Is it time that z8games close IP for Arabs and Turks?

Ok i am late with this responds by z8games but couple weeks ago i sented this message to z8games:
And this is what they did respond to me:
(won't post the picture cause it will be huge)
As far the situation goes, most of the time Arabs (those who aren't true gamers and destroy this game)) are cheating, scamming and ravaging this good game. Now i don't say that all of them are like that. 60% of Arabs are for now who literally doing that. The true gamer will never cheat in the game, no matter of what kind of situation is, he will stay loyal and build their skills. As few of my friends who are also Egyptians support my idea, but i want to see what z8games community thinks.
As from me, yes they should be IP restricted, cause most of the those who are cheating they either play on Cafe-net locations or on old Pc that can run windows 7 and CF. Even some Turks did start to cheat which it brings this game to a big question So tell me what you guys thinking about that, do the Arabs still deserve to have open "creating accounts" to use a cheat and play (depart of those who are legit players) or do they deserve to be Ip restricted and finally end this madness. Cause most of the time cheaters can be seen in uk1, NA 1 with their scamming sites, cheat websites and etc. So please share what you guys think about this suggestion. But keep it clean.


  • You know that they won't do that even though most of egys dont bring anything good to the game except filling up the blue bar of servers so the game looks less dead.
  • "..which is read regularly by our staff.."mhmm.. something fishy about that line :rolleyes:

    They should block the IPs.

    This game isn't fun anymore, most of my Ghost Mode friends left due to the hackers shooting them from GR base with a shotgun..

    There's a lot more I can think of but not going to type it on my phone.. since my IP is blocked from using the forums...(best fixers) =]]]
  • Its not so easy to block thier IP's niether its easy to restrict how many accounts a person should be able to create. Why? Because it sinks thier boat of profit. Not all Egyptians hack while I do agree that most hackers have Egyptian IGN's.

    Niether I play that much these days nor I seen any hackers lately.

    This would be another forgotten thread because there has been lots of threads about this topic. Sorry, you, probably, wasted your time.

    Opinions, restrictions, and rage. Heh
  • I think it would be advantageous for Smilegate to either restrict the IPs or to put a server closer to Egypt, but at the same time limiting the amount of accounts that can be made to 3 (excluding accounts already made). This in my opinion would fix the problem of egy hackers because either they won't be able to make any new accounts(first idea) or when they are banned 3 times(3 accounts(second idea)) then they will no longer be able to play. I think if we keep the Egys though adding a server near them is a must because their lag can be just as bad as their hacks sometimes.
  • i am an Egyption player and i agree with you i hate hackers they are useless player but also there is aproblem they should increase the protection against hackers and for a new server near to egypt i agree with you i have made a post for this but rember not all egyption are hacking there are many hackers in the world wide
  • i am an Egyption player and i agree with you i hate hackers they are useless player but also there is aproblem they should increase the protection against hackers and for a new server near to egypt i agree with you i have made a post for this but rember not all egyption are hacking there are many hackers in the world wide
    So true, "Not all egyption are hacking there are many hackers in the world wide"
    I know people from Egypt that never hacked, than I know people from Sweden that hacked.
  • BlindNate wrote: »
    Ok i am late with this responds by z8games but couple weeks ago i sented this message to z8games:
    And this is what they did respond to me:
    (won't post the picture cause it will be huge)
    As far the situation goes, most of the time Arabs (those who aren't true gamers and destroy this game)) are cheating, scamming and ravaging this good game. Now i don't say that all of them are like that. 60% of Arabs are for now who literally doing that. The true gamer will never cheat in the game, no matter of what kind of situation is, he will stay loyal and build their skills. As few of my friends who are also Egyptians support my idea, but i want to see what z8games community thinks.
    As from me, yes they should be IP restricted, cause most of the those who are cheating they either play on Cafe-net locations or on old Pc that can run windows 7 and CF. Even some Turks did start to cheat which it brings this game to a big question So tell me what you guys thinking about that, do the Arabs still deserve to have open "creating accounts" to use a cheat and play (depart of those who are legit players) or do they deserve to be Ip restricted and finally end this madness. Cause most of the time cheaters can be seen in uk1, NA 1 with their scamming sites, cheat websites and etc. So please share what you guys think about this suggestion. But keep it clean.

    Crossfire is a Free 2 Play Game : in the most F2P Games are hackers ithink the ost hackers comes from Egypt but is no problem i see never a F2P Game without hackers
  • wtf dude why you should block allah for ?
    are you a racist?
  • 3000en3 wrote: »
    wtf dude why you should block allah for ?
    are you a racist?

    anyway, bringing religion into an online game just doesn't make sence. So shut your mouth nobody here is racist.
  • As long as they bring in money, they aren't going anywhere.
  • lol cookies doesn't make sense either block it too noob.
  • i dont understand you guys frist are you guys crying for soo less players online and now you want to close more ips ?
    lol if you guys do that r.i.p crossfire na
  • Crossfire will be better off without those hacker noobs in there
  • The border walls are evil!

    We should IP restrict every country except NA, Canada and the UK...

    We IP restrict latin america all day long, might as well ip restrict everyone outside of the range for that reason.. and force everyone to play their own cf versions...

    (Not) (This is sarcasm^)

    I feel this is horrible that every version of crossfire IP restricts who is allowed to access it and from what country. We need to destroy the wall that separates us as people. We are one race. Quit letting usernames of people judge who you are.. if I changed my name to something with "BR" in it, "brs" will not kick me.. If I change my name to "Ahmed" or Mohammed" players with Ahmed or Mohammed won't kick me..if I have "Xiao" in my name, other "Chinese and oriental usernames" will not rage kick me. why? Most players with these usernames aren't necessarily associated with said countries. Just the username is stereotyped towards those people due to racism.

    "But their ping is so high! These players most be from far away to establish a ping like that""

    Ip hiders are the reason for this, VPN servers add extra ping to players while accessing crossfire, because the data(packets) has to get sent to the VPN server and THEN to z8games.. Then it is sent from Z8games to the VPN server, which is then sent to you. Also, if anyone gets IP blocked out of crossfire, they can easily get around these blocks with the use of a VPN server. This is how most get around bans and how many out of country players access CF.

    But if you already have 250 ping from out of country, it'll turn into about 400 ping(Hardly playable) If you have about 60-100 ping, it'll double to 120-200.. This is about the range most "Racist Labels" are placed in, from Latin America all the way to china... Ironic isn't it? some of these people also will "Half ass" speak the corresponding language in which they portray.

    Bottom line: NA/CA/EU crossfire players are falling for the racist labeling of usernames, and letting petty idiots that have the ability to evade bans sway their opinions of real people from around the world! We must burn down this wall for it is evil and separates us all.

    Ha-ckers are from every country, IP restricting will not slow them down one bit. Especially since anyone can access a VPN server nowadays.

    Edit: This should be copy pasted onto several forum posts.. instead I will make my own!
  • Crossfire will be better off without those hacker noobs in there

    I was around since before the IP restrictions were even thought of.

    After the IP restrictions the amount of ha-ckers actually increased. More IP restrictions will not eliminate ha-ckers who have access to VPN servers.

    If you do not know what a VPN is, google it! The most common tool used to get around IP restrictions AND bans!
  • Altair, i know you since a long time, we play like many years this game version here, man, it's hard to say, but the glorious days are over for this game version, we must accept it. Sincerly Dennis. Username: Joker?

    Your Message have so much passion, and you get a slightly modified bot reply from Smilegate West staff. What a shame! The downfall of this game version is
    unstoppable, sad and horrified me too. But we can not change anything. Sad but true.
  • }Zombie wrote: »
    Your Message have so much passion, and you get a slightly modified bot reply from Smilegate West staff. What a shame!

    I know ....

    I went once in some program 4 years ago.. do not know what program exactly was where you can talk in microphone (it not was tean speak or ventrilo) was a program that used it only admins ... Anyway there was five Admins including Saidin one was a girl's voice and other children's voices ,

    I want to say that we expect from their reply to the support ticket , we dont need to wonder why we get this answers . ;)
  • As an Egyptian, I fully support your idea.
    Most of the Egyptians ruin the fun in this game..An action has to be taken.
  • We do read this subforum ;)

    I posted this in another thread, but it pretty much sums up what I can say about this topic:
    Just wanted to le you know that just because something is not seen now, that does not mean that there are not discussions where these types of ideas are voiced and discussed. There could be very good reasons that this idea is not a reality right now.

    We will just need to see what the future has in store.
  • dude, im egy too
    and your idea us the worst ever
    if they bann egy ips . how would i play?
    Egys + turks + North americans =CF NA
  • Riddle15 wrote: »
    dude, im egy too
    and your idea us the worst ever
    if they bann egy ips . how would i play?
    Egys + turks + North americans =CF NA

    Yeah, because Egypt + Turkey + North America totally ='s North America...

    Your logic is flawed, the only reason you are opposing this is for your own profit, rather than seeing how much help it would bring to all the other players.
  • In my opinion they should in fact ban them from making multiple accounts. Also, I feel like this game should just be limited to areas which servers are made for. Recently CrossFire servers have been make for other areas, so why not just have a CrossFire for their area? I'm sure they have a big enough player-base for their own servers to play on. Anyway these are just some of my opinion thrown out there.

  • WhyURaging wrote: »
    In my opinion they should in fact ban them from making multiple accounts. Also, I feel like this game should just be limited to areas which servers are made for. Recently CrossFire servers have been make for other areas, so why not just have a CrossFire for their area? I'm sure they have a big enough player-base for their own servers to play on. Anyway these are just some of my opinion thrown out there.


    They already have good pings on the UK servers so they don't need a new game made just for them. All they need to do is not click on the first server on the top... They don't get the NA and UK parts. For some people, these are just names. For others, its the server they belong to.
  • Lets to not advance so far with BAN IP , I do not think they agree to any one of us to wake up with IP BAN , BEST solution is like they do in our regional (Europe) we cant make any new accounts , because we from europe if we want to make a new accounts need to play with HOT SPOT Shield or WTFAST and if we from europe will have ping with this program +80 think how they will have with +400 :)) , soo i think they need to block / restric regional like how they did to us in Europe .
  • BlindNate wrote: »
    Ok i am late with this responds by z8games but couple weeks ago i sented this message to z8games:
    And this is what they did respond to me:

    Support Love to Copy&Paste Answers.
    Maybe its an Auto System what wouldnt Wondering me.
  • Riddle15 wrote: »
    dude, im egy too
    and your idea us the worst ever
    if they bann egy ips . how would i play?
    Egys + turks + North americans =CF NA

    This guy is funny.
  • 3000en3 wrote: »
    wtf dude why you should block allah for ?
    are you a racist?

    It isn't racist as it has nothing to do with races.
  • Racism racism racism...... all I hear is racism.. do you even know what the word means?
    Okay.. let us try an example. In another world far away... (China) fire missiles at (Germany). The rest of the world try to disarm the missiles but fail miserably. One week later the world want to block (China) from any import/export of supplies. (China) answer with the word RACISM over and over again. People join up with (China) because they don't want to be called racists. Nothing happens and (China) keep firing missiles towards the rest of (Europe). Five years later.....
    Oh gosh... (Europe) is back to the 15th century... poor (Europe)... if only they would stop (China) five years ago.

    Haha nice story ... imo. Well.. this is crossfire. The egys/turks/arabs/...3rd world is China and Europe is crossfire. Good luck have fun :)

  • Haha nice story ... imo. Well.. this is crossfire. The egys/turks/arabs/...3rd world is China and Europe is crossfire. Good luck have fun :)


    yay here is the one calling rasisim but being rasist on crossfire btw 3rd world != poor country so please avoid using this phrase its very annoying when i see this being used

    do not forget who built this game (without these countrys) your playerbase / zp will be to low to continue funding and game would be closed ages ago so as much as you might hate us you should thank us and idk why you try to hate them or try to get them countrys or try to get them off the version sorry but not eveyone speaks english and to comunicate with other players like you must speak your own language just like how you speak english to us you are foreigners just like to how you see us as such it goes both ways, and dont try to say we are "hacker/scamer/farmer" because these come from all countrys and i can evidence that if you want a debate please continue