Gifting Guns

Now now I know people would find this dumb and then start hating on the post but lets just think for a second about this people and don't -1 this without fully understanding the post thanks.

I think giving guns to others would work fine to me giving your friends guns that you never want to use again like getting two crate guns you don't need two so your gonna waste one until its fully broken but if you could give it to your friend then you know its having some kind of use. This idea wont hurt people because this is what it is pretty much: Buy 10 AK Camo Crates > Winning 2 AK Camo's > Gives one to his friend > Now he has one. I can understand why people would hate this because people could get crate guns without any work but would YOU give someone a crate gun that took you alot of time and money to get? I would not I would just keep it but then later on you would have better stuff and that weapon is just sitting in your storage so giving it to your friend which has not great weapons so then he can use it and have fun or maybe he could give it back to you because he just never liked it then you try to give it away to others.

This would be a great thing to add because 4 bags max and having 12 pages of weapons your not going to use them all your most likely going to use the one you are good with and leave the crappy ones these are the items that can and cannot be given:

- Temp Guns
+Owned Guns from crate and MAYBE item shop but that feels kinda unfair
-Fully Broken Weapons
+Melee, Grenades, Pistols, Rifles, Lmgs, Shotguns, Snipers, well any weapon which you own
- Guns that have been given to you by a GM can't be given since they are a gift for you

This is something I bet alot of people would be saying and this is your answer:
Yeah I do understand but are you going to give away a gun which you really like or spend alot of money on? Stuff that you own from crates that you may of gotten 2 or 3 times are the stuff you would give away but if it was your friends birthday and you wanted to gift him something as like a gift for his birthday then you can but no one is forcing you to give a gun that you wasted real money or GP on.

Well thank you for reading and reply to this post if you like it and if you don't I don't mind if you don't or do its just something I thought of :)


  • Also add the power to make the weapon a temp for a friend like give your friend your gun but it will come back to you when it's done and then you can give it to others
  • Everyone wants this thing to happen
    But it wont
    1.z8 will loose profit
    2.the trades amongst players will result in scamming and complains
    3.there might a hack be developed which can steal weapons from other storages if trading systems are introduced
  • Tbh it seems like a great idea overall but what if say a person gets hacked and some of his good crate guns that he has get transferred to another account...What then
  • Some / Most of the people like to have more than 1 weapon of the same kind.
    + Z8 Would have a loss of money because if people have more than two accounts they can give some of their weapons to their alternate accounts. This way the person giving the gun to their other account would save his money while Z8 would have loss of money!
    Edit : Why not?
  • Giving your weapons to an alt account is pretty much making your alt account you main
  • prthrEEEE wrote: »
    Tbh it seems like a great idea overall but what if say a person gets hacked and some of his good crate guns that he has get transferred to another account...What then
    Track the account it was giving to... This would all be in the Logs saying who gave you what and what you gave to someone then give all the weapons back to his mine account also remember accounts can't be hacked unless you have given out your password and username or downloaded an hack and got yourself a key logger
  • ADD ON
    I was thinking about this but maybe people without the HS ribbon can't give away guns since they must of done something bad most likely hacked before or something so then they are stopped from doing a switch to a different account
  • This will never happen...

    Its will result alot of scamming
    Z8 Will lose alot of money
    Its will result alot of scamming
    Its will result alot of scamming
    Its will result alot of scamming
  • No. Just no. People would start to scam and steal accounts to trade guns.
  • Rus_Pro wrote: »
    This will never happen...

    Its will result alot of scamming
    Z8 Will lose alot of money
    Its will result alot of scamming
    Its will result alot of scamming
    Its will result alot of scamming
    YouMadMate wrote: »
    No. Just no. People would start to scam and steal accounts to trade guns.

    Again i did say all trades would be in the logs so if you never did this trade and you have proof then you could go to support and get what was yours but still it IS your fault you give your accounts to people saying that they will give you ZP remember never give out your pass or username to anyone even if they say they can give you stuff. Now about Z8 losing money maybe they would but someone would have to buy the crates and earn the gun and then it would be given to someone else but if you think of it would you give a gun away that you spent liken £300 on? I would not because you spent a lot of money on it but say like at some point you gained back your money and then maybe you would give it to a friend or a clan mate not someone who has never seen before and just asking for it now I do believe that they would lose some money but the scamming thing wouldn't happen if you don't give your account away.

    Well I don't really know about this idea being the best but its worth a try right?
  • and then what?spam support of complains about scamming?1000 tickets per day?
  • Rus_Pro wrote: »
    and then what?spam support of complains about scamming?1000 tickets per day?

    What's your problem? People did 1000 support tickets of hackers which are not hacking or people just using it for pointless ways so 1000 tickets for scamming wouldn't be different from the hacks and if your giving your account to ransoms then your going to get scammed one day.
  • ADD ON
    You would be able to get your weapon back if you don't want it to stay with someone else so if anyone did scam you since your are the main owner of the gun you would get it back straight away from his account so the other person does not have all the power of that gun since at anytime you could take it back.
  • i like that ..
    Buy 10 AK Camo Crates > Winning 2 AK Camo's > Gives one to his friend > Now he has one
    IGN :SnipeRGamE
  • That's not a hate post right???

    Anyway thank you :)
  • It would always be a neat idea, but hard to find a safe way of doing the trades.

    Many trades would happen after a mega crate is released.
  • It would always be a neat idea, but hard to find a safe way of doing the trades.

    Many trades would happen after a mega crate is released.

    This is my idea of the trading working.

    Must be in your friends list

    Right click his name and then a bubble would pop up saying "GiveWeapon" and "TempGiveWeapon" and after clicking one of them it takes you to your storage

    A tickable box will be near all weapons you fully own and then you click a weapon or 2 for the other person to have

    The system would take what the clan bank has so you can't keep giving people weapons it would have a max for the month like 10 a month and after all them done you need to wait for the next month to come.

    If first owner of the weapon wants that weapon back he can just QuickSwap it back to his storage meaning the other person will lose the gun and the main owner would get it back.

    People can make their weapon a TEMP so you can give it to someone and then you can say he can only have this for 4 days and then its back to my storage but anyone you want to keep the weapon can keep it FOREVER until you want it back then QuickSwap it.

    May be thinking QuickSwap would be a trolling system but if you were giving your weapon to a clan mate but then he left you guys so then he could just take the gun you can just take it back and leave him with nothing so NO SCAMMING could happen.

    This feature would be cool since I do want to start a TOP 10 CF Clips meaning that if like someone won I could ask a friend to give someone a prize weapon for winning it would work out fun and great.
  • This would be the only way for the trading system to work:

    An account without the HS ribbon cannot give or take a weapon.
    The Trade could only happen once (not even to be given back to the original winner)
    A ZP charge to either side of the accounts or both accounts would be made. (maybe a large gp charge?)

    That is the only way for both Z8 and the Players of Crossfire to benefit. Trading back and forth would happen way too constantly. Only one trade
  • mbuzzcut wrote: »
    This would be the only way for the trading system to work:

    An account without the HS ribbon cannot give or take a weapon.
    The Trade could only happen once (not even to be given back to the original winner)
    A ZP charge to either side of the accounts or both accounts would be made. (maybe a large gp charge?)

    That is the only way for both Z8 and the Players of Crossfire to benefit. Trading back and forth would happen way too constantly. Only one trade

    3 trades every month no add ups

    I was going to suggested that people without the HS ribbon can not trade

    500zp for a trade and 5000 gp for a trade?
  • For a trade system to work it needs heavy restrictions.

    1. Trades must be 1 for 1. No free items or multiple items. (this to reduce scamming and make it harder for stolen accounts to lose their stuff).

    2. Trade items must only be perm unsellable items (GP crate, ZP crate, BP, Coupon, Slaughter Ticket items, etc). This to avoid exploits like making lots of accounts and trading expensive GP guns for M9s to make a profit and also avoid scamming/sharking.

    3. It should cost both sides 1,000 ZP per trade. This to give Z8 a money incentive to make it and keep trading down to those that really want to do it.
  • VATAV wrote: »
    For a trade system to work it needs heavy restrictions.

    1. Trades must be 1 for 1. No free items or multiple items. (this to reduce scamming and make it harder for stolen accounts to lose their stuff).

    2. Trade items must only be perm unsellable items (GP crate, ZP crate, BP, Coupon, Slaughter Ticket items, etc). This to avoid exploits like making lots of accounts and trading expensive GP guns for M9s to make a profit and also avoid scamming/sharking.

    3. It should cost both sides 1,000 ZP per trade. This to give Z8 a money incentive to make it and keep trading down to those that really want to do it.

    You're right. If player knows how to protect his pc there will be no scamming and there is alot of games with trade system. They must add this thing into CF. I have a friends who left game with rare guns, they can send them to me or I can send guns to my friends + I'm tired to seeing 4 winchester in my storage. -.-
  • Even if no scams occur. If someone who buys a lot of ZP and gets a lot of GP as a result, he can just keep spinning GP crates and get duplicates of each crate gun and start gifting it to people which results in Z8Games losing a lot of money. Therefore it won't be implemented.

    I know someone like Danah for example probably has more than 500-800 million GP. and she has 6 duplicates of each GP crate gun.
  • Demoniite wrote: »
    Even if no scams occur. If someone who buys a lot of ZP and gets a lot of GP as a result, he can just keep spinning GP crates and get duplicates of each crate gun and start gifting it to people which results in Z8Games losing a lot of money. Therefore it won't be implemented.

    I know someone like Danah for example probably has more than 500-800 million GP. and she has 6 duplicates of each GP crate gun.

    On the PSN store you can give games to your friends but the way it stops you from always doing it and is that you can only give 3 of that game away to your friends.

    I was thinking 3 guns of everygun can be given away to others so not all your friends can have a AK47 Camo only 3 can or a M14EBR only 3 friends could have one if you gift them it but if you stop someone from having it then you can give that one away to an other friend.
  • VATAV wrote: »
    For a trade system to work it needs heavy restrictions.

    1. Trades must be 1 for 1. No free items or multiple items. (this to reduce scamming and make it harder for stolen accounts to lose their stuff).

    2. Trade items must only be perm unsellable items (GP crate, ZP crate, BP, Coupon, Slaughter Ticket items, etc). This to avoid exploits like making lots of accounts and trading expensive GP guns for M9s to make a profit and also avoid scamming/sharking.

    3. It should cost both sides 1,000 ZP per trade. This to give Z8 a money incentive to make it and keep trading down to those that really want to do it.

    All of what you said is what I would of said :) Thank you for improving this idea of mine only perm guns will have to be the only ones able to sale and 1,000ZP from both ends wont hurt since 5 pounds = 10 trades
  • VATAV wrote: »
    For a trade system to work it needs heavy restrictions.

    1. Trades must be 1 for 1. No free items or multiple items. (this to reduce scamming and make it harder for stolen accounts to lose their stuff).

    2. Trade items must only be perm unsellable items (GP crate, ZP crate, BP, Coupon, Slaughter Ticket items, etc). This to avoid exploits like making lots of accounts and trading expensive GP guns for M9s to make a profit and also avoid scamming/sharking.

    3. It should cost both sides 1,000 ZP per trade. This to give Z8 a money incentive to make it and keep trading down to those that really want to do it.

    You must not have read what I posted before you. I love your ideas though, one and two go hand in hand, and I didn't say much about it. I brought up #3 already. Considering a one week M4-Silencer Camo (adv) is 2300 zp I believe (or somewhere around that range), 2000 zp for an M4A1-Custom Octane would still be a ripoff for z8 games. 2000 zp for a Perm GP is ok though.

    I brought up the option for either of the sides to be charged zp, or both sides to be charged, as long as it equals the required amount. 6000-8000 zp for a beautiful, rare, zp gun sounds both reasonable for the customer and for Z8. I figured this because of the amount of ZP it costs for a new Character. No one wants to go spend a full 10 bucks for a gun that has already been purchased.

    I appreciate your opinion and if mine is unreasonable I am sorry. I am trying my hardest to think in terms of Z8 (G4 Box) and the game itself.
  • 2000zp per Trade? £5 = 10,000 meaning 5 trades or maybe 3000zp per trade?
  • +1 For this. I have Kukri and Ak halloween, I can take Mauser Halloween from someone. :)
  • ADD ON

    When the other person is sent a trade gun it would be fully repaired for him and it can break on him aswell and he would have to repair it himself but when it is sent back to the original owner it will have the same reapair bar as it had before it was given to the other person ALSO fully broken guns cannot be traded to others so no one can just give away a gun which is broken and wont be used it needs to be 1% to 100% damaged.
  • VATAV wrote: »
    For a trade system to work it needs heavy restrictions.

    1. Trades must be 1 for 1. No free items or multiple items. (this to reduce scamming and make it harder for stolen accounts to lose their stuff).

    2. Trade items must only be perm unsellable items (GP crate, ZP crate, BP, Coupon, Slaughter Ticket items, etc). This to avoid exploits like making lots of accounts and trading expensive GP guns for M9s to make a profit and also avoid scamming/sharking.

    3. It should cost both sides 1,000 ZP per trade. This to give Z8 a money incentive to make it and keep trading down to those that really want to do it.

    very good VATAV agree with all you said +1

    the gun has to be fully repaired before trade AlwaysSnipin to save all this hassle, and for it to go back to the owner thats another trade
  • I was thinking to post same suggestion but I was thinking to gift only extra guns to your friends so if you have 1 gun left that you can't gift it only more then 1 gun but not the last 1.