Weapon Restrictions

I've already suggested this in another thread but I'll put it in the suggestions.

If z8 could add weapon restrictions, a lot of "QQers" would stop crying about sprayers, loud guns, ak-47, m12s, scar light, etc.

Weapon restricting can only be done by the host and only the weapons/weapon types he wants. This can be done when you create the room and when the room has already been created.



  • Might be a good idea you wouldn't beileve what they bring into GM now.

    Finished a game yesterday with 3 MG3 LM, 1 ARX and 2 AK's.

    Same thing throughout the day really, a mix of MG3/AK, ARX, XM8, K1A sprayers. With a few PP'ers here and here that can't hear nothing.

    I think the biggest problem is that even nooby players can get crates on EMD lab.
  • Chimpzz wrote: »
    I think the biggest problem is that even nooby players can get crates on EMD lab.

    Well, the first ZM maps were only finishable by learning the spawn of EVERY zombie, running really fast and having sh!tloads of hypos and/or tokens.
    The newer maps are easier without any doubt, but I see this as a positive point since now even players with less money can achieve something there and might eventually buy ZP items for the mode.
    And trust me, I'm not necessarily a non-ZP player.

    On the original idea: Every player should be able to bring the weapon of his choice into a room. Now all the so-called "skilled" players who deliberately chose to play weapons that are not easy to play with come and say "those nooby weapons mustn't be allowed, they ruin our gameplay".
    The truth is: these weapons are not nooby, they're just plain powerful (sometimes a bit too much, but that is just fair in the light of many ZP weapons) and the community should be glad that some of these weapons are easily available. And just because some players who WANTED to play with hard-to-control weapons might now be enraged and regret their decision for the sake of so-called "skill" (which just is self-imposed restriction which no one forced upon them but themselves), these weapons shouln't be discriminated against.

    Now I know how it feels to get killed by a noob who just got an M12S from the shop or from crates, and sometimes I would very much like to kick them instantly. This however, would not be fair.

    The problem is that many people in the player community simply can't handle getting killed, everybody just rages and instead of blaming themselves for not being fast or accurate enough, they blame the player who was just more accurate/fast/lucky. And if you achieve this accuracy/speed/luck by using a certain weapon and not by honing your "skills", I'm fine with that.
    The reason above also is why I don't play FFA games anymore. Everytime you get a good streak in a pub, you get kicked really fast because someone tries to vent off his/her steam that way.

    I can however understand the point for modes like GM, where MGs are not necessarily the best choice. Still, I'm against this idea for the reason above: no weapon should be discriminated against in a free mode.
    If you have noobs destroying your gameplay, talk to them. If they don't listen, kick them.

    Of course I don't want to speak against the "... only" option as this just restricts the game to a weapon class in which there still is enough variety.

    best regards,
  • The problem that you didn't touch on and I gather that is the discussion:

    People cannot hear a thing to play thee GR side, noobs spraying MG3'S, ARX, AK are actually helpful to BL as they kill their own team, hit nothing themselves with the spray of 450 bullets and then provide a free kill to BL themselves.
  • Chimpzz wrote: »
    The problem that you didn't touch on and I gather that is the discussion:

    People cannot hear a thing to play thee GR side, noobs spraying MG3'S, ARX, AK are actually helpful to BL as they kill their own team, hit nothing themselves with the spray of 450 bullets and then provide a free kill to BL themselves.

    Just because I didn't mention it explicitly, you shouldn't assume that I'm not familiar with the mechanics of soundgaming and the effects of loud weapons on it (in fact, I thought that "MGs are not the best choice" would be obvious enough).
    Anyway, your logic would imply denying players their free choice of weapons for GM just because you want to continue your soundgaming. Long story cut not too short: you as soundgamer want to deny other players their privilege of free choice so you can ensure your privilege of using good sound equipment to achieve good stats.
    In my opinion, that's rather selfish and trying to convinve people of using quiet or silent weapons would be better.

    Besides, neither Z8games nor Smilegate would ever want to deny players their free choice as this would mean possible frustration which could result in quitting (= losing an actual or potential customer)

    best regards,
  • Urkel2005 wrote: »
    Besides, neither Z8games nor Smilegate would ever want to deny players their free choice as this would mean possible frustration which could result in quitting (= losing an actual or potential customer)

    best regards,

    Sorry, just going to pop in here...

    From what I'm getting, creating rooms with the option to ban certain weapons is in debate here. And from what is said above, it sounds like either it's weapon restricted GM rooms or no GM rooms. But technically it is only an option, so people can just make regular rooms if they like to use an AK or MG3.....
  • Urkel2005 wrote: »
    Just because I didn't mention it explicitly, you shouldn't assume that I'm not familiar with the mechanics of soundgaming and the effects of loud weapons on it (in fact, I thought that "MGs are not the best choice" would be obvious enough).

    MG's are a good choice if you know how to use them, theres no reload (unlike m4) so there is a great upper hand there in GM.

    Now for some basics:

    In GM it's fine to use any gun and spray like noobs when your just shooting up and farming BR's since they generally don't know how to play.

    However when you are facing players that do know how to play and can bunny hop efficiently and that use breath down then there is no way to see them, and it's very hard to hear them and your reaction time has to be super fast.

    That leaves you dependant on sound and the way the game is intended to be played.

    In these games someone coming in or many players coming in and taking away any means of winning is selfish and noob and talking to high ping foreigners about using a proper gun doesn't quite work.
    Anyway, your logic would imply denying players their free choice of weapons for GM just because you want to continue your soundgaming.

    As we have established your implied optional "soundgaming" is not so optional, and whilst it is there choice to use whatever guns they like, it would be your choice to select which guns you do not want in your room, they are free to go and spray in other GM rooms or better yet TDM.

    No right or choice is denied to them.
    Long story cut not too short: you as soundgamer want to deny other players their privilege of free choice so you can ensure your privilege of using good sound equipment to achieve good stats.

    Long story cut short would be: MG noobs and other noobs that use the most idiotic guns want to deny the entire team any chance to survive, to kill, or win - so they can spray, which they could do in tutorial or TDM.
    In my opinion, that's rather selfish and trying to convinve people of using quiet or silent weapons would be better.

    Selfish would be just deafening everyone and making them 100% defenceless. That is like me for example using a zp item that removes everyones guns on my team in a SND match.
    Besides, neither Z8games nor Smilegate would ever want to deny players their free choice as this would mean possible frustration which could result in quitting (= losing an actual or potential customer)

    Sprayers get frustrated because they can't kill anyway, they always end up 3-16, 7-14 or even 0-20. In Fact they don't even read the help guide that starts up in every GM game.

    It would be fine if all the MG3 and m60 idiots all gather up and sometimes they do, like on LAB at GR spawn or if they all went to B site, that way you can go to A site and do your thing and wait until a ghost has killed everyone at B and planted the bomb then go there and wipe out the entire ghost team then get kicked for hacking by the sprayers. :p
  • The problem with weapon bans is that they don't work. Lets get technical. The weapons in game are not designed with the power of the real weapons in mind. There are some weapons that are over powered by design to make them attractive to even the noobiest of players. There are weapons of different design that fire the same caliber round IRL but do different amounts of damage in game. Then there are the weapons from the chests and the VIP weapons that are way over powered.

    Keep in mind, this is just a game and is meant for fun. Fun is subjective and contingent upon the person desiring to have fun. It is up to each individual player to keep the game fun for themselves, without the use of cheats of any kind. If you feel that others are keeping you from having fun, then that is a personal problem and not the problem of those using weapons that are legal in game. If the weapons of other players are too loud, adjust your volume. Z8 will never get rid of the chest weapons and/or VIP weapons because that is how they make their money. Anyone using ZP is keeping the game free. Cut off the use of those weapons and you cut into the profitability of the game; And when you cut off those weapons, players will leave and go to other similar games. When the volume of players using ZP drops, then the investors will get a bit antsy and that is not a good thing...

    Those who think that noobs ruin the game keep forgetting that they were once noobs. Unless by chance they were born professionals, which I seriously doubt. Personally, I love to hear so-called professionals QQ when they are killed by an alleged noob. Nothing makes my day sweeter than a raging wanna be pro...Hey, it's summer time. A bunch of young people are going to be in game using daddy's credit card to purchase ZP and put the older people to the test...In the end, It is just a game...
  • Because putting limits on what a ZP spender can and can't use in pubs is attractive to ZP regulars or potential customers

    I hate OP guns and such as much as the next guy, but from a business standpoint it is definitely not a good idea.

    And is this idea on adding a toggle for "no ZP guns" or is it an option for host to pick what guns are and aren't allowed? If its the latter, there's no way that's happening. No one's going to spend 10 minutes scrolling through the gun list as to what guns they can use and then make sure they take off everything that isn't allowed.
  • Bawbs wrote: »
    Because putting limits on what a ZP spender can and can't use in pubs is attractive to ZP regulars or potential customers

    I hate OP guns and such as much as the next guy, but from a business standpoint it is definitely not a good idea.

    And is this idea on adding a toggle for "no ZP guns" or is it an option for host to pick what guns are and aren't allowed? If its the latter, there's no way that's happening. No one's going to spend 10 minutes scrolling through the gun list as to what guns they can use and then make sure they take off everything that isn't allowed.

    Very true. But then what about only gp + bp weapon restrictions?
  • Would prefer restrictions against armor (the biggest pay2win item in CF) rather than against weapons. If someone uses an OP weapon they might get kicked anyways
  • You can go e8 and pub all day without seeing those guns much
  • I think many are missing the point it's not about OP items or an unhealthy obsession like E8'ers demanding GP stuff.

    It's about being able to play the GR and not being made defenseless by being deafened by extremely loud guns that never stop firing at places where there are not even any ghosts anyway.

    Gr relies on sound to play, so you can hear ghosts.

    When you have an extremely efficient bhoper like a Pan[TH]erS member or even someone that is not in the panthers but still is extremely good at bunny hopping, that also has a 1 hit melee and breath down, maybe footsteps down - Then sound is critical, as you can't see them, can hear them (somewhat) but it's still hard since they bhop so good and fast.

    Without sound your all dead, it's as simple as that.

    GM games are generally filled with noobs on the GR side sometimes you get a stacked team but mostly it's 1-3 pin pointers v the whole BL and without sound often you will get ****d.

    I don't care if ghosts have a kukri, Breath down, footsteps down, body armour, head armour or even a M12 when there was that glitch. I don't really care if the GR side has sprayers, GR always does it's hard enough to hear with AK's, XM8's and so on with these (normalish guns), but when you get 2-3 MG3 players that just fired from basically 2:22 seconds into the game when there can not possibly be any ghosts near you at all until they die or until the clock hit's 0:00.

    It simply is unplayable, especially when the sprayers don't group up for instance at A site, so you can go to B and just wait for them to die and then go to A site to wipe out the entire ghost team.

    That right there is the truth^

    I'm not sure Z8 will do anything in fact I don't think they will. However this idea is still good.

    Just a no MG gun option would be fine.
  • Chimpzz wrote: »

    Just a no MG gun option would be fine.

    How to revive GM
  • Wonder if Z8 will take this into recognition. I think this will help to revive GM... it's the only thing CF has that's unique..
  • Even though I am a frequent Ghost Mode player that loathes inconsiderate players that ruin the game by bringing highly inappropriate guns into the game and spray with them, it's going to be hard to restrict them all. Because restricting AK-47s would also restrict the use of the AK-47 Knife, which is a rifle made specifically for Ghost Mode.

    However, restricting 1 type of weapon, the MG, would already be a great help to saving Ghost Mode. MGs simply have no business doing in a stealth-based mode like Ghost Mode. Not even if they were to bring out a suppressed version of a MG.
  • 1st itwill not happen ,very bad idea, all players have their right to use their gun, if thais happens, tomarrow will be another post on restrictions on ZP weapons
  • So you want to deny players weapons that they possibly spent money to get? Seems like a bad marketing idea to me.
  • This restriction is no different from knife-,pistol-, or sniper-only modes. You don't get to spray an MG in sniper-only mode either, do you? And you shouldn't be spraying them in a stealth required mode like Ghost Mode either.
  • Frecklez wrote: »
    This restriction is no different from knife-,pistol-, or sniper-only modes. You don't get to spray an MG in sniper-only mode either, do you? And you shouldn't be spraying them in a stealth required mode like Ghost Mode either.

    Sure, but you have to see it through Smilegates eyes. ;)
    Money runs the world.

    Btw, Pistol/sniper/knife matches aren't a weapons exclusive mode, it's a weapons specific mode. It makes a lot of difference to consumers (without them even realizing it).

    What you could be proposing is to make a sort of "only MG mode", because excluding them from public games would be a bad idea.
  • ' wrote:
    SKoRM;3664495']Sure, but you have to see it through Smilegates eyes. ;)
    Money runs the world.

    Btw, Pistol/sniper/knife matches aren't a weapons exclusive mode, it's a weapons specific mode. It makes a lot of difference to consumers (without them even realizing it).

    What you could be proposing is to make a sort of "only MG mode", because excluding them from public games would be a bad idea.
    We're not excluding them from public games, but only from 1 mode that gets ruined by it.

    Any decent GM player knows, stealth is the key to Ghost Mode. If you constantly break the silence by spraying loud weapons, you're not only putting yourself at a disadvantage, but your entire team.

    Furthermore, the spraying has another side effect that no one realizes. The thing that causes almost as much problems as hackers do. And that's unjust kicking of players. And I'm not talking about GM players kicking sprayers, but rather sprayers and rushers kicking pin pointers and bunny hoppers, accusing them of hacking. Because spraying and slashing is the norm for most players now in GM, everyone seems to have forgotten that there is another way of playing GM.

    If I'm playing with sprayers, especially MG sprayers, our team loses match after match. If I'm playing without sprayers, I get accused of walling and get kicked. There is just no winning in a mode that I'm suppose to be good at.
  • This sounds like an incredibly complicated process

    Do the host get a list of every weapon in the game?
  • Frecklez wrote: »
    We're not excluding them from public games, but only from 1 mode that gets ruined by it.

    Any decent GM player knows, stealth is the key to Ghost Mode. If you constantly break the silence by spraying loud weapons, you're not only putting yourself at a disadvantage, but your entire team.

    Furthermore, the spraying has another side effect that no one realizes. The thing that causes almost as much problems as hackers do. And that's unjust kicking of players. And I'm not talking about GM players kicking sprayers, but rather sprayers and rushers kicking pin pointers and bunny hoppers, accusing them of hacking. Because spraying and slashing is the norm for most players now in GM, everyone seems to have forgotten that there is another way of playing GM.

    If I'm playing with sprayers, especially MG sprayers, our team loses match after match. If I'm playing without sprayers, I get accused of walling and get kicked. There is just no winning in a mode that I'm suppose to be good at.

    Well if you want to keep it GM strictly, then it's a great idea.
  • ' wrote:
    SKoRM;3664977']Well if you want to keep it GM strictly, then it's a great idea.
    It's the only mode where MGs really hurts the team, rather than the opponent or the player using MG himself.
  • meh, only on clan server and mabye echo server too, because z8 would lose too much money because people wont buy noob guns. I do wish there was only m4 and ak but its just not gonna happen, z8 needs money :(
  • aSword wrote: »
    I've already suggested this in another thread but I'll put it in the suggestions.

    If z8 could add weapon restrictions, a lot of "QQers" would stop crying about sprayers, loud guns, ak-47, m12s, scar light, etc.

    Weapon restricting can only be done by the host and only the weapons/weapon types he wants. This can be done when you create the room and when the room has already been created.


    Really. That's it. plz...............
  • IGotABoy wrote: »
    This sounds like an incredibly complicated process
    Do the host get a list of every weapon in the game?

    Your answer Sile. v
    Frecklez wrote: »
    However, restricting 1 type of weapon, the MG, would already be a great help to saving Ghost Mode. MGs simply have no business doing in a stealth-based mode like Ghost Mode. Not even if they were to bring out a suppressed version of a MG.

    I guess there would be an option to restrict MGs under the "Knife/Shotty/HS/Sniper Restrictions"

    If restricting only the MGs works. Then +100000.
    Just want some of the spraying to go down in GM.
  • ' wrote:
    SKoRM;3664495']Sure, but you have to see it through Smilegates eyes. ;)
    Money runs the world.

    Btw, Pistol/sniper/knife matches aren't a weapons exclusive mode, it's a weapons specific mode. It makes a lot of difference to consumers (without them even realizing it).

    What you could be proposing is to make a sort of "only MG mode", because excluding them from public games would be a bad idea.

    So because they can't spray like an idiot in one mode then Smilegate might lose money? From guns the majority got either FREE or buy hacking in ZM.

    What about the people who maybe considering buying a gun specifically for GM or already have one like an M4 Patriot but decide it's a waste of time since they can't hear anyway.

    I don't think the money argument quite works but what should be the rule is; how is the mode intended to be played? and spraying MG's around non stop at nothing just isn't the way it's supposed to be played, it hinders others and as per your argument may lose Smilegate money.

    Why get a silenced gun or a quieter one afterall? When you can get a free MG3 to spray like a idiot and fit in?
  • Restricting mg would be amazing. The ppl qq about this limited customers and people can't join a room because they want to spray m60 all over... go jump off a bridge.

    this wouldn't amount to any lost zp. There is a tonne of zp users in gm, with very little of that being from zp mg. The ones who bring zp mg into gm are usually nasty ghosters there to troll and not just spray all over gods green earth.
  • Look, I hate MG sprayers just as much as the next guy, but you have to accept that fact that SG will never restrict a gun(s) from a mode unless its a weapons specific mode.

    Not my decision, just telling how it is, unfortunately.