WCA NA Qualifers - Armor - Yes or No

My question to the community is if you guys think armor should be included in the upcoming WCA qualifier.

In every version across the world, whether it be online, national, or international Crossfire tournaments there is armor present in every match played. Throughout the years we have not incorporated that in our own version. In my opinion, armor should be allowed as it only makes sense to send the best team that can play with armor to a tournament that requires armor to be used.

I have spoken with several international players and countries such as Philippines, Brazil, Russia, and they were all surprised that we did not use armor and thought it was ridiculous.

Please state below whether you support armor in this event and attach a brief explanation. If anyone has additional information on the WCA qualifier and such, please do not discuss here as this is solely to discuss whether armor should, or should not be allowed.

Edit: This should be further implemented into our leagues and tournaments in ESG/ESL
