About Farming

Nowadays we are have many complaints regards to the "Farming" issue and a lot of players upset of these robots! So I suggest created a new system which will help to track the the abnormal levelling (farming) of players.


Here is the ban policy for the farmers:

1st time Farming: 15 Days Ban & Reset the Rank (Exp goes back to 0)

2nd time Farming: 30 Days Ban & Reset the Rank (Exp goes back to 0)

3rd time Farming: Permanent Ban & Reset the Rank (Exp goes back to 0)

GP will be reset (GP goes back to 0)

Note: This system is available in another version.


  • People have been complaining about this for 5 years. Nothing will change until the money stops.
  • ' wrote:
    Sake;4244161']They stated before that while they do not encourage it, they do not forbid farming either.
    Only the use of 3rd party programs is against the rules.

    This thread is quite ironic, considering that you yourself farmed your rank to marshal.

    theres lots of people who farmed there ranks and now thinks farming should not be allowed.
  • DarkArtZ wrote: »
    theres lots of people who farmed there ranks and now thinks farming should not be allowed.

    True, but I mistook him for someone else, he didn't farm his rank to marshal.
    Sorry, TE]Patriot.
  • 95% of Farming rooms in NA4 server! And all farming clans Known to all Gaza, Favorite...etc
    So what about delete these clans and add a new system which will help to track the the abnormal levelling (farming) of players.
    ' wrote:
    Sake;4244163']True, but I mistook him for someone else, he didn't farm his rank to marshal.
    Sorry, TE]Patriot.
    I didn't play farm, it's a game for fun!
  • Again,who dafuq cares about farming.

    Why would Z8 ban people for playing their game with our HUGE PLAYERBASE that we have right now(/sarcasm) it's only a rank.
  • Who cares about farming? So many from the clans did farm, so many players did farm.
    People should stop really care about farming and more doing hack reports against kids who actually ruin this game.
  • Although Saidin is no longer considered a Z8 employee, he did put out an official remark about farming in the past.
    [GM]Saidin wrote: »
    We would like to make a note here about "farming". Legitimate farming, that is if you want to play the game with your friends and create VIP only rooms designed to boost your exp to the maximum levels is fine. 8-10-16 physical players in a room all self killing and/or farming is something we cannot stop as it's part of the game.

    EDIT: Saidin made another remark about farming here as well.
  • It would be interesting, But that would be to Hackers. I do not see anything wrong with a room together 16 players to win more xp. This prohibition is Great , but directed to Hackers. Provided the player not use illegal program.
  • Everyone stopped caring after we seen Z8game doesn't care.

    Sent a lot of replays about botting and all of them still bot in NA4.. I just wasted my time with the reports.
  • Bold Font for everyone to read.
    svanced wrote: »
    Again,who dafuq cares about farming.

    Why would Z8 ban people for playing their game with our HUGE PLAYERBASE that we have right now(/sarcasm) it's only a rank.

    Actually many care. Here's the main reasons why:

    Farmers not only abuse Rank but they abuse GP gains like hell & they accumulate so much they can literally get anything they want with the GP currency. They get from thousands of days gears/items (I.e Bag 3 & 4 ect) to GP Crates weaponry of their choice.

    Which then affects us.. Z8 are aware of the GP gains players make with farming rooms and VIP's its self, so that's why the latest GP Crates give NO Coupons, thanks to the wonderful farmers (sarcasm).

    What else do they abuse.. oh, they also abuse clan competition. Clans with the top grades/ranks are the actual farming clans that farm like low life zombies all day in N. America Server 4. The top farming clan contenders: Egypt, Egypt II, Russia, Gaza and more.


    Basically that said, they ruin items/weapons value as they exploit the game, & then they mess up clan competition for the competitors. It's not just RANK, so I agree with this suggestion.

    CF Z8 Team, should find a solution to detect & punish these more obvious farmers to reduce these pleb like players from destroying our game value & fun, IF they care about the loyal legit players & the game itself, of course.
  • You're so wrong. It doesn't affect people at all.
    First you only cheat on rank not on skill. Second you gain a lot of gp if you have 3 or more in your bag. Third i don't see anything wrong with people farming.
    A lot of people are talking sh1t against farmers. But back then when we had to reach like 100.000.000 kills for the ribbon. People did cry how z8games is unfair and they did rely on the farmers to do their jobs. Now this kind of thread comes up and when the ribbons return they will again beg for the farmers to do their job. I just simply don't get those kind of people. They want to "erase" farmers, but when they need to do something they say: Oh i hope farmers will help us out.
    I just do not see any threat that people farm for the gp or exp, cuz they do not cheat nor ruin someones exp. Cuz they are farming on private rooms not publicly.
  • Farming is allowed, but not condoned. Using a third party program (aka, using a bot that will farm on its own) is not allowed though. However, most (nade)bots aren't that easy to detect.

    I'm more preoccupied with hackers than farmers, since farmer don't affect your gameplay ( @tuga : they might have loads of GP, but they also have VIP weapons, so why would the GP guns bother you?).
  • [MOD]Vu wrote: »
    Farming is allowed, but not condoned. Using a third party program (aka, using a bot that will farm on its own) is not allowed though. However, most (nade)bots aren't that easy to detect.

    I'm more preoccupied with hackers than farmers, since farmer don't affect your gameplay ( @tuga : they might have loads of GP, but they also have VIP weapons, so why would the GP guns bother you?).

    This is basically exactly what I have to say on the topic of farming.

    We (I'll admit to having farmed before) have basically all the VIP weapons, seeing as how a lot of farming rooms are +4 minimum now. Why would we really care about the GP crate weapons? I own every single one of them, but I didn't get the GP from farming, because guess what? The GP gain isn't that stupid high even from farming where we can easily obtain the millions of GP it takes to get all the crate weapons. Through farming, I've gotten MAYBE 200K GP, of the 4.8 million GP it took me to get all the GP crate weapons. And yes, I kept track.

    The two past GP crates not having coupons wasn't because of the farmers as you seem to think. It was because the developers decided that's the way it would be, and Z8 Games didn't try to argue. Simple as that.
  • iZeroChan wrote: »
    The two past GP crates not having coupons wasn't because of the farmers as you seem to think. It was because the developers decided that's the way it would be, and Z8 Games didn't try to argue. Simple as that.

    This is off topic but I just want to add that if people want to get coupons with GP crates, they can blow millions for 40 coupons on the old crates. The new temporary weapon prize system is pretty nice if players aren't filthy rich, because they can win a temporary version, try it out and stop spinning if they realize they don't like the guns.
  • That's meaning if two players entered a room and there are a noob player and pro player, the pro player will ban, because he may kill him with ou deaths. Its happens.
    Yes I am a farmer but I am talking now like a normall player plus I sold my computer which I was open anther acc on it and farm from the lap, I don't like to lie on people to farm them. I am not with this suggestion, Its my opinion.
  • Tuga1991 wrote: »
    long-ass bs[/COLOR]

    Any more first world issues? You can get enough GP for bags 3 and 4 even if you play legitimately or enough GP to spin 10 crates/day.

    Is that why you cannot play this game? Because of other people's rank? And not because of hackers? F*king hell,this community never seizes to amaze me.
  • Let me make this clearer, so please read if your confused with my previous opinion...

    I don't care about farmers abusing ranks... it doesn't effect the game.
    The only problems that bother players like me is the GP abuse that can cause bad changes in-game or just simply kill the games value over-all.

    How does farmers effect players, you guys ask?
    Well it's simple, with the GP abuse going on in my opinion it can only cause negative changes like in this case Coupons have been removed from the 3 recent GP Crates..
    Example: Players who need Coupons (through the GP Black-Market) but don't want to gamble on old GP Crates as they already have/or don't want those old Crate weapons, have to force themselves to gamble away on those GP Crates because they're after the Coupons that they need.. which sucks big time as they are most likely to get a redundant permanent weapon they don't need instead of going for something totally new!

    I don't have proof that Coupons were removed because of farmers abusing GP with VIP nade farming ect, but it's only logical that most of us think the DEV's did this because of the GP rise (in the CF database) on many farmers accounts & the removal of the Coupons without a proper announcement was unusual!

    Clan Competition is legit dead as well, unless they come up with innovating ideas but the top 30 clans are most probably farming clans like the ones we already know about in the N.A - 4 Server. Other clans have no chance to legitimately get up in the top spots, unless they join in with the farmers (which is boring asf).

    Thus, in my honest opinion farming does effect the game... maybe not much maybe not at all, (for some of you) but it does for some of us like in the above aspects.

    Yes, Farmers are not an overall game breaking issue, we have other priorities to focus on like hackers/laggers, who really do effect the game, but farmers are the next worry. They're no fun & de-value the game (GP wise) as well as ruin the fun of others who work legitimately (Clan wise).

    Who knows what else farmers will ruin next, maybe DEV's will one day stop bringing GP Crates/GP Items, who knows!?.. Only time will tell.

    That is all, I'm done discussing this subject. ;)
  • Tuga1991 wrote: »

    I don't have proof that Coupons were removed because of farmers abusing GP with VIP nade farming

    Just to get you on a little point. Coupons weapons were removed cuz they were for quite a long time in the coupon storage.
    They were not removed cause of farmers. They didn't want that people spend a lot of coupons only on the permanent things like awm camo, axe, m4a1 crystal, ak gold, m4a1-c, m4a1 gold and etc.
    So coupons items(what i named) were removed for being 2-4 years in storage. Who would spend actually coupons on same weapons over and over again getting like 30-40 of them? No one.
  • Although Saidin is no longer considered a Z8 employee, he did put out an official remark about farming in the past.

    EDIT: Saidin made another remark about farming here as well.

    "Saidin is no longer considered a Z8 employee"
  • Swuunis wrote: »
    "Saidin is no longer considered a Z8 employee"

    What he said at the time was still on the behalf of Z8.
    What are you getting at?
  • ' wrote:
    Sake;4244396']What he said at the time was still on the behalf of Z8.
    What are you getting at?

    Sake do not waste your time on those kind of fools.
    He still thinks that Saidin works for the Z8games.
    Which is sad that he still lives in the past.
  • What's your problem with farmers? Are they ruining your gameplay like hackers do? I don't think so.
  • EgybtVIB wrote: »
    What's your problem with farmers? Are they ruining your gameplay like hackers do? I don't think so.

    Well they ruin the ranking system and legitimate competition between other players. Hackers pretty much do the same thing only with skill levels, so why do you have a problem with cheaters? If cheaters want to artificially inflate their "skill" level by using cheats then shouldn't it be allowed but only frowned upon? It is literally the same thing as farming. They should just reset the ranks and remove the ranking system out of the game.

    I'm just saying... If you are going to allow farmers then allow cheaters, because farming is cheating.

    I am not against or for farming.
  • Well they ruin the ranking system and legitimate competition between other players. Hackers pretty much do the same thing only with skill levels, so why do you have a problem with cheaters? If cheaters want to artificially inflate their "skill" level by using cheats then shouldn't it be allowed but only frowned upon? It is literally the same thing as farming. They should just reset the ranks and remove the ranking system out of the game.

    I'm just saying... If you are going to allow farmers then allow cheaters, because farming is cheating.

    I am not against or for farming.

    This aint CSGO,the "ranking" system only shows how much you play the game(with or without dozens of VIP's) with the use of EXP points,simmilar thing has been brought it recenlty into CSGO,where you get EXP when you play on official servers,but its only a visual thingy.

    A true ranking system,based on player's skill is available in CFCN and will probably come to our version aswell. Really,who cares about someone having a high rank with 30k kills and 90k deaths when you have your legitimate 1+ or 2+ KDR profile? (or even higher KDR lel)

    (obviously nade bots are banable but gl finding them)
  • I'm just saying... If you are going to allow farmers then allow cheaters, because farming is cheating.

    Farming is not ruining gameplay of the CF and doesn't even ruining someones experience. Like i said: Farmers do the games private not public. So it doesn't affect on anyone's kdr/wlr. However the cheating situation is actually affecting anyone's kdr/wlr, cuz for cheating you must use 3rd party program which is not legit. So technically saying farming is not cheating, only boosting your rank. But we all know that you can farm however you want but you cannot get trough that any skills. Which people will say: you can farm, but have you earned skills for that rank?
    Saying: if you're going to allow farmer then allow cheaters is basically stupid suggestion.
    Cuz between farming and cheating is a big difference. Just people do not understand that real threat come from cheaters. Which i find it funny how people are trying to point their finger towards farmers instead to the cheaters.
    But of course people would rather love to see cheaters playing this game than farmers. Cuz by some of the posts people actually love cheaters than farmers.
    But yea lets go people. Let's ban farmers and make more space for the cheaters. Cuz it seems cheating is more "legit" stuff, than farming.
  • BlindNate wrote: »
    Sake do not waste your time on those kind of fools.
    He still thinks that Saidin works for the Z8games.
    Which is sad that he still lives in the past.

    not sure if you're being serious, I can't really take you serious anyway. I've seen your pic, you look autistic and you spell like a retard which you fucking are.

    Like how old are you now? 30??? I just don't understand how you even have time to play this game, you must be proud spending +100$ for a virtual gun

    ****ing pathetic
  • EgybtVIB wrote: »
    What's your problem with farmers? Are they ruining your gameplay like hackers do? I don't think so.


    Only useful/real post I seen in this whole thread.

    Can a MOD close this pointless thread?
  • Swuunis wrote: »
    not sure if you're being serious, I can't really take you serious anyway. I've seen your pic, you look autistic and you spell like a retard which you fucking are.

    Like how old are you now? 30??? I just don't understand how you even have time to play this game, you must be proud spending +100$ for a virtual gun

    ****ing pathetic

    Like i give a eff what you have honest opinion about me.
    Besides since when you're my parents to say: why you're buying virtual guns?
    If you care soo less about this game, why you're even here. If you were smarter (which from the point i see you're obviously not), you wouldn't even be here and spent your time on smart things. But obviously you're just here to troll and talk trash, which you don't have better things to do in your life.
    So yea you can tease me, you can talk trash towards me, but i simply do not care about kids who want some attention in their lives.
    You're just same as average egyptians who keep begging for the vips or trying to scamm people. That's what i think about you since you care soo much about my god damn life.
  • svanced wrote: »
    Again,who dafuq cares about farming.

    Why would Z8 ban people for playing their game with our HUGE PLAYERBASE that we have right now(/sarcasm) it's only a rank.

    What he said. No one with a minimum of awareness will give a damn about ranks.
  • Swuunis wrote: »
    not sure if you're being serious, I can't really take you serious anyway. I've seen your pic, you look autistic and you spell like a retard which you fucking are.

    Like how old are you now? 30??? I just don't understand how you even have time to play this game, you must be proud spending +100$ for a virtual gun

    ****ing pathetic

    Mad cuz u cant afford? ;)
This discussion has been closed.