" Failed to connect to server "
Please contact support with following information:
- Error message (screenshot)
- Date since when you experience the issue:
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Thank you! -
Are you serious? Dont you control your servers?! Login server is down for 1 hour! Dont advice to send support ticket. Do your work! Other servers are ok.
Please be aware that the login servers are not down for us, and that we need the reports from our players in order to find issues like this one.
However, we did notice a fluctuation of the amount of players online and inform right the way the server team.
The team is investigating the issue and working on a fix.
Thank you for your understanding! -
[GM]Celestine wrote: »Please be aware that the login servers are not down for us, and that we need the reports from our players in order to find issues like this one.
However, we did notice a fluctuation of the amount of players online and inform right the way the server team.
The team is investigating the issue and working on a fix.
Thank you for your understanding!
I love how humble you are with handling children as such. -
rly ![GM]Celestine wrote: »Please contact support with following information:
- Error message (screenshot)
- Date since when you experience the issue:
- Location: (city/state/country)
- IPS (internet provider):
- IP address:
- Operation system: (Windows version)
- Channels you cannot connect to:
- Channels you are able to connect to:
Thank you!
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