Limit the Ability of Noobs to Ruin CF



  • Tuga1991 wrote: »
    I strongly suggest & honestly think players who own 'honourable ribbon' that get kick voted in-game shouldn't lose any of their game progress until they ever get reported for being hackers with 100% evidence, thus legit players should no longer have any fear of nothing if they are in the right track of legitimacy!!!

    I agree with everyone here & I support 'Nonnen' all the way, 'Go MOD,Nonnen!'

    Great idea.

    Definitely an improvement on the basic idea and it prevents dishonourable players from getting rewards they probably do not deserve.

    Also this would give more of an incentive not to hack in the first place and a very big incentive indeed.
  • Chimpzz wrote: »
    Got mine too, I've finished about 5-6 in total but the ACE/MVP thing will be hard to complete because you have to get ACE and MVP, so your beating others for it and if you do they always say "kick ace".


    lil update :D
    Mvp is on 5/60 and Ace is 15/60 :D
    But then after that in last achivment we need 300 I think from both I think I'll try to do it in 7 days, it will be hard but I belive in CrossFire and that z8games will give me at least 1 or 2 days of Ghost Mode mission! xD
  • Chimpzz wrote: »
    Great idea.

    Definitely an improvement on the basic idea and it prevents dishonourable players from getting rewards they probably do not deserve.

    Also this would give more of an incentive not to hack in the first place and a very big incentive indeed.

    I'm glad you like my idea, you did a good job coming up with this thread 'Chimpzz.' I just hope CF developers improve the kick vote as first priority before any more future bringing content.
  • stane031 wrote: »
    lil update :D
    Mvp is on 5/60 and Ace is 15/60 :D
    But then after that in last achivment we need 300 I think from both I think I'll try to do it in 7 days, it will be hard but I belive in CrossFire and that z8games will give me at least 1 or 2 days of Ghost Mode mission! xD

    Here is mine both are on 4th stage:



    Would be a lot higher but I'm an hacker:rolleyes:
  • PLEASE DO THIS, and ya i dont care if a ha.ker gets his EXP and GP they will end up being banned anyways.. I HATE playing HMX for fun when im bored of playing SND and i get kicked every game because i'm to good of a survivor....
  • AC_900 wrote: »
    PLEASE DO THIS, and ya i dont care if a ha.ker gets his EXP and GP they will end up being banned anyways.. I HATE playing HMX for fun when im bored of playing SND and i get kicked every game because i'm to good of a survivor....

    That's what I like to do: Derp out in MM and earn some GP's.

    It used to be a decent safe getaway mode but since kick voting was added it's like playing on a knifes edge.

    As a mutant you have doubts about mutating people or a large group.

    Killing mutants, or camping in a hard to reach spot as the last soldier

    Or ever becoming commando.
  • Chimpzz wrote: »
    Because you play about 24 rounds of say GM wasting heaps of time, working hard/having fun.

    To get kicked by a BR or some idiot from a third world country and then everyone you killed agrees to the kick and then a message pops up that might as well say "F'you, cya game over - There's your fun - Oh and BTW you get nothing. However a bunch of noobs just came in their pants"

    I didn't said your suggestion was a 'bad' idea. I found it quite weak. It might alleviate the stress for majority of people but not all people.

    This suggestion may fix towards the mode GM/TDM/Snd/EM since these modes have cooperation between people. (Vote kick is less common)

    But the real problem is modes that have no cooperation and only rely on one single player. (MM/HM/HMX/FFA). As I said earlier, I adore MM/HM/HMX but if I manage to play competitively, I get kicked INSTANTLY. 50% when I enter these matches, I get kicked less than 2 min, not even finishing one proper round. (I am not exaggerating) Reason why? I am too good and it prevents other players from doing well but that is the purpose of these modes. Getting kicked instantly most of the time with feeble rewards is the reason why I gave you +0.25 instead of +1. I hope you understand my point of view.
  • AWM_Master wrote: »
    totally agree with you, I'm sick of these nobs kicking every pro player just for nothing -_-


    If you want to blame someone blame the n00bs who run the hacks. Hackers are in just about every server late at night. You can't enjoy the game because some asshat is using autoaim. Wallers I can deal with. But autoaim there is no defense against. I just gamed for about an hour tonite and came across aimers in just about every game. I'm not a n00b who cries hack when someone gets a good kill on me. I typically say "n1" to them as a courtesy. That said, rather than vote kick why not do like CS does and give the host kick power. Its his room so he should be able to kick. And let everyone who gets kicked keep their rewards up until that point as if the game just ended. That keeps crybaby hosts from ruing your stats. When someone is hacking people on his team usually vote f12 because he is helping them guarantee win. So take the vote out of it.
  • I didn't said your suggestion was a 'bad' idea. I found it quite weak. It might alleviate the stress for majority of people but not all people.

    This suggestion may fix towards the mode GM/TDM/Snd/EM since these modes have cooperation between people. (Vote kick is less common)

    But the real problem is modes that have no cooperation and only rely on one single player. (MM/HM/HMX/FFA). As I said earlier, I adore MM/HM/HMX but if I manage to play competitively, I get kicked INSTANTLY. 50% when I enter these matches, I get kicked less than 2 min, not even finishing one proper round. (I am not exaggerating) Reason why? I am too good and it prevents other players from doing well but that is the purpose of these modes. Getting kicked instantly most of the time with feeble rewards is the reason why I gave you +0.25 instead of +1. I hope you understand my point of view.

    This would be available within all modes, not sure why you think it wouldn't apply to MM/HM/HMX/FFA.

    I didn't say that you thought it was bad idea. What I rather tried to convey to you was this: the reason why players don't like getting kicked is mostly because they lose all of their rewards. Finding another room and playing without noobs wouldn't be hard and in fact a blessing.

    "Feeble rewards"? As I propose it you would get everything GP/EXP, badges, a win, even ACE/MVP what other rewards do you want?

    Also people will kick a lot less in the now "stupid modes" MM/HM/HMX/FFA because they know if they kick you for being the top player just for the luls then your position is secured, whereas if they let you play someone else might have overtaken you, you might client error or even leave.
  • Noobs aren't the only bad kickers

    I agree that you should not be kicked so someone else can pad their stats. That is dead wrong. However, I think it needs to be pointed out that there are some so-called Pros that do the same thing to anyone trying to get better at the game.

    I have been kicked multiple times just as I start getting good. I know for a fact that I have ticked off a few pros because I got the drop on them. They rage until I get kicked. I get tired of getting kicked because some so-called Pro is afraid I will hurt his stats and deprive him of his glory. I am not pointing fingers and naming names even though I remember who gets a sore butt from getting killed by this noob...

    Pros tell us "noobs" that we need to practice and get better. How are we supposed to do that if we get kicked at the drop of a hat for doing better?

    The Kick System is abused much too often. I can't play one game without seeing the other side try to kick every team member at least once. It is much too easy to kick somebody, and it usually happens for no good reason at all.

    You have a right to be angry at this problem. Perhaps CF should just get rid of the kick system entirely and make a GM available to check out a suspicious player who may be using a hack...I don't know the solution, dude...But I do know it is not all of us newer players...I do,however, support you...

    Illigitimi Non Carborundum (Latin phrase; Don't let the bas*tar*ds grind you down)
  • Perhaps CF could designate certain servers to be only used by Lieutenant and above to weed out the noobs kicking the pros. This way the noobs would have a good chance to get better without having to die constantly at the hands of a pro...
  • Perhaps CF could designate certain servers to be only used by Lieutenant and above to weed out the noobs kicking the pros. This way the noobs would have a good chance to get better without having to die constantly at the hands of a pro...

    Would be an idea.

    Although most of the kickers, I think know better i.e Captains, LT's and majors.
  • Let's not let this DAM thread die out! We need CF staff to notice that we are not happy with the current 'KV SYSTEM' thus it needs attention & improvement in order to make this game more fun in experience for the 'LEGIT' Cf players!

    P.S: I'm still counting on GM, Nonnen ^_^ to get this thread heard out to the dev's.
  • I don't think they will ever fix this. It's a great idea because 90% of time in gm or escape mode i get kicked. As soon as one noob says i hack, it becomes like a disease. After that everyone thinks i hack and starts kicking me. IF YOUR IDEA WAS INTRODUCED AT THE THE BEGINNING WHEN THEY GAME FIRST CAME OUT, MY RANK WOULD BE TWICE AS HIGH AND I WOULD PROBABLY WOULD HAVE ALL GP WEAPONS.

  • That's why we have to be dam F***ing persistent & relentless to demand a improvement change to the kick vote unless CF staff don't give a dam. I'm sure they need to make money so they need to follow the legitimate public & its a win win situation except for the nob hackers/abusers.
  • Tuga1991 wrote: »
    That's why we have to be dam F***ing persistent & relentless to demand a improvement change to the kick vote unless CF staff don't give a dam. I'm sure they need to make money so they need to follow the legitimate public & its a win win situation except for the nob hackers/abusers.

    I understand and I've been playing this game since it came out. I've seen many great ideas through my years of playing were introduced into forums, however not even one of these ideas was implemented by the CF staff. I sort of gave up on them and see that they really don't care about players opinion, they just want to attract new players.
  • z8 gonna say no pretty sure, too much work for the monkies.
  • Throne_LK wrote: »
    z8 gonna say no pretty sure, too much work for the monkies.

    yea lol, they are lazy. Like i said above, when older players leave who are sick of playing with hack, they automatically start advertising crossfire with new weapons/maps and attract new players. So why bother change the system? when new players just keep on coming in.
  • Lol, if CF staff ignore this thread then for me its living proof that they don't care if this game gets manifested with hackers, thus making genuine players believe that z8 are the hack code/s publishers/producers.. Surely if a gaming staff wants to keep up doing success in their game/s they will have to listen to the public & fix at least the most talked about problems in the forums!
  • Tuga1991 wrote: »
    Lol, if CF staff ignore this thread then for me its living proof that they don't care if this game gets manifested with hackers, thus making genuine players believe that z8 are the hack code/s publishers/producers.. Surely if a gaming staff wants to keep up doing success in their game/s they will have to listen to the public & fix at least the most talked about problems in the forums!

    Hopefully but don't get your hopes up too high mate. EPL season start can't wait.
  • I think this is the best solution to the kick vote system. Most of the time we rage and qq from getting kicked because we had a pretty good score and were playing a long game and we just lose all the time and progress...

    especially now with the VIP guns, people are paying the $100+ price mostly for the stat bonuses, but then if we get kicked we can't even take advantage of those stat bonuses we just bought. yeah... I even got kicked with 3 VIP guns and I was the only VIP in the room... some noobs don't even know the value of VIP player, pffft.

    I think if enough people say they want this z8 will listen... they listened when enough people asked to have kick vote in FFA and MM. And I think it is possible and an easy thing to add to the game if they still give the crates in ZM if you don't finish the match

    I don't think going by honorable ribbon would be a good idea and fair though because hacking isn't the only way you can lose that. It probably wouldn't stop someone from hacking anyway since they know most of the time they don't even get kicked out. I don't know about anyone else, but I don't really care if a hacker gets their exp or not, as long as they get kicked out of the game. I figure they are going to get banned and lose their account eventually anyway.
  • haihais wrote: »
    I think if enough people say they want this z8 will listen... they listened when enough people asked to have kick vote in FFA and MM.

    I myself think Z8 was intending to add in the kick voting to MM regardless they just made a poll because they knew enough noobs would support it and it actually looks like they listen.

  • They reply with: ''Hackers will get rewarded too''

    Kind of lame that they don't want to discuss on it, because this sh!t reply is a cheap way to get rid of a whole discussion.
  • And now? It's even worse. Just took 1 swing into 1 single GM game. Kicked for having 6/0 while some other guy had 24/1 and was aimbotting. They didn't care cuz his name was something like Ahmed and all of them are ahmeds too. I thought UK server is UK, not Arab. They can rename UK 1-5 to Arabs only. I rather play on Alpha or Delta farm all day.
  • +1 :D This kicking problem needs to be resolved. even if it costs like 1k gp to start a kick and 500gp to f11 :S
  • CapPr0nin wrote: »
    And now? It's even worse. Just took 1 swing into 1 single GM game. Kicked for having 6/0 while some other guy had 24/1 and was aimbotting. They didn't care cuz his name was something like Ahmed and all of them are ahmeds too. I thought UK server is UK, not Arab. They can rename UK 1-5 to Arabs only. I rather play on Alpha or Delta farm all day.

    Same thing happens to me.

    Hossam and the other obvious arabic names etc say nothing about a botter on GR that is low rank, 9-0 that's say for instance in "Egy Mummies" and yet as soon as I make a kill with a European ping they QQ so hard and sure enough there is arabic chat and some arab on your team to kick you.

    One game a few days ago was hilarious as an obvious hacker was walling ghosts with an Egy tag and I said "oh another Egy haking" then they kick me and then a random Egy /w's me saying not all Egyptians hack and most that do are playing at internet cafes that have hak's already installed, It's not their fault - House Egyptians play fair.

    Like that matters.
  • Recently instead of denying it just saying "yes i hack, allah for life" has kept me from getting kicked.

    It is a bad wave at the moment, remember one hit cf? After they patched that we went months virtually hack free. They will get it eventually..
  • I know where they get their hacks. Oh boy time to take down innternet sites again~ alos chimpzz, any message device? Like skype?
  • CfKyoto wrote: »
    +1 :D This kicking problem needs to be resolved. even if it costs like 1k gp to start a kick and 500gp to f11 :S

    Lol, that's a funny suggestion but I kind of think its alright. Maybe if it was ZP rather than GP because new accounts get a lot of easy GP in the beginner stages that would be better. 2 ZP to start a kick vote another 2 ZP for F11 & 2 ZP to F12 it would prevent most new noob accounts intentionally created to use hacks to not be able to be part of the KV system bcz they most likely don't have any ZP on their hacker account/s & kids who kick others due to hatred & ignorance & that aim to steal others Ace's can't kick unless they have ZP to spend. I'm sure legitimate players who want to take part in KVS have a few ZP if not you can all ways make them easily on the web. Conclusion: money is power & keeps those without money to not take part avoiding random kick votes to be taken place without real motive. xD

    Either that or:
    Nonnen to the rescue!

    I'll suggest this today and tell you what the staff says about it. It's really annoying every legit player, so why shall we hurt legit players with a system that is designed to hurt unlegit players?

    +1, let's see. I'm quite interested in this one. It shouldn't be a problem at all, and with a bit of pushing, we might have a chance. :)

    I strongly suggest & honestly think players who own 'honourable ribbon' that get kick voted in-game shouldn't lose any of their game progress until they ever get reported for being hackers with 100% evidence, thus legit players should no longer have any fear of nothing if they are in the right track of legitimacy!!!

    I agree with everyone here & I support 'Nonnen' all the way, 'Go MOD,Nonnen!'