Gifting Guns



  • I was thinking to post same suggestion but I was thinking to gift only extra guns to your friends so if you have 1 gun left that you can't gift it only more then 1 gun but not the last 1.

    Something else I forgot xD Thank you this would stop people from having nothing but the M16 and the M700 wont be able to trade since everyone has one even you....
  • YouMadMate wrote: »
    No. Just no. People would start to scam and steal accounts to trade guns.

    If you use Steam (Which i hoe you do...) It could be trading like that, so both parties put the item in the page and when both parties press accept offer then the gun gets put into the accounts. If you do't use steam just look it up on youtube or something haha xD
  • Yes I do use steam and I know that system xD But CF is a free to play game and z8games earn part of the money with players that deposit ZP. With trade guns system they could decrease their profit dunno.
  • YouMadMate wrote: »
    Yes I do use steam and I know that system xD But CF is a free to play game and z8games earn part of the money with players that deposit ZP. With trade guns system they could decrease their profit dunno.

    True... maybe only allow GP guns as trade? No ZP gun trades?
  • YouMadMate wrote: »
    Yes I do use steam and I know that system xD But CF is a free to play game and z8games earn part of the money with players that deposit ZP. With trade guns system they could decrease their profit dunno.

    Both players need to pay 3000ZP to trade meaning you are going to have to pay Z8 some $$$ to trade guns.
  • Both players need to pay 3000ZP to trade meaning you are going to have to pay Z8 some $$$ to trade guns.

    3000? Fair price or not?
  • SlawterZz wrote: »
    3000? Fair price or not?

    $8.99 for 10,000 meaning 3 trades NO WAIT Maybe 5000ZP per trade?
  • $8.99 for 10,000 meaning 3 trades NO WAIT Maybe 5000ZP per trade?

    Oh yeah when you look at it like that i think 3k is fair enough xD
  • SlawterZz wrote: »
    Oh yeah when you look at it like that i think 3k is fair enough xD

    Yeah same here ;)
  • 5k zp guns and 2.5k zp gp guns maybe like that lol
  • 5k zp guns and 2.5k zp gp guns maybe like that lol

    Na 3K of zp for all weapons would be fair.
  • Any of you ever heard of ingame secure password? I didnt see any of you mentioned it.

    It's a password that you have to enter everytime you purchase,sell or trade something. With this password you dont have to worry about scamming. Nobody can steal your gun unless you're an idiot that make it same as your password.

    One more problem:
    The trade system would lead to the selling of the guns. Which means somebody has 2 of a rare gun they can sell it for like $50 bucks. This would make z8 lose a huge profit.

    Anyway there are too many things that need to be done to make it happen so it wont become true imo. I myself would want this to exist since I dont want to play lottery with the BM and I can get a gun that I really want ( my kriss super v xmas for kukri halloween I think would be good xD).
  • NickTran1 wrote: »
    Any of you ever heard of ingame secure password? I didnt see any of you mentioned it.

    It's a password that you have to enter everytime you purchase,sell or trade something. With this password you dont have to worry about scamming. Nobody can steal your gun unless you're an idiot that make it same as your password.

    One more problem:
    The trade system would lead to the selling of the guns. Which means somebody has 2 of a rare gun they can sell it for like $50 bucks. This would make z8 lose a huge profit.

    Anyway there are too many things that need to be done to make it happen so it wont become true imo. I myself would want this to exist since I dont want to play lottery with the BM and I can get a gun that I really want ( my kriss super v xmas for kukri halloween I think would be good xD).

    I wanted this to happen because I don't want to waste my money on a BM gun which I don't like I would just want to know if it is worth to get or not.
  • I wanted this to happen because I don't want to waste my money on a BM gun which I don't like I would just want to know if it is worth to get or not.

    I guess z8 staffs dont play this game and they dont want it to happen. I feel ya man, but doing some research or borrow people that have the gun you want is a good option.

    One thing that make guns in CFNA have more value is they dont put it temp in the crate (1 or 3 days) and I'm glad that they did that. Either you win it and it's your forever or not. In CFNA they have everything temp in the item shop, you can even buy VVIP temporaryly ( how stupid is that?), it makes your gun has less value.

    So just enjoy what we have right now, imo I love this game and would like to see it lives forever, but this trade system can kill this game, so I'll have to say it's impossible. Sr to dissapoint you, man.
  • NickTran1 wrote: »
    I guess z8 staffs dont play this game and they dont want it to happen. I feel ya man, but doing some research or borrow people that have the gun you want is a good option.

    One thing that make guns in CFNA have more value is they dont put it temp in the crate (1 or 3 days) and I'm glad that they did that. Either you win it and it's your forever or not. In CFNA they have everything temp in the item shop, you can even buy VVIP temporaryly ( how stupid is that?), it makes your gun has less value.

    So just enjoy what we have right now, imo I love this game and would like to see it lives forever, but this trade system can kill this game, so I'll have to say it's impossible. Sr to dissapoint you, man.

    It wont kill the game it would make others put more money into this game if they could go and test a gun like a gun which you never see but has good everything then it would make them think of buying ZP and trying to get it its fair for everyone. I wanna try a M4 IB without someone dropping it for me for like 7 days then I would think of buying it or not.

    Remember it would not be mind and the original owner got take it back anytime because it is THEIR weapon.
  • Add also the ability to make weapons for the temperature to give your friend a friend like your gun, but it will come back to you when it's done, and then they can give it to others as possible to explain to me to speak in detail
  • orabi2010 wrote: »
    Add also the ability to make weapons for the temperature to give your friend a friend like your gun, but it will come back to you when it's done, and then they can give it to others as possible to explain to me to speak in detail

    I think I did say that at some point.
  • Now now I know people would find this dumb and then start hating on the post but lets just think for a second about this people and don't -1 this without fully understanding the post thanks.

    I think giving guns to others would work fine to me giving your friends guns that you never want to use again like getting two crate guns you don't need two so your gonna waste one until its fully broken but if you could give it to your friend then you know its having some kind of use. This idea wont hurt people because this is what it is pretty much: Buy 10 AK Camo Crates > Winning 2 AK Camo's > Gives one to his friend > Now he has one. I can understand why people would hate this because people could get crate guns without any work but would YOU give someone a crate gun that took you alot of time and money to get? I would not I would just keep it but then later on you would have better stuff and that weapon is just sitting in your storage so giving it to your friend which has not great weapons so then he can use it and have fun or maybe he could give it back to you because he just never liked it then you try to give it away to others.

    This would be a great thing to add because 4 bags max and having 12 pages of weapons your not going to use them all your most likely going to use the one you are good with and leave the crappy ones these are the items that can and cannot be given:

    - Temp Guns
    +Owned Guns from crate and MAYBE item shop but that feels kinda unfair
    -Fully Broken Weapons
    +Melee, Grenades, Pistols, Rifles, Lmgs, Shotguns, Snipers, well any weapon which you own
    - Guns that have been given to you by a GM can't be given since they are a gift for you

    This is something I bet alot of people would be saying and this is your answer:
    Yeah I do understand but are you going to give away a gun which you really like or spend alot of money on? Stuff that you own from crates that you may of gotten 2 or 3 times are the stuff you would give away but if it was your friends birthday and you wanted to gift him something as like a gift for his birthday then you can but no one is forcing you to give a gun that you wasted real money or GP on.

    Well thank you for reading and reply to this post if you like it and if you don't I don't mind if you don't or do its just something I thought of :)
    pls i want you give me zp on that accouunt yasoterm

    thanks you alot
  • pls i want you give me zp on that accouunt yasoterm

    thanks you alot

    No... Not trying to be rude but I don't know you.
  • I've wanted to see a weaponry trading system for a while now, but it would have to be done quite carefully. The two main concerns that I can see are accounts being stolen to trade weaponry, and the potential profit Z8 would feel that it could lose. So here would be my basic idea on how this system would be most effective:

    No trading basic GP, VIP, or temporary weapons, only crate/coupon/slaughter ticket weaponry. This way you can't do things like trade an M9 for a Rose axe. You could also set up two kinds of trade markets, because in all honesty, GP crate weapons are more easily accessible to people who spin a lot of ZP crate weapons. Make it so that GP crate and current coupon weapons can be traded (current coupon meaning weapons currently available for exchange in the coupon mall) and former coupon weapons, slaughter ticket weapons, and ZP crate weapons would trade in another mall. For security, you would need a password that is separate from your current in-game password, and either player could revoke a transaction up to seven days after the trade has taken place. Having email notifications about trades, and an inactivity limit for trading (so if a player hasn't played in a while, there would be a waiting period when they become active again before they can start trading) would also be good security measures to help ensure people aren't having their weapons stolen.

    As for the Z8/G4 box/Smilegate/Neowiz/whoever profit margins, just charge ZP for the transactions. I think 10K ZP for a tier one (GP crate/current coupon weapon) transactions, and 20K ZP for a tier two (ZP crate/former coupon weapons/slaughter ticket weapons) transaction. If that kind of ZP seems high for the cost of this to some players, remember that if the people considering this idea don't see the potential to make money, then there isn't any chance they would implement it.
  • Th3Phage wrote: »
    I've wanted to see a weaponry trading system for a while now, but it would have to be done quite carefully. The two main concerns that I can see are accounts being stolen to trade weaponry, and the potential profit Z8 would feel that it could lose. So here would be my basic idea on how this system would be most effective:

    No trading basic GP, VIP, or temporary weapons, only crate/coupon/slaughter ticket weaponry. This way you can't do things like trade an M9 for a Rose axe. You could also set up two kinds of trade markets, because in all honesty, GP crate weapons are more easily accessible to people who spin a lot of ZP crate weapons. Make it so that GP crate and current coupon weapons can be traded (current coupon meaning weapons currently available for exchange in the coupon mall) and former coupon weapons, slaughter ticket weapons, and ZP crate weapons would trade in another mall. For security, you would need a password that is separate from your current in-game password, and either player could revoke a transaction up to seven days after the trade has taken place. Having email notifications about trades, and an inactivity limit for trading (so if a player hasn't played in a while, there would be a waiting period when they become active again before they can start trading) would also be good security measures to help ensure people aren't having their weapons stolen.

    As for the Z8/G4 box/Smilegate/Neowiz/whoever profit margins, just charge ZP for the transactions. I think 10K ZP for a tier one (GP crate/current coupon weapon) transactions, and 20K ZP for a tier two (ZP crate/former coupon weapons/slaughter ticket weapons) transaction. If that kind of ZP seems high for the cost of this to some players, remember that if the people considering this idea don't see the potential to make money, then there isn't any chance they would implement it.

    10K ZP and 20K ZP is to much just to trade 1 gun this suggestion is to be given something or give something to others and a cheap amount of ZP would be better for this I am not trying to make others trade with randoms if I knew someone with a gun I want to try then he could let be use it for a day without him dropping it for me it's fair and it should be like 1K or 2K of ZP.
  • to solve to the scamming problem you only can gift doubled weapons
    so even if the account was stolen you can at least keep the gun
  • to solve to the scamming problem you only can gift doubled weapons
    so even if the account was stolen you can at least keep the gun

    Not to be rude but does anyone go to the older pages? I explain my way and that way would not be fair to everyone.
  • NickTran1 wrote: »
    Any of you ever heard of ingame secure password? I didnt see any of you mentioned it.

    It's a password that you have to enter everytime you purchase,sell or trade something. With this password you dont have to worry about scamming. Nobody can steal your gun unless you're an idiot that make it same as your password.

    One more problem:
    The trade system would lead to the selling of the guns. Which means somebody has 2 of a rare gun they can sell it for like $50 bucks. This would make z8 lose a huge profit.

    Anyway there are too many things that need to be done to make it happen so it wont become true imo. I myself would want this to exist since I dont want to play lottery with the BM and I can get a gun that I really want ( my kriss super v xmas for kukri halloween I think would be good xD).

    Make it where the player your trading with has to Be on at sametime as you so they can't relog in another account on same pc for the trade-If anything they would need 2 pcs at least if they want to trade to their alts
  • 10K ZP and 20K ZP is to much just to trade 1 gun this suggestion is to be given something or give something to others and a cheap amount of ZP would be better for this I am not trying to make others trade with randoms if I knew someone with a gun I want to try then he could let be use it for a day without him dropping it for me it's fair and it should be like 1K or 2K of ZP.

    10K, or even 20K ZP is a low amount. The odds of you winning an item in the BM with that is pretty much non-existent. Plus, anyone who wants to engage in trading all that much is probably a person with a lot of spare weapons in their possession, or a collector, who is probably willing to spend 10K or 20K ZP to trade for a weapon they don't have.
  • Th3Phage wrote: »
    10K, or even 20K ZP is a low amount. The odds of you winning an item in the BM with that is pretty much non-existent. Plus, anyone who wants to engage in trading all that much is probably a person with a lot of spare weapons in their possession, or a collector, who is probably willing to spend 10K or 20K ZP to trade for a weapon they don't have.


    I did say this is for just saying to a friend can I use that gun for 3 days quickly and then have it back please just read the old pages because I do explain how it could be done and I don't want others wasting their time posting knowing that I had a better idea.

    Again not trying to be rude.

    I did say this is for just saying to a friend can I use that gun for 3 days quickly and then have it back please just read the old pages because I do explain how it could be done and I don't want others wasting their time posting knowing that I had a better idea.

    Again not trying to be rude.

    Well, other people might have slightly different ideas on a system. Temporary gifting seems kind of pointless to me, since many weapons have temporary re-skins of some variety. Also, stating that your idea is directly superior to others is the definition of rude, and quite arrogant. I mean, every idea has room for some improvement.

    Also, if people posted another thread at the same time as you with a similar idea, they'd either be scolded for not posting it here, or have the two topics merged. So, this seems like a pretty relevant place to post our suggestions.
  • Th3Phage wrote: »
    Well, other people might have slightly different ideas on a system. Temporary gifting seems kind of pointless to me, since many weapons have temporary re-skins of some variety. Also, stating that your idea is directly superior to others is the definition of rude, and quite arrogant. I mean, every idea has room for some improvement.

    Also, if people posted another thread at the same time as you with a similar idea, they'd either be scolded for not posting it here, or have the two topics merged. So, this seems like a pretty relevant place to post our suggestions.

    I never said allow people to give others temporary guns... I understand still give in ideas but I just don't want a idea which I already explained posted again that is very annoying.