Found bugs/issues? Post them here!



  • BigMB wrote: »
    1. Cant play with new kriss super v I get client error 31_0

    3 day or 7 day version & are you still experiencing the issue?
  • 3 day or 7 day version & are you still experiencing the issue?

    Not anymore
  • 2 things.
    First off, if you're using the AA12 Buster in Devestated City, in the final round against Atlas when he sends out the Speedilos you can shoot one or two of the HE blasts out and it'll instantly kill ALL of the Speedilo on the screen that have spawned. Kinda hard to get a picture of this but maybe someone else has a replay of it. Should be easy to duplicate.

    2nd: not sure if this is actually a bug or the result of something I just dont know about... but Currently when I play Shattered Station I have a max of 120 Fuel. Normally it's only 100 and Shattered doesn't have the option to increase fuel amount. However on Shipyard with the option to increase maximum fuel amount I now get 140 fuel. I do have pictures of this:
    Edit: I should add this isn't a visual bug either. I do indeed have 120/140 fuel on those maps as I can use the Healing Flag twice in a row on Shipyard and the Missile twice in a row on Shattered.

  • Ixith wrote: »
    2 things.
    First off, if you're using the AA12 Buster in Devestated City, in the final round against Atlas when he sends out the Speedilos you can shoot one or two of the HE blasts out and it'll instantly kill ALL of the Speedilo on the screen that have spawned. Kinda hard to get a picture of this but maybe someone else has a replay of it. Should be easy to duplicate.

    2nd: not sure if this is actually a bug or the result of something I just dont know about... but Currently when I play Shattered Station I have a max of 120 Fuel. Normally it's only 100 and Shattered doesn't have the option to increase fuel amount. However on Shipyard with the option to increase maximum fuel amount I now get 140 fuel. I do have pictures of this:
    Edit: I should add this isn't a visual bug either. I do indeed have 120/140 fuel on those maps as I can use the Healing Flag twice in a row on Shipyard and the Missile twice in a row on Shattered.


    I have 140 fuel limit also but didnt pay any attention cuz I thought its achievement upgrade or something like that.
  • BigMB wrote: »
    I have 140 fuel limit also but didnt pay any attention cuz I thought its achievement upgrade or something like that.

    I dont think it's an achievement effect. And if it is it's a hidden one as I looked through after seeing your post and couldn't find one for this.

    Although I did find something particular...not really a bug but if anything something that snuck in from found it's way in from another version or for a future update?

    at least I don't ever remember seeing this Achievement before and it's clear that if it IS in our version already...I haven't done it. Which would be surprising since it's a 'Play' one and I'm pretty sure i've played every mode and map our version has yet to offer. x]
  • In a CW, after half time, everything is fine the sides switch as they are supposed to, but when we get in game the names of the clans swap places which means the rounds we win is applying to the other team not ours, vice versa.
    Here are some ss: (note: we are clan #Kings)
  • IDK? clan glitched the room somehow, the host went to storage and they just spam "h5h5h5" in chat and now it won't start after we won them in first half. (note: they are laggers with over 100 ping and they teleport everywhere so possibly they spike too)

    <removed image> Use edit to view image if needed. No reason mentioning who they are on here. If you're tryna report something, use support. Sry and thanks.

    EDIT: after almost 10 minutes of waiting, the host got back from storage and the sides switched and game started normally..
    How he got to storage could be from the notification box you get whenever your FP gun expires which asks you to go to storage during half which if you click actually takes you to storage and since he's host the game could've froze.

    (side note: if he was not host and he clicked the "go to shop" button which takes him to storage, then he would've been out of the clan war and it would give him something like Cannot intrude clan matches when he clicks Join in lobby.)
  • Uk servers are laggy since you patched the game. My ping has increased from 30 to 50 and its spiking every 30 secs or so. And sometimes an entire room has massive laggs so all players get like 1k ping.
  • aYbnkJM.png

    NA1 -> It's quite hard to join a room without getting this error. Even if you join you will most likely get another error.
  • Let me see what's wrong...


    Zombies in ZM2 teleporting

    Mostly Flame Satyrs are those who teleport themselves. Other zombies do it aswell, but it's not very common.
    They don't always teleport, but shooting at them or using shock (Shattered Station hard) against them increases the chance of their teleportation.


    VIP or nah?

    Some rooms have a VIP sign ("V") next to their name, even if there are no players with VIP items in the room.
    EX:Room 33-> there is only a host in the room


    But, he doesn't have VIP items equipped. He doesn't own any of the VIP weapons, and I doubt it that he owns a VIPER char as he never bought/recieved any ZP.



    Achievements on the player profile page

    Achivement levels on the profile page are not shown correctly. On the profile page, they are always one level higher than they should be; to match those in game levels.
    EX: I have a lvl 4 Theater Owner achivement in the game, but here on the profile page it shows it as a lvl 5 Theater Owner. wrong
    I also have a lvl 5 Bomb Tech achivement in the game, and here it's also shown as lvl 5, as there is no lvl 6, duh. working
    If you have made any progress in reaching lvl 1 achivement in game (you're on lvl 0, but trying to get to lvl1), it will show as lvl 1 here on the profile page. wrong
    If you haven't made ANY progress in reaching a lvl1 achivement, it will show as lvl 0 as it should. working


    95% loading

    I tought it got fixed, but I got my loading screen stuck on 95% again. Server/ch -> UK4/10 Map -> Shipyard(duuh)


    I waited for a couple minuted and it moved me to channel lobby without any messages. Same happened to others in the room.


    There are a couple more of those, but I can't remember any atm
  • I've also seen zombies teleporting and they end stuck in the ground.
    Also that 95% load is still present... But it never happens when I join a room that has already been started, only when I start a room - maybe that means something..
  • Ixith wrote: »
    2nd: not sure if this is actually a bug or the result of something I just dont know about... but Currently when I play Shattered Station I have a max of 120 Fuel. Normally it's only 100 and Shattered doesn't have the option to increase fuel amount. However on Shipyard with the option to increase maximum fuel amount I now get 140 fuel. I do have pictures of this:
    Edit: I should add this isn't a visual bug either. I do indeed have 120/140 fuel on those maps as I can use the Healing Flag twice in a row on Shipyard and the Missile twice in a row on Shattered

    In case you're still wondering:
    It's due to this backpack. It gives you 20 extra fuel capacity if you equip it.

  • It looks like the error in Stadium hasn't been fixed yet. I sometimes get a error code when I play that map and it's only that map.
  • In case you're still wondering:
    It's due to this backpack. It gives you 20 extra fuel capacity if you equip it.

    I don't have it, and still get extra Fuel... ;-;
  • I buy the Unlimted ZP magazine from the item shop and i wonder why i can refull my magazine if i have unlimited ammo?
  • iDupree_ wrote: »
    I don't have it, and still get extra Fuel... ;-;


    I equip the backpack -> 140 fuel on shipyard
    I unequip the backpack -> 120 fuel on shipyard
  • HS mode completely broken:

    So, someone asked me to go 1v1, and we decided to do HS mode, well, check this out.

    Here, he was shooting my body, but nothing was happening.

    But here, when I shot his body, I killed him without it being an HS.

    Now the other way around:

    He is shooting me.

    And I am shooting him.
  • 2631942 wrote: »

    Posting a SS of yourself glitching, way to go.
  • iDupree_ wrote: »
    I don't have it, and still get extra Fuel... ;-;

    Do you have an overcharged mini? Because now I have both of those and I get +40 fuel xd


    They could have added something like "Having this item equipped gives you 20 extra fuel capacity", but...


    This still isn't fixed -> By completing a whole game of Shipyard (15 rounds) only 14 rounds count towards daily mission.
    Yes, I played from the very first to the very last second of the match.

  • iDupree_ wrote: »
    Posting a SS of yourself glitching, way to go.

    You can get to that spot just from boosting. Though you do or at least can take damage getting there which I believe puts it technically against the rules despite not actually glitching. It's funny though in that spot you can jump inside the 'building' and die. Or you can run over to the Spawn area on the wall. That being said. why would you even go THERE in a pub anyways that particular spot can't really give you much advantage in a pub as it's pretty exposed not to mention people will call you a hacker and some who don't know might report you.
    Though also he's posting it in Bugs/issues. So maybe that's not him and/or he's simply reporting it hoping it will get fixed?

    As for the Overcharged things providing fuel. I guess that makes sense. If only they'd provide you with team mates that use base defenses in pubs instead. LOL
  • Ixith wrote: »
    As for the Overcharged things providing fuel. I guess that makes sense. If only they'd provide you with team mates that use base defenses in pubs instead. LOL

    They can read ALL about the mode in the tutorial which pop ups every time you join a room, but most of them don't even understand basic English. Asking them to place sentry guns and shockers is too much xd
  • I do have that thingy. But mine says 10% EXP and damage reduction 20%
  • iDupree_ wrote: »
    I do have that thingy. But mine says 10% EXP and damage reduction 20%

    So does mine o.o. It says nothing about the extra fuel capacity.
  • There is a bug after you create a new room where you can't switch to other modes such as Knife, Shotgun or sniper on some TDM maps. It happens at random times but it gets re-solved by changing the host.
  • IGetHigh96 wrote: »
    Wrong gun on display for the AK o.o

    Saw that when it came out, but the crates will be removed so it doesn't really matter...