GP only server



  • VIP weapons aren't as game breaking as we think. Lend a VIP to a newbie and he'll still do bad. It's just that most of the people who buy VIPs already have considerable skill in the game so they have an advantage.
  • 2NE1Minzy wrote: »
    this guy up here ^^^^^ is the exact type of person we shouldnt have to deal with if u dont choose to. Throwing around money picking on ppl who have real life to take care of.

    It's funny that you say he doesn't have a life when he most likely makes more money then you do, KermitDrinking-Lipton-BeMoreTea-(2014).png
    But thats None of my Business
  • Being here since they started including ZP crap, nerfing the knife so it can't 1 hit KO anymore, and drying up the GP weapons pool all do damage the overall experience of the game.
    This is a F2P, and so the devs and host needs profit to keep everything running.
    For a game that earned more money than LoL, I think 1 measly little GP only server isn't too hard to ask for.
    The game was really fun and rather balanced before they over-saturated the game with ZP weapons that have lower recoil and higher damage than most GP weapons.
    This is where SG got F2P wrong. You can have nice shiny new premium weapons, but if they're going to be designed to perform better, that ruins whatever balance there was before. If they only included certain sights or just the custom paint job, the game would be fine.

    It would be neat to see some GP only Ghost Mode games up again where people actually worked for their kills instead of swinging a big shiny purple cucumber around and hit their target from 10 feet away.

    Ya'll who own VIP weapons, I don't know how you justify paying that kind of money for a game as out-dated and under-maintained as this (there's only 1 active NA server for crying out loud), but regardless how much I made, I'd be using that money for a better game or a better cause.
  • If people don't spend money on this game you wouldn't be able to play this game. So be more thankful instead of feeling more hate just because you don't think its fair.

    Do you really really think the z8game will open a server just for gp server?

    Easy answer: Never.
  • cfCronus wrote: »
    If people don't spend money on this game you wouldn't be able to play this game. So be more thankful instead of feeling more hate just because you don't think its fair.

    Do you really really think the z8game will open a server just for gp server?

    Easy answer: Never.

    I don't think, I know.. Otherwise, the tournaments wouldn't have gun restrictions.

    I sincerely don't care if this game lives or dies. It was fun when it wasn't as out-dated as it is now and for the however many years I've had my account on this game, the game nor the community (sadly) hasn't changed at all after the ZP updates.
    You'd think they would use that money to better the servers, to reduce the lag, to figure out why it takes twice the amount of ammo to kill 1 person because of a faulty hit registry, etc. but we haven't heard word 1 about them working on a better CF. Yes CF 2.0 whoop dee doo a fresh coat of paint on an old game. Hopefully it will help with the lag but the server latency will still exist since they're still running on the same hardware from, geez I don't know 7 or 8 years ago.
    Instead, they hoard the money and use it for maintenance more than anything else. Acting like this game is mechanically sound when people are still glitching through walls and boxes, and finding other issues within the maps, never mind the hacking.
    Yep, I have no proof of what z8games or SG has been doing with the money however, it kind of shows that it's not going towards making the game better. Just adding more glitter hoping no one sees the ugly hog underneath.
  • 2NE1Minzy wrote: »
    Can u guys please make a GP only server. It so annoying constantly having to deal with Pay2Win players and their over powered guns all the time. Maybe make it so u can only use touny approved guns and no zp/crate guns.

    I understand you and I know you only want a fair play type of game for the non-investors (1 GP Server would be fair) but unfortunately at this day and age, many companies are in great competition (money hungry ect). CF is just trying to survive, that is why they are coming up with ideas (like the VIP's) for us players to get enticed & expend more towards the game. Thus, it's very unlikely that this demand would ever come to reality.

    Good try though, you as anyone else can continue to suggest things but keep in mind that most suggestions are unlikely to ever happen, Smile-Gate (SG) are a very strict company in their decision making.

    PS: "BTW, with all respect, who ever that is on the Profile Photo, is really one hot Asian female." Take-care.
  • kk

    I love the idea of a GP only server, it would be so refreshing. Now before butthurt vips quote my thread with all of their opinions <this isn't tumblr, **** off sjw> let me explain.

    1. PLAYING A GP SERVER WOULDN'T BE MANDATORY. Having a gp only server wouldn't "take away peoples rights" and all that other faggy nonsense, it would simply allow people who would like to play other players using only gp guns/items ease of access to do so.

    2. It would result in alot less vip's having to deal with people kicking them solely for being vips. Lets be honest, most f2p people hate vips and wish for their death upon seeing a notice that one has joined your room.

    3. It would allow vips to see how OP their guns really are and how not fun it is to play with them if all they have to play with is other vips.

    4. If the dev's give way to a gp server more gp related updates will likely follow, and i for one would love to see more gp guns being put in game. <guns in shop too, not this spend 200k gp on crates nonsense>
  • The game called metin2 has ruined by private servers... There is much private servers for crossfire... Its going to be ruined soon.
  • Creepin wrote: »
    It's funny that you say he doesn't have a life when he most likely makes more money then you do, KermitDrinking-Lipton-BeMoreTea-(2014).png
    But thats None of my Business

    How could you have any idea of the financial recources they have? Thats just nonsense.
  • 2NE1Minzy wrote: »
    Can u guys please make a GP only server. It so annoying constantly having to deal with Pay2Win players and their over powered guns all the time. Maybe make it so u can only use touny approved guns and no zp/crate guns.

    In any game there are always items that will give other people advantages over others. Not much you or any of us can do about it. If you wanna make a server gp only then buy one of the running servers from z8 and make your own requirements for it. You can make a suggestion for it but i doubt that will even get anywhere. But i do understand how you feel.