Suggestion to stop post farming

Okay i know this suggestion won't stop post farmers but anyway, ''Post all your screenshot'' thread should be moved to off-topic section. We all know how that thread is flooded with pointless comments by people who are ruining that thread for everyone. Something like this would reduce farming to minimum, atleast in aforementioned thread...


  • Good idea!

    but that thread isn't really "off-topic"! besides.. some forumers would loose like 3000 posts lol
  • but why move it to off topic while it's not off topic?
    who cares about posts count anyway? if it was possible, i would've turned it off for the public eye.
  • Good idea!

    but that thread isn't really "off-topic"! besides.. some forumers would loose like 3000 posts lol

    Credits go to someone else :p
    Nah, 3k posts is too much, user with the highest amount of posts there has 1k :)

    Dakotu wrote: »
    who cares about posts count anyway? if it was possible, i would've turned it off for the public eye.

    That sounds like a good idea to me
  • Good idea!

    but that thread isn't really "off-topic"! besides.. some forumers would loose like 3000 posts lol

    Since when did the amount of posts relate with how much bragging rights people have? They removed the Military Intelligence Ribbon a LONG time ago and haven't changed since then. :p
  • Posts means nothing, it means nothing and never will. You can have 10 posts and know everything about the game or you could have 10000 and know everything, either way it means nothing.

    But before you complain about post spam, take this into consideration:
    i_zZ wrote: »
    like everyone else said, just do combos and all 4 players can get crystal crate easily
    i_zZ wrote: »
    you dont see epic posts like this everyday!

    n1 sir
    i_zZ wrote: »
    too bad my pc is broken, i would love to play with you :(
    i_zZ wrote: »
    shut up and go make some more fake raffles

    Was any of them posts needed? Could they be called post spam? Debatable. That's just in your last 25 posts, which I thought could easily quote.
  • yarrH wrote: »
    Posts means nothing, it means nothing and never will. You can have 10 posts and know everything about the game or you could have 10000 and know everything, either way it means nothing.

    But before you complain about post spam, take this into consideration:

    Was any of them posts needed? Could they be called post spam? Debatable. That's just in your last 25 posts, which I thought could easily quote.

    I just express my opinion like that where i think its needed. That's just the way I am... Quality of my posts isn't the best, but hey, if people would post only quality posts there would be 100 posts per day all in all. Also, point of this thread is about ''post all your screenshot'' not about me, you're just trying to bring me down... I don't care about post count and if you ask me, Dakotu's idea by making post count hidden to public eye is great and I would love that too happen, forums would be clearer :)
  • i_zZ wrote: »
    I just express my opinion like that where i think its needed. That's just the way I am... Quality of my posts isn't the best, but hey, if people would post only quality posts there would be 100 posts per day all in all. Also, point of this thread is about ''post all your screenshot'' not about me, you're just trying to bring me down... I don't care about post count and if you ask me, Dakotu's idea by making post count hidden to public eye is great and I would love that too happen, forums would be clearer :)

    Expression your opinion of "Shut up and go make some more fake raffles", that is clearly low low quality posts, yet you expect everyone else who post to have HQ posts? You made this thread about that thread, I do know however it doesn't mean you can go around breaking forum rules, insulting people, etc. does it? You expect people to lose posts (which doesn't at all) The screenshot thread is full of LQ posts, and a lot of your posts are LQ too, but why should some people lose posts because of posting LQ in the screenshot thread when you go around posting LQ everywhere?

    The point I am trying to make is make sure that your not going to contradict the whole thread by being LQ yourself, why make the thread?
  • yarrH wrote: »
    Expression your opinion of "Shut up and go make some more fake raffles", that is clearly low low quality posts, yet you expect everyone else who post to have HQ posts? You made this thread about that thread, I do know however it doesn't mean you can go around breaking forum rules, insulting people, etc. does it? You expect people to lose posts (which doesn't at all) The screenshot thread is full of LQ posts, and a lot of your posts are LQ too, but why should some people lose posts because of posting LQ in the screenshot thread when you go around posting LQ everywhere?

    The point I am trying to make is make sure that your not going to contradict the whole thread by being LQ yourself, why make the thread?

    I posted that because i got mad because he makes fake raffles so i told him. I expressed my opinion, so what? Also I never said that i expect people to have HQ posts. Breaking forum rules? Why do you care about me breaking forum rules. If I break one, I'll get an infraction, simple... I forgot about losing post count if thread is changed to off-topic, my bad, but lets be honest, this suggestion will never happen anyway...
    Tho you have a point about me being LQ myself in ''Post all your screenshots'', but that's my point as well, thread is full of off-topic posts and people spamming to get post count, that's why I would like to see it as of topic thread so farmers would stop congratulating every single person to get post count...
  • i haven't visited that thread in far too long, but i'm guessing its hard to moderate because the trash posts blend with the legitimate image comments.

    don't have time now but i'll do a proper raid tonight if nobody beats me to it.
  • i_zZ wrote: »
    I posted that because i got mad because he makes fake raffles so i told him. I expressed my opinion, so what? Also I never said that i expect people to have HQ posts. Breaking forum rules? Why do you care about me breaking forum rules. If I break one, I'll get an infraction, simple... I forgot about losing post count if thread is changed to off-topic, my bad, but lets be honest, this suggestion will never happen anyway...
    Tho you have a point about me being LQ myself in ''Post all your screenshots'', but that's my point as well, thread is full of off-topic posts and people spamming to get post count, that's why I would like to see it as of topic thread so farmers would stop congratulating every single person to get post count...

    Telling somebody to "shut up and go make a new fake raffle" isn't expressing an opinion, it is directly insulting somebody, honestly I don't care that you are breaking the rules, I am just saying it's not needed.

    Not a lot of suggestions are implemented, but honestly I don't see the point of this being implemented anyway, as posts don't show anything, not even dedication, because if I wanted to, I could easily rake in 50-100 posts in a day without it even effecting my daily routine.

    If people want to spend their time congratulating somebody/everybody by replying to everyone in that thread, let it be. Who cares about posts these days? It means nothing. As I have said many times before. I could be a "high quality" poster with only 300 posts, or I could be a "low quality" poster with 7000 posts.

    If the moderators see the off-topic posts, I am sure they'll deal with it accordingly, as I have seen Natt do a few times, at the end of the day it doesn't matter.
    [MOD]dot wrote: »
    i haven't visited that thread in far too long, but i'm guessing its hard to moderate because the trash posts blend with the legitimate image comments.

    I haven't posted on it in a few weeks, maybe a month, but personally I haven't posted on it in a good few months, properly. I used to post a lot on there, a little too much. Life story behind, you'll see as soon as you get on the thread that the off-topic posts stand out.
  • Part of me thinks every "Gratz!" comments should be deleted, but then they'd go find another way to farm posts (fan works : "nice" or suggestions "+1" on every thread) and I actually enjoy when someone says "gratz" to me.

    If someone posts one thousand "wow gratz" in that thread to every screen, it just proves he totally misunderstood the point of the post count and the thread, and this post farming will just make him look stupid in front of the rest of the community. Although it is sad to see people with 3k posts writing some completely wrong stuff in some threads and being believed because of their post count.

    You guys should stop arguing, everyone makes posts about their opinion and others might find these useless, but not the poster, and we're all entitled to our opinions, and no one ever backs down on this forum.
  • Woah, chill out guys.

    I mean, come on. Are posts really that important?

    I admit, I've had my times when I consistently spammed that thread daily until I surpassed several forum users there. It wasn't really any close to be considered an accomplishment.

    I basically stopped because, well, it got boring. Sure, I still post a few winning screenies here and there and throw out a few thanks. However, I won't care if all of my congratulating and screenshot posts are removed. It really doesn't matter to me.

    And who cares about post counts in general either? There is no reward for having ten thousand posts or something. Restating what yarrH mentioned, having a higher post count doesn't mean you know everything about the game. A user with ten posts might know more than you. It just shows that you're more active than most of the others. Personally, I'm still learning too. I don't know everything about this game and that allows me to understand that I can still be a part of this community, and continue to gain knowledge about Cross Fire and its community.
  • You could easily get 150 posts per day posting on alot of threads..if you are bored
  • Dakotu wrote: »
    but why move it to off topic while it's not off topic?
    who cares about posts count anyway? if it was possible, i would've turned it off for the public eye.

    You took the words from my mouth. Rly, who cares how mutch post u have counted? By the looks, u do not receive a prize such as a ribbon for that.
  • just saying
    who cares about numbers
    there is no ribbon for it
    people who "farm" post are completely stupid
    they waste their time instead of playing
    and something about you
    only few people say "you are posting to increase your post count"
  • They should just remove the post count from the profile.

    Then people would only post when they really want to.
  • are you honestly worrying about this :S... that's quite sad, sorry but its just sad.
  • count all double/triple post as 1, or delete them... ;)
  • [Musti wrote: »
    are you honestly worrying about this :S... that's quite sad, sorry but its just sad.

    I understand people reactions to this but that thread needs a huge clean up atleast...
  • i_zZ wrote: »
    I understand people reactions to this but that thread needs a huge clean up atleast...

    start to give infractions points for double/triple post would be a start ;)
  • I don't even care about it since I don't judge forumers by number of their posts, but what they post.
  • [Musti wrote: »
    are you honestly worrying about this :S... that's quite sad, sorry but its just sad.
    I don't even care about it since I don't judge forumers by number of their posts, but what they post.

    It's not about the fact of farming post per say, but the fact that threads like the Screenshot/winning thread are full of spam because of it.
  • It's not about the fact of farming post per say, but the fact that threads like the Screenshot/winning thread are full of spam because of it.

    My point exactly.

    One should just look at the last page of that thread and you'll understand what we're trying to say.
  • yarrH wrote: »
    Posts means nothing, it means nothing and never will. You can have 10 posts and know everything about the game or you could have 10000 and know everything, either way it means nothing.

    it's not about the game, but about the forumz.
    it shows your forum activity/experience.

    sometimes i see players writing in their posts or signature: if you need (more) help, PM me!
    now would you PM someone with 4 posts more than someone with 4900 posts?
    risking that he might scam you.

    those forumranks and posts aren't only for fun, but it has also a protecting dutie. :cool:
  • Forumerz wrote: »
    Annoying as hell.

    Are you for real?
    You do it yourself. Everytime I see you, you have +100 posts a day.
    Just 4 days ago you had 1.1k posts now its almost 1.5k. What's going on? ;)
  • I don't even care about it since I don't judge forumers by number of their posts, but what they post.


    You could have 15000 posts for all I care, but if all you post is garbage I'm not going to take you seriously.