ZM Kick Option?



  • Bruv it's okay... As you can see we basically did this all night. Can't you see that I was arguing for augment sake? I was bored so i started random arguments, event got into an argument with MOD dot and won... I don't really care if there is a kick vote for ZM or not, but thanks for keeping me entertained, wanna do this again sometime in the future? Lool

    lol no thanks i will not be ur personal entertainer... u sure ur not gay? :D ... lol jokes :)
  • VATAV wrote: »
    Really depends on what server and time you play on.
    For example;
    Between 6PM UTC through 7AM UTC (1PM-2AM in Toronto Canada), Alpha has only a few hackers, about 5% of players are hacking.
    But between 7AM UTC through 3PM UTC (2AM-10AM in Toronto Canada), Alpha is loaded with hackers, about 40% of players are hacking.

    Why the big amount of hackers between 7am UTC and 3PM UTC? Because Egypt and Turkey (two biggest hacking locations right now) are 8 Hours ahead of the server's location, and most people play between 10AM-12PM in their local time. NA players are going to bed and Egypt/Turkey players are waking up.

    Don't have experience with UK servers but I assume it a similar time there for when hackers flood their servers.

    Doesn't matter really.

    When the Egy's get on and they increase the hacking it doesn't mean more of the kick votes are valid because although a lot might be trying to kick the actual hackers you have all the Egy's kicking innocents.

    On a daily basis less that 3% of the kicks are for valid reasons.
    If I want my friend to join my room, why shouldn't I kick for her/him? I play the game because of my friends, I don't want to play with some guy that doesn't say a word, doesn't want to speak and just simply I might not like him.

    Yet if I was in your game spamming "F11 my friend wants to join" and you don't see a kick box so it's you that is being kicked I bet you would be saying F12 and taking a different stance.

    You are selfish. Go and make a room.
  • Chimpzz wrote: »

    Yet if I was in your game spamming "F11 my friend wants to join" and you don't see a kick box so it's you that is being kicked I bet you would be saying F12 and taking a different stance.

    You are selfish. Go and make a room.

    To be fair you don't really know me, so don't judge. If I got kicked as I normally do I would go on to clan chat say "I just got kicked again :(" then I get some sympathy games with the ladies of the clan that reply "awww wanna join me? :)"

    Some of you people take the game way to seriously, hackers are people too and this is only a game ;)
  • dzoser wrote: »
    lol no thanks i will not be ur personal entertainer... u sure ur not gay? :D ... lol jokes :)

    You say you don't want to be my personal entertainer, but you entertained me for over 5 hours so I didn't have to sleep loooool and I am 99.9% sure that I'm straight lool
  • You say you don't want to be my personal entertainer, but you entertained me for over 5 hours so I didn't have to sleep loooool and I am 99.9% sure that I'm straight lool

  • Yeah, remove kick option. Even if there are hackers, they can help us then at the end we report them.
  • To be fair you don't really know me, so don't judge.

    You kick people that were playing in a room for no legitimate reason.

    The only reason you do so is for your selfish ends.

    What else do we need to know?

    Hackers and noobs like you "may be people too" but when your spoiling the game for others by kicking them when they are doing nothing wrong and then claim that the very people that actually ruin the game (hackers) are people too in some attempt to justify your kicking is just plain stupid.

    It's this sort of reason kicking should be dealt with by smilegate because contrary to popular belief it's not that the people that are misusing the system it's because they are given a system that is not appropriate for them.
  • Chimpzz wrote: »
    You kick people that were playing in a room for no legitimate reason.

    The only reason you do so is for your selfish ends.

    What else do we need to know?

    Hackers and noobs like you "may be people too" but when your spoiling the game for others by kicking them when they are doing nothing wrong and then claim that the very people that actually ruin the game (hackers) are people too in some attempt to justify your kicking is just plain stupid.

    It's this sort of reason kicking should be dealt with by smilegate because contrary to popular belief it's not that the people that are misusing the system it's because they are given a system that is not appropriate for them.

    Lool, what is wrong with you? If I want to kick someone I will kick them. WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO? Huh? I already had so many of these arguments in game, with people more intelligent than you.

    Why do people always misunderstand whatever I type? Where did I justify it by saying hackers are people? I justified my reason of kicking because it is only a game, does it really matter if you get kicked? Of course you would be annoyed, but life moves on... If you really want something to be done about it, stop dreaming and trying to insult me lol ('noobs like you'). I've saw your other post about getting rid of the kick system, it's been a couple months now. I still see kicks.... I still start kicks... I still press F11. You spent all this time suggesting all of this but it's not going to help anyone, because it won't happen. Maybe in ZM, but highly doubt that. The point i'm trying to make here is you're wasting your time, just don't waste my time.
  • Love it how I got no feedback from ANY mod, nor any mod had gave feedback to any other "Suggestion" for this game.
  • HyperKing wrote: »
    Love it how I got no feedback from ANY mod, nor any mod had gave feedback to any other "Suggestion" for this game.

    yea my thread empty too lol
  • Lool, what is wrong with you? If I want to kick someone I will kick them. WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO? Huh?

    As long as you know you are a noob thats fine, you are a regular CF'er in every sense of the word.

    I'm not insulting you just merely stating a fact.

    It's people like you, why the game sucks so much and it's also why anyone with half a brain plays very little CF or no CF at all.

    You talk as if it gives you a sense of power to kick someone, it's probably the closest thing to power you have. Just like the other little kids in CF hence the reason why there is so much kicking.

    You have too much rage my friend, feel free to let it out and start kicking people it may give you a sense of satisfaction :)
  • Chimpzz wrote: »
    You have too much rage my friend, feel free to let it out and start kicking people it may give you a sense of satisfaction :)

    I didn't even have to read the rest, but that last part just made me LOL. You clearly haven't read my post, go back and READ, you don't have to... But if you are going to argue with me; get your facts right. You basically saying i'm ruining the game, not the hackers. OKAY. So if you saw me in game, you wouldn't kick? You seem quite angry yourself. Did you get beaten as a child?
    Chimpzz wrote: »
    You talk as if it gives you a sense of power to kick someone, it's probably the closest thing to power you have. Just like the other little kids in CF hence the reason why there is so much kicking.

    Where did you get this from? In case you don't know, I grew up broke. So I sold drugs to gain respect and to buy myself a meal... I'm not 'like the other little kids', i'm 18 almost 19 now... I got myself out of the hood and my old friends helped me get my first job. Don't talk as if you know WHO I am. Where in my previous post suggest that kicking gave me power?

    The only thing that ever gave me power was when I was at MY job, getting MY money. So don't make this bullshizz up like you know me.
  • the problem could be eliminated, so that the system will block the kick from round 25 onwards.
  • I agree 25+ round no kick cause some noob come to room and kicked us all with his clan so we were just WASTING time for low silver or maybe gold crates and no boss reward which is main stuff,but ye Z8 logic is 2 agreed 2 did not and you get kicked,but in public game no kick if is 8 or 8 or even worse 9/7 where is the logic,but when is low amount of players 5/4 work and etc. that is the logic ...
  • Xkingsid wrote: »
    the problem could be eliminated, so that the system will block the kick from round 25 onwards.

    not 25, maybe round 20+ you can't kick. I like this Idea +1