Rumble in the Jungle - May 6th, 2015


Attention Mercenaries,
Black List activity has been spotted in a new amusement park in the jungle. Why they are there remains to be seen, however we cannot chance that they may be attempting to set traps in the amusement park for when it opens. We need you to infiltrate the area and deal with them... permanently. But be quiet about it! To help you navigate the jungle stealthily we're releasing a group of Amazon themed weapons for a limited time as well.


Water Park
Black List has struck again. This time ambushing innocent citizens relaxing in a water park of all places. While Global Risk could not be positive of Black List's motive; they none the less could not stand the incursion, and moved to intercept the intruders.

Assassination Mode
The most effective mercenaries are not just deadly because of the weapons they hold, they are also formidable at hand to hand combat.

*This mode is only available on Water Park*

Holding Right Click when you sneak up behind someone will allow you to perform an Assassination kill. Doing this will give you 3 kills instead of just one for that game. (In the profile it will still only show as 1 kill)


Amazon Set A

An upgraded M4A1 with a silencer, a 35 round magazine and a stylish tiger skin paint job.

L86 LSW-Amazon
An L86 LSW tuned for high accuracy and given a rarely seen, tropical rain forest skin.

M1858 New Army-Zebra
The classic M1858 New Army, it has been given a faster chamber cycling and elusive zebra skin paint job.

Amazon Set B

The Dragunov-Tiger is not like the other tiger weapons. It uses a black and silver tiger stripe pattern

Desert Eagle-Snake
A Desert Eagle with high power and given a snake paint job.

Hunting Knife
A basic army knife, modified for hunting purposes. Great for hunting prey, be it beast or man.

Coupon Exchange - 70 Coupons

The latest assault rifle developed by the Chinese. It uses the same DBP87 ammunition as the QBZ-95.


The new clan auto-dismissal policies will be going into effect as of today. If you aren't aware of what policies those are, see here!



**** PATCH NOTES ****

* Added *
- Water Park Added to TDM Map Pool
- Assassination Mode added to Water Park
- Amazon Set A Crate added to Black Market (available for a limited time)
- M4A1-S-Tiger
- L86 LSW-Amazon
- M1858 New Army-Zebra
- Amazon Set B Crate added to Black Market (available for a limited time)
- Dragunov-Tiger
- Desert Eagle-Snake
- Hunting Knife
- QBZ03 (90 days) Added to 70 Coupon Tier of Coupon Exchange

* Removed *
- Blossoms Mega Crate
- RX4 Storm (90 Days) removed from 70 Coupon tier of Coupon Exchange
- Repair Costs and Gauge removed from weapons from the Zombie Mode Boxes.

* Fixed *
- Fixed a bug where a certain building on Pier39 could be shot though
- Fixed a bug where the Friend Nomination button overlapped with other buttons for certain modes in the lobby.
- Fixed a bug with the M4A1-Custom Crystal's model having a different buttstock from what appeared in the storage image.
- Fixed a bug with the M4A1-Custom Crystal's texture was not displaying properly in 3rd person.
- Fixed a bug where the textures on the Smile grenade could be missing
- Fixed a bug where the knife only restriction icon did not appear in the room list of the channel lobby
- Fixed a bug where a door on the map Eagle Eye would display oddly when looked at
- Fixed a bug with EMD Hard mode, where the rubble behind the Geared Serpent would sometimes not have the correct texture.


This discussion has been closed.