GP only server

Can u guys please make a GP only server. It so annoying constantly having to deal with Pay2Win players and their over powered guns all the time. Maybe make it so u can only use touny approved guns and no zp/crate guns.


  • #2bad4udealwithit

    I own 6 vips, and I only use one of them. #gg

    We really don't care if we "pay 2 win". Their is nothing called PAY2WIN, go to cs:go and tell that to people lmfao.
  • this guy up here ^^^^^ is the exact type of person we shouldnt have to deal with if u dont choose to. Throwing around money picking on ppl who have real life to take care of.
  • The fact that you think this game is pay to win is laughable
  • hey im just trying to give players a server where everyone is on equal grounds. things didnt get bad until VIP guns showed up and gave them a real edge over ppl with regular guns
  • VIP weapons are part of the game
    Get used to it
    I own 6 VIPs myself but i wish they never existed
    But there is nothing we can do
    Putting restrictions for weapons in rooms would mean less VIP sales for Smilegate so less profit
    They will never make a GP server

    Though they tried balance the game by adding FP weapons and you can also find decent GP weapons with wallbang in item shop
  • 1 gp server wouldnt stop ppl from buying there precious guns. like i said players should have the option to not have to deal with them if they dont want to. i knew as soon as i started this thread i get all the money players trying to justify themselves.
  • You're just a bad player and not being entertained from playing the game... i suggest you just to stop playing.. at least for a while to calm down your feelings... pfffff
  • hellcat too bad u cant see my player profile.. i guarentee that my account is older that all of yours. i worked hard to get my rank. too bad i cant say the same for all the ppl that paid for their xp plus items and VIP guns that helped them the whole way.
  • 2NE1Minzy wrote: »
    1 gp server wouldnt stop ppl from buying there precious guns. like i said players should have the option to not have to deal with them if they dont want to. i knew as soon as i started this thread i get all the money players trying to justify themselves.

    You don't get it
    Crossfire is a bussiness and Smilegate cares only for profit
    Everyone using GP weapons would move to the GP server and only VIPs would remain in the other servers
    And then what?
    Everyone will complain since for ex. a full room 16 VIPs with wallbang would be hell

    Also Smilegate will never dissallow paying players from anything
    Blocking the players who fund the game is just non sense

    At last, i don't like VIP weapons but i bought them to fight back the other VIP players.. I wouldn't mind playing with an xm8 but since i could affored buying VIPs, i got them
  • stop saying smilegate this and smilegate that. smilegate are the devs they dont see much of the money that u ppl are paying. Z8 gets all that money cause they are the publishers. smilegate get didly squat just barely enough to pay their employees. u think the teams that made assassins creed or call of duty sees alot of money? no! its Ubisoft and Activision, the publishers, that gets all the money from sales and DLC purchases. i understand business just fine. Z8 is making 100K+ a month easily off u ppl and they will keep making money off the same ppl. giving the choice to the ppl that want to enjoy the product but dont/cant pay for the luxuries should be able to play with people on the same level. just because we dont want to be feeding u guys xp to get your fake ranks. VIP should deal with VIP and not us.
  • a better suggestion is just make a competitive mode.
  • RAVEL0 wrote: »
    a better suggestion is just make a competitive mode.

    sooo... basically GP only lol. in a comp u can only use certain guns m4, ak47,awm are the most popular among players but depending on the organization certain gp guns are not allow. mostly the guns we all think are over powered like the m12, scar light, dsr and a few others. they could make it competitive rules as an option when making rooms that way VIP can join but not use the guns but still get the XP plus that they paid for.
  • We pay to keep crossfire from not shutting down you noob we help you gg get rekt.
  • OP is an idiot. I don't buy zp, and the only reason you, and so many other players, think that VIP weapons are 'op' is because you're awful. Z8 will never make a GP only server, or implement any room options which don't allow VIPs.
  • NWclan i looked at your profile and your worst off then i am. i got a 2.1 kdr vs ur 1.7 and itend to only play SnD so i dont have my TDM score carrying that. my ign is [2NE1]-MINZY have a look and just FYI i have nvr resetted my scores if that what ur gonna think.
  • 2NE1Minzy wrote: »
    stop saying smilegate this and smilegate that. smilegate are the devs they dont see much of the money that u ppl are paying. Z8 gets all that money cause they are the publishers. smilegate get didly squat just barely enough to pay their employees. u think the teams that made assassins creed or call of duty sees alot of money? no! its Ubisoft and Activision, the publishers, that gets all the money from sales and DLC purchases. i understand business just fine. Z8 is making 100K+ a month easily off u ppl and they will keep making money off the same ppl. giving the choice to the ppl that want to enjoy the product but dont/cant pay for the luxuries should be able to play with people on the same level. just because we dont want to be feeding u guys xp to get your fake ranks. VIP should deal with VIP and not us.

    Smilegate owns Z8games
    Z8games is also known as Smilegate West
    Z8games has no power over content releasing
    Smilegate decides what we are getting and how the CF versions are ran and the profit goes to their pockets
    You can't possibly know the salaries of SG employess, so don't spread false rumors
    Try to think for a while
    Who would possibly want to pay for a weapon and then play against other paying users?
    Everyone is spending money to have an advantage over other players
    Making a gp server would only mean less profit for SG
    And knowing this company we will NEVER see a gp server

    Also don't complain about "fake" levels
    It is just an icon next to your name, it doesn't even matter
  • well K4 how about they get rid of those pictures and u can lose that lil 2 star general u payed 500 bucks for. i bet you wouldnt be very happy about losing that.
  • 2NE1Minzy wrote: »
    well K4 how about they get rid of those pictures and u can lose that lil 2 star general u payed 500 bucks for. i bet you wouldnt be very happy about losing that.

    I reached colonel level before we got the VIP weapons
    Idc about level after we got the VIPs because everyone farmed their asses off and now level doesn't matter
    I could farm my way up to 5 stars with my 6 VIPs in a week but i don't care
    I don't mind loosing my level as long this will happen to everyone else
    The only thing matters is how you play the game not an icon near your name
  • NBAownage wrote: »
    We pay to keep crossfire from not shutting down you noob we help you gg get rekt.

    NWclan wrote: »
    OP is an idiot. I don't buy zp, and the only reason you, and so many other players, think that VIP weapons are 'op' is because you're awful. Z8 will never make a GP only server, or implement any room options which don't allow VIPs.

    Exactly! This OP is a weak player if it cannot kill VIPs ^^
    2NE1Minzy wrote: »
    NWclan i looked at your profile and your worst off then i am. i got a 2.1 kdr vs ur 1.7 and itend to only play SnD so i dont have my TDM score carrying that. my ign is [2NE1]-MINZY have a look and just FYI i have nvr resetted my scores if that what ur gonna think.

    Comparing scores, pffff.. I've seen terrible KDR from extremly good players so don't even dare... I play since early 2009, everyone was just playing without much care for score, only a few had over 2,0 KDR. I had 2,4 KDR, now it's 4,7 on a later account from spring 2011... If you talk this damn way then be it. My rank was almost colonel till i've got my first VIP weapon but it's not rank that defines a good player. The best one is the one who just plays for fun and takes a break when he thinks that the game is bad and gives no entertainment.

    PS. Games for players are for entertainment so why are you mad if we purchase VIP guns to have even more fun?
  • the only thing i'm thinking about is who's the person in your profile picture
    im pretty sure shes not from 2ne1 because they all look ugly but the sing pretty good
  • FFS all the hate towards your idea(which in my opinion is a good idea)
    I totally understand how you feel, it's annoying.
    Especially in GM when you see someone spamming the special attack of his/her VIP and getting kills with it.
    It's just like a shield which protects them even after failing to kill you with the 36 OP bullets of those VIPuzzi weapons.
  • Don't you see that OP just suggests something that would raise the gamefun for many players who aren't able/willing to pay for this game but still enjoy it as long as it is balanced?
  • somesoul wrote: »
    Don't you see that OP just suggests something that would raise the gamefun for many players who aren't able/willing to pay for this game but still enjoy it as long as it is balanced?

    The thing is that people like the OP are kicking VIPs everytime they can even if the VIP is not using his/hers VIP gun, understood!? Many of OP like people are jealouse couse they cannot afford ZP items aswell... . If we pay for the game we want to be entertained by it, not kicked by some random lames who are simply weak players! DAMN UNDERSTOOD!?
  • vHellcat wrote: »
    The thing is that people like the OP are kicking VIPs everytime they can even if the VIP is not using his/hers VIP gun, understood!? Many of OP like people are jealouse couse they cannot afford ZP items aswell... . If we pay for the game we want to be entertained by it, not kicked by some random lames who are simply weak players! DAMN UNDERSTOOD!?

    I dont kick VIP for using their guns but i do try to get them to use regular guns. its the player that have no real honor code amongs the other players to make it a fair game that causes all the problems. They make plenty of money even w/o VIP guns dude. the game was around 5 years b4 VIP showed. this game doesnt run in VIP sales it run more on how many idiots spend 1000$ everytime a new ZP crate pops up. VIP purchases is just a small portion of there sales. 1 person has 6 VIP guns? big deal, there are ppl spending more that you everyday on non VIP weps
  • What kind of biased opinion is that?

    Damage-wise, the VIPs aren't a step ahead of their regular counterparts.

    If you actually were any good in this game you would realize that it isn't the gun that makes the player.
  • Hi,

    Any scrim player would agree with 2NE1Minzy, however this idea would probably get whipped anyways for the lack of interest.

    To be clear, VIP guns are overpowered. Accuracy-wise? Oh no, I only have to hold my fire button and get multi-kills while my bullet proof helmet keeps me from getting killed by headshot.

    And that's just an understatement as there are a lot of benefits you get from having a VIP.

    Also, 2NE1Minzy would probably kick all your ass' as would any scrim player. However, this doesn't mean it can't be annoying having to deal with it all the time.

    @2NE1Minzy, as a fellow GP player, I'm afraid you'd have to deal with it.


  • GO 2NE1Minzy!

    Had fun reading through this.

    It's funny how the VIP players responding are basically posting "I paid money so you need to shut up and go away so I can keep doing whatever I want!"

    Yep, I'm VIP. Yep i think they are OP in multiple aspects, anyone saying otherwise is lying to themselves.

    VIPs die the same as everyone else...

    My opinion is that about 90% of the VIPs I run into in game are Bullies and use their VIPs to bully others. I constantly see VIPs only joining on teams with other VIPs. So games end up one sided and unbalanced. Sucks really and i think a "Competitive" mode server with restricted weapons would be great fun. A server like this is not going to stop me from buying my Barret M82A1 Iron Shark when it comes out nor my Fates VIP toon.
  • First off, everyone is at equal grounds in this game to begin with. That does not mean that everybody is restricted to the same pool of weapons, but instead means that everyone is free to buy any kind of weapon the game offers and use it.
    What you are basically trying to do is to enforce your playing style upon others.
    A GP only server would discriminate players as it would deprive them of their free weapon choice.
    If you don't want to pay for the game, it's fine. By now, CF UK/NA offers enough opportunities to get good free weapons and earn reasonable amounts of GP in reasonable timeframes.

    You just should be aware of the fact that you're basically a bad customer in the eyes of the game. If everyone acted like you, just playing with free items, this game wouldn't last another month. So of course the game is about making money and any idea that promotes playing with free items only too strongly will have to be rejected.

    Do VIP weapons make your game somewhat easier? Of course they do. That's why they cost quite a lot of real-world money. Are they the main source of income for the game? Maybe not, but they should come closely after the BM. And, more importantly, they also reach players that are willing to spend money on the game, but want a secure reward, something that the BM can't provide. So basically they're an extension of their money-making strategy that reaches additional groups of customers.

    If you envy people with VIP weapons because it is easier for them to get kills or gain experience or if you despise people who bought items with ZP to rank up faster, it is your own personal problem. You're surely not alone with this, but all you guys have to solve that on your own instead of trying to force your self-imposed rules upon all other players.
    Your rules may they be due to not having enough money, not wanting to spend money on the game or just for the sake of so-called skill (which has practically no value except being something one can brag about). It doesn't matter what your reasons are for playing this way. All that matters is that you're free to play by whatever rules you want, but that you're not free to even try to force other players to abide your rules instead of their own.

    It's just important to note that you are free to buy any content you want in-game, just like any other player: we all are on equal grounds. This of course can't take into account that people have different backgrounds and different amounts of money at their disposal, but that's another story...

    TL/DR: Read the text!

    best regards,
  • Urkel2005 wrote: »
    First off, everyone is at equal grounds in this game to begin with. That does not mean that everybody is restricted to the same pool of weapons, but instead means that everyone is free to buy any kind of weapon the game offers and use it.
    What you are basically trying to do is to enforce your playing style upon others.
    A GP only server would discriminate players as it would deprive them of their free weapon choice.
    If you don't want to pay for the game, it's fine. By now, CF UK/NA offers enough opportunities to get good free weapons and earn reasonable amounts of GP in reasonable timeframes.

    You just should be aware of the fact that you're basically a bad customer in the eyes of the game. If everyone acted like you, just playing with free items, this game wouldn't last another month. So of course the game is about making money and any idea that promotes playing with free items only too strongly will have to be rejected.

    Do VIP weapons make your game somewhat easier? Of course they do. That's why they cost quite a lot of real-world money. Are they the main source of income for the game? Maybe not, but they should come closely after the BM. And, more importantly, they also reach players that are willing to spend money on the game, but want a secure reward, something that the BM can't provide. So basically they're an extension of their money-making strategy that reaches additional groups of customers.

    If you envy people with VIP weapons because it is easier for them to get kills or gain experience or if you despise people who bought items with ZP to rank up faster, it is your own personal problem. You're surely not alone with this, but all you guys have to solve that on your own instead of trying to force your self-imposed rules upon all other players.
    Your rules may they be due to not having enough money, not wanting to spend money on the game or just for the sake of so-called skill (which has practically no value except being something one can brag about). It doesn't matter what your reasons are for playing this way. All that matters is that you're free to play by whatever rules you want, but that you're not free to even try to force other players to abide your rules instead of their own.

    It's just important to note that you are free to buy any content you want in-game, just like any other player: we all are on equal grounds. This of course can't take into account that people have different backgrounds and different amounts of money at their disposal, but that's another story...

    TL/DR: Read the text!

    best regards,

    Well said .
  • Let me put it this way, the VIP users pay their real money, not you. They're probably the one that buy ZP crates because I know you being the GP player don't buy them. Without the people that paying their real money for VIP and ZP crates you wouldn't be able to play this game for free.

    A player should know that he's a parasite if they don't spend any money on this game. If you want your own GP server than why would the VIP user pay for that server, when they can't use their VIP weapon there?