Nerf the Boxing gloves.

First off, boxing gloves were designed to PAD the hand to SOFTEN the puch, so injury would stay to a minimum, and one hit kills are hard to do.

With this being said, The boxing gloves in CF : NA do a ONE HIT kill EVEN with kelvar hat a vest on. This is just wrong. Everyone knows boxing gloves do not hit in one shot.

As with the wrench, it should not be a one hit kill weapon, its just not big enough, if it was a pipe wrench i could see it, but that's just a small spanner, anyone can take one or two hits from those no worries, and kelvar would totaly soften the blow of that weapon as well, as its not cutting through the kevlar like a knife would. Its Ballistics.

So with such one hit weapons that are sooooooo easily farmed from zm and then used in normal for a combat advantage, do you still think that a m82 100% is still unfair for the various reason mentioned, when there is way more unfair weapons that are so easily attainable.

Dont believe me? go play GM for a bit, see how many people do one hit kills with boxing gloves. I also ware Both a kevlar vest and hat to know that it is still a one hit kill weapon, when even in the hands of the worlds best fighter, can still have the chance to be non-fatal, and no one in this game is that strong, unless you have the warmonger gloves, that i can under stand. The brass knuckles have big spikes on them as well, so yes a one hit kill is most possible. Boxing gloves are a novelty item, and should be reflected as such, make you move slower via fatigue damage when hit, or faded black screen effect like flash bang to show you're stunned, not every melee weapons needs to be a one hit kill, especially when the whole purpose of boxing gloves is to be non-fatal.
