly how it should be considering they are selling items that cost more than Fallout 4/GTA 5, Witcher 3, CSGO, BF4 premium combined. Ranked matches are a different story (last time I played that)
  • Warning: Long Post.

    I am also in the group that that thinks VIP weapons and skins are overpowered.

    When I usually find these VIP users, I usually switch to annoying GP guns to counter their VIPs(M12S, Scar Light). The funny thing is, when they die to people using these weapons they always call them noobs, as if somehow using a VIP with overpowered perks takes more skill. Then they try to vote kick them out of the game because they can't handle losing with their VIP. It's funny sometimes to see people be so hypocritical about weaponry and skill when they aren't any different especially since they need to chalk out over $100.00 just to compete.

    VIP weapons have ruined pretty much every game mode you can think of. Knife Matches are ruined due to the fact that the VIP Kukri has a large range, you're sure to find many Kukri users, which I usually try to avoid.

    In Mutant Modes, if they melee you with their weapon, they can actually stop you from spawning in the game if you're a mutant. Search And Destroy modes are now full of tryhard competitive VVIP users, meaning everybody in this mode has a VVIP weapon, and if don't know how to deal with them, you can lose easily. Ranked Matches, same thing, also filled with VIP players, and majority, if not all players that are high Ranked have VIPs.

    Many are also abusing the kicking glitch, and aren't getting banned, because somehow paying $80.00 somehow makes you immune to bans.

    I also forgot to say they there are alot of VVIP hackers out there using cheats without anybody knowing, which also makes the gun seem better than is, although they're already overpowered. I have a replay saved of someone cheating in a Free For For All game with M4A1 Obsidian Beast, getting over 100 kills while twitch aimbotting and blatantly walling, also many others in Ranked Match openly cheating.

    About Wallbang, before VIP items, it was a lot easier to actually get kills with wallbanging. What I believe happened is this: they reduced the wall banging abilities of "normal" weapons(Non-VIPs) and gave the older values to the new VIP items, maybe even increased it as well. Because it's impossible now to get a Wallbang without a VIP now. In order to "balance the game", they would need to nerf VVIP wallbang abilities, and also increase wallbang abilities of Non-VIPs.

    To be honest, the damage has already been done. Since the release of VVIP items, a lot of people have bought them, because it allows the player to buy skill, they see the advantage. The only way for the weapons to actually be nerfed is for more people to become outraged about these items and express their outrage to the company itself. To VVIP users, if the weapons were somehow nerfed, you have nobody else to blame but yourselves. Maybe next time learn to earn your skill instead of buying it.
  • TamTamTamy wrote: »
    Warning: Long Post.

    I am also in the group that that thinks VIP weapons and skins are overpowered.

    When I usually find these VIP users, I usually switch to annoying GP guns to counter their VIPs(M12S, Scar Light). The funny thing is, when they die to people using these weapons they always call them noobs, as if somehow using a VIP with overpowered perks takes more skill. Then they try to vote kick them out of the game because they can't handle losing with their VIP. It's funny sometimes to see people be so hypocritical about weaponry and skill when they aren't any different especially since they need to chalk out over $100.00 just to compete.

    VIP weapons have ruined pretty much every game mode you can think of. Knife Matches are ruined due to the fact that the VIP Kukri has a large range, you're sure to find many Kukri users, which I usually try to avoid.

    In Mutant Modes, if they melee you with their weapon, they can actually stop you from spawning in the game if you're a mutant. Search And Destroy modes are now full of tryhard competitive VVIP users, meaning everybody in this mode has a VVIP weapon.

    I also forgot to say they there are alot of VVIP hackers out there using cheats without anybody knowing, which also makes the gun seem better than is, although they're already overpowered. I have a replay saved of someone cheating in a Free For For All game with M4A1 Obsidian Beast, getting over 100 kills while twitch aimbotting and blatantly walling.

    About Wallbang, before VIP items, it was a lot easier to actually get kills with wallbanging. What I believe happened is this: they reduced the wall banging abilities of "normal" weapons(Non-VIPs) and gave the older values to the new VIP items, maybe even increased it as well. Because it's impossible now to get a Wallbang without a VIP now. In order to "balance the game", they would need to nerf VVIP wallbang abilities, and also increase wallbang abilities of Non-VIPs.

    To be honest, the damage has already been done. Since the release of VVIP items, a lot of people have bought them, because it allows the player to buy skill, they see the advantage. The only way for the weapons to actually be nerfed is for more people to become outraged about these items and express their outrage to the company itself. To VVIP users, if the weapons were somehow nerfed, you have nobody else to blame but yourselves. Maybe next time learn to earn your skill instead of buying it.

    so you assume just cause someone uses a vip there bad? or havent got any skill? lel such simple minded of you. i have plenty of vips but i still happily use my m4 and ak dont assume cause one owns a vip they have no skill
  • DarkArtZ wrote: »
    so you assume just cause someone uses a vip there bad? or havent got any skill? lel such simple minded of you. i have plenty of vips but i still happily use my m4 and ak dont assume cause one owns a vip they have no skill

    I never said that. I said, if you're using a VIP weapon, you have no reason to complain if someone uses an M12S or a Scar Light, because you also own a powerful weapon which comes with massive perks that no other gun in the game has. Especially since you paid over $100.00 to get it. It's a huge hypocrisy.

    However, it's true, many people buy the gun because they know it has advantages over regular weapons. It is a true reality. They know they can abuse the perks of the guns and get easier kills than they normally would had. It allows many bad players to "get good" without actually getting better. They also kick you if you don't use VIP yet can get better scores. Ask yourself this: If the gun had no perks, no advantage, no EXP boost, do you think people would still buy it? Would they still spend $100.00? You as well bought it for the perks and advantages, don't lie about it. Just come clean.
  • ' wrote:
    Impaled[;4303402']"weapons: Obsidian Beast, Vipers, Iron Beast" and says "I bet you're one of those guys that uses only GP and old ZP weapons and uses only male characters" as if not being a ZP W is a bad thing, which only looks bad on you for using it in a negative context, in addition to throwing assumptions.
    Can you get the point? PEOPLE WHO DO NOT HAVE VIPS GET SHREDDED BY PEOPLE USING THEM. All Caps for you. It needs to be nerfed and that's a fact. You're just being defensive cause you bought more than one of them, like most of the other comments. There are literally many, MANY people complaining about it in game. I can handle it, but not everyone has an m14 to do something about it, AND I shouldn't have to pull out another ridiculously OP weapon to continue pulling out multi kills, which I don't need a p2w weapon to do. Even VIP players are disgusted by them and don't like using their own until someone else does and forces them to do the same.

    Haha, I don't even buy ZP monthly, I bought 3 VVIPs and won 4 Black Market Weapons.

    You can kill players using VVIP weapons, they don't have god mode. Just buy armor and buy 40 - 50 good crates.

    VVIP Weapons wont be removed in CFNA no matter how many complaints, they will keep adding more, go talk to Smilegate and see if they will remove VVIPs. xD Tencent or Smilegate wouldn't allow them too. So quit your whining and play CF, the game will just get more and more different, and if you don't like the change then I suggest you quit.
    TamTamTamy wrote: »
    I never said that. I said, if you're using a VIP weapon, you have no reason to complain if someone uses an M12S or a Scar Light, because you also own a powerful weapon which comes with massive perks that no other gun in the game has. Especially since you paid over $100.00 to get it. It's a huge hypocrisy.

    However, it's true, many people buy the gun because they know it has advantages over regular weapons. It is a true reality. They know they can abuse the perks of the guns and get easier kills than they normally would had. It allows many bad players to "get good" without actually getting better. They also kick you if you don't use VIP yet can get better scores. Ask yourself this: If the gun had no perks, no advantage, no EXP boost, do you think people would still buy it? Would they still spend $100.00? You as well bought it for the perks and advantages, don't lie about it. Just come clean.

    I think the real problem are crates, you can't get a good weapon without going to the black market, and the people who don't want to buy VVIP Weapons or Crates are screwed.

    If they increased the win-rate to 55% win chance on 10 crates then players could easily get good sets without buying VVIP Weapons. The win-rate right now is like 10% chance with 10 crates.

    The only players I see winning BM weapons are high rank ZP ****** with VVIP Weapons.
  • TamTamTamy wrote: »
    I never said that. I said, if you're using a VIP weapon, you have no reason to complain if someone uses an M12S or a Scar Light, because you also own a powerful weapon which comes with massive perks that no other gun in the game has. Especially since you paid over $100.00 to get it. It's a huge hypocrisy.

    However, it's true, many people buy the gun because they know it has advantages over regular weapons. They know they can abuse the perks of the guns and get easier kills than they normally would had. It allows many bad players to "get good" without actually getting better. Ask yourself this: If the gun had no perks, no advantage, no EXP boost, do you think people would still buy it? Would they still spend $100.00? You as well bought it for the perks and advantages, don't lie about it. Just come clean.

    Nope i brought them for the looks and to actually get a permanent weapon out of my zp and yes i also purchased there for a few perks. One used to be the exp, 2nd noone can pick it up always nice to have. If the wall bang was bad or there was no wall bang and they were not so op ye i probably would of still brought them. Like i said give me a reg m4 or ak any day and ill still use it.

    dont need to come clean about something i didnt buy them for.

    Also i dont disagree i would love the vips to be nerfed. cant tell you how many times ive tried to use a box as cover and a vip just rekts me. nerf the vips i would be alot happier if they did. and thats coming from someone who owns plenty of vips.
  • DarkArtZ wrote: »
    Nope i brought them for the looks and to actually get a permanent weapon out of my zp and yes i also purchased there for a few perks.

    You just said no, but you admitted to buying it for the advantages in the same sentence. Which is it?
    DarkArtZ wrote: »
    Like i said give me a reg m4 or ak any day and ill still use it.

    Or you can always buy it from the game shop yourself. Use some of the GP that you farmed with the VIP item and buy the regular M4A1 in the shop.
  • TamTamTamy wrote: »
    You just said no, but you admitted to buying it for the advantages in the same sentence. Which is it?

    Or you can always buy it from the game shop yourself. Use some of the GP that you farmed with the VIP item and buy the regular M4A1 in the shop.

    so let me get this right your crying about all perks of it not just the fact its op? lel. what do you expect someone to buy for 100k zp a regular gun with no perks at all?i buy them for perks which dont actually effect gameplay. i would still buy them even if they played like regular gp guns.

    i barely use my vips. i use my awm and m4 xmas most of the time. i have all gp guns so why buy another one? dont judge someone you dont even know.
  • DarkArtZ wrote: »
    so let me get this right your crying about all perks of it not just the fact its op? lel. what do you expect someone to buy for 100k zp a regular gun with no perks at all?.

    So you openly admit it?