New Game Mode T.O.M

Take Over Mode

A minimum of 3 teams have to play against each other (Max. 6 teams) on a big map.
The goal is to take the most % of the map over. (Per team minimum 4 players)

Play time max. 25 minutes.
Every team has its own color (green, red, blue, black and cyan) as a ribbon on the right arm.

At the beginning every team spawn with 700hp per player in their base. There is just 1 spawn yet. Every player have 15x Lives [you can buy special revive tokens for this game]b]Max. 2 revive tokens usable per game[/b. After the 15th death of one player he can decide to revive himself or to leave the game. If he decides to leave, the slot, the player used to, is blocked until the game ends.
You can win this game if one of these goals is reached:

Goal 1 ► You own 100% of the map
Goal 2 ► All teams are dead except yours
Goal 3 ► You own the biggest % after the 25 minutes.

You can lose as player if:

- You died 15 times [except you’ve a revive token]
- Your team owning 0 % of the map, and you die (doesn’t matter how much lives you have. You have no place to spawn!)

How to take over:
In every house is minimum 1 flag. To take over the house, all flags in this house have to be pulled up by one team. (If you’ll die, you will spawn randomly in one of your team’s house!). There are

- Small house [Flat, small house, …] = 1 flag hidden
- Mid house [family house, 2 story apartment, …] = 2 hidden flags
- Big house [3 story shop, museum, kinder garden …]= 3-4 hidden flags
- Very big house [prison, football stadium, hospital, school, …] = 8 hidden flags

On every house entrance (door), there is a sign showing:

- This house have no owner (white color)
- This house is a part of team x (color of the team)

If an enemy is in your house, you’ll get a signal on the radar in which house he is (but not the enemy’s position). You’ll get also a signal if you lost one of your houses. (You can lose a house, if your flag is pulled down by the enemy and he pulled his own team’s flag up)
All flags spawn on random places in the house (not every time on the same place, so you can’t make every game the same run). In small houses you might find the flags fast, but in bigger houses you have to search them. There should also be some places around where you can reload your weapon (like in Zombie mode)...

Every taken over house will give your team some % of the map!!!

After every 10th % there will appear supply boxes in your house filled with items (weapons, items, a special for this map made sniper, with a very far zoom …)
If you click on the map button, you will see all houses on this map, and your team’s houses. After the 10th minute you can see on the map, what team is owning what house/building.
Every damage you made to a player will be noticed on the top of your screen. After the death of this player, it will be reset to 0 damage. So you can see every time how much damage you made to him.

If you press on TAB, you won't see the kills. You will see the damage you made, and flags you pulled up
(700hp = 1 Kill) At the end of the game you can see on the "end screen" Your statics (how much damage you made, flags you pulled up, people you killed and maybe how much bullets you've used in this round)
You will get extra EXP and GP for pulling up flags, making damage, etc.

For example:

► Pulling up flags = +1 exp per flag
► Damage = +4 exp per 700 dmg
► Killing = +2 per killed player

Here I edited some screenshots how it could look like.

This is how it could look like if you want to create a room with this mode.


Here you can see a game room. How it could look like. I know the picture isn't perfect for the map, but I don't have the map lol... I didn't want to leave this place without a picture.


What do you think? :)
Here are also some F.A.Q's:

Q: Why 700 hp? Aren't 100 hp enough?
A: It should be more than 100 hp because of following reasons:
► You could be killed very fast. And on a big map you will never reach a far destination
► I doubt that you will survive 20 minutes with 100 hp and 15 lives (1500 hp)
► You will avoid flaming for back reaping, camping, luck shots etc... [Even if this is a part of this game!!!]

Q: Why you brought the idea with the revive tokens? That will make the game to a "pay to win" game.
A: This won't be a "pay to win" game because of the revive tokens. You will be able to use max. 2 revive tokens per game. And I think that will make it also interesting for the publisher, because players will buy it in the item shops.

Q:Why it must be a very big map?
A: It must be a big map, because you are playing with minimum 3 teams with 4 players per team. The developer have to place enough buildings into the map, that every team have the same chances to win. It won't work on a small map... Just take a look on the calculation below...

Q: Okay, it's a big map. But it will be full of campers and hard scopers...
A: You can locate the enemies if they are in your territory. (You must mark your teritory first to see the enemies (pulling up the flags)) You can see on the mini map and/or on your radar if there is an enemie in your teritory and in what house he is. But you won't see his exact position. It will prevent annoying camping in your own territory. And hard scoping (in my opinion) is not a shame, since not everyone has perfect reflexes. So it's also a part of the game!

Q: With these 700 hp you can shoot some one, and think that you or he lagged, because he isn't dead.
A: You will see every player and every single damage you made to the enemies on the top of the screen. Also, if you press on the TAB button, you won't see your kills and deaths. You will see the damage you made others. So there can be an Ace and a MVP.

Q: What's about the ammo? With 700 hp you will lose a lot of bullets. Every player have to take then (700 x 15) 10.500 damage.
A: There will be placed special spots (like in Zombie mode) where you can reload your weapon. And after ever 10th % or 15th % there will arrive supply boxes in your territory [supply boxes like the ones from Mutant mode]. With a bit luck you could get the special sniper from these boxes [Just from these boxes! Not from black market].

Q: What happens if a player get out of the game [for any reason]
A: The new player that joins then will take over the lives that the player that was on his spot first left him. After 10 minutes there should be a block that no new players can join the game [same as on Zombie mode joining after wave 25]

Q: Whats about the hacker and the glitcher? They will destroy the game.
A: I think i'm not the only one hoping that CrossFire will be hack-free in the future. Against glitchers? You can put damage zones into the glitch spots. If someone gets "accidently" pushed into a wall, so he should come out, because he also gets damage. [I think its 1.000 times better than the idea with the client errors] A client error on every map annoying. What to do against the hackers? The developer can also put some "time-border" on the map. It's against speed hackers. If a speed hacker crosses a place too fast (Border to border) he will DC. [You won't be able to join this battle again if you lost or left [again it's like Zombie mode :) ]]. Against Wall hacker? Well you have 700 hp, so you might have a better chance instead of 100 hp. The only problem will be the Aim bot hack... But it's a problem of every Mode... Hope it gets fixed with the other hacks soon...

Would be a cool mode for LAN Partys :)

I made some calculations about how the point-system could work...
So, here are the calculations :)



I were looking for a number of houses that I divide through the teams (3,4,5 and 6). The lowest number is 60.

So there must be +60 houses (in this case 61) houses on the (as I said) big map, that everyone has the same chances to win.

To win (procentual win) you have to get these scores in following teams at the end of the time.

- If you're one team of 3 teams (1/3) ► = 33,67% of the map (101 Points)
- If you're one team of 4 teams (1/4) ► = 25,33% of the map (76 Points)
- If you're one team of 5 teams (1/5) ► = 20,33% of the map (61 Points)
- If you're one team of 6 teams (1/6) ► = 17% of the map (51 Points)

Maybe there should be really a 2-Team option?! I didn't calculate it on the Excel file, but I will write it here down:

- If you're one team of 2 teams (1/2) ► = 51% of the map (151 Points)


I made a map layout about how it could look like. I would also make a 3d model... but I need someone who could help me with that...

So here is the map.

► The big red lines are the streets
► The small red lines are the paths
--- [you can also use other ways to go. Not only the official streets and paths] ---
► The blue stuff there is a small river... [maybe you can swim on it like on the "under water" team death match map?!]
► The black boxes are the houses.
► The green boxes are the spawnpoints for the teams.


the 2 buildings in the mid of the map are the biggest buildings in the game, with the most points.

--- I also wanted to make a 3D model of this map, but I don't have any experiance in making 3D models of a map. I also have no program, so if anyone have experiance in this and could help me a bit, that would be nice ---

So if you have some questions, just ask! If you found there any mistake, then please tell me :)

Thanks for reading!

Give a feedback about what you're thinking!

Same thread on Crossfire [EU] -
