No weapon drop



  • GM's will just say don't die which is a fair reason. And for marketing purposes, if people can try out new guns when someone dies, they may be inclined to buy crates for their own.
  • Please read what I wrote above. There is nothing wrong with people taking it, I don't mind it that much unless everyone is after it, but it still irritates some people. Those people, may be tempted to purchase such an item.

    -1 Horrible, Horrible Idea. What if you run out of ammo and you need to pick up a gun off of a dead player, but wait you cant..
  • so what if someone dies you can take his weapon every game have doesn't affect on your repairing and what is problem if he took your weapon like someone died in real life? -.- -1
  • Every single thread made on the forums, deleted, closed, or still present are and will be read by the GMs, this includes suggestions as well.

    However to be on topic, I disagree with this suggestion to be put into reality due to it's cost and unfairness to non-zp buyers. Profit may be one thing, it however will not bring in fair gameplay. I also do wonder, why do you actually care when people pick up your gun after death? What I have to tell you is that you should just deal with it.

    -1 on this suggestion,

    It annoys me because half of my team during TD are in the base waiting for me to die so they can pick up my weapon...
  • Did you know in CFVN and CFCN you cant pick up crates weapon ;), normal GP weapon will dropped but not crates, GP and ZP u died, it disappeared like VIP guns wooohoo I love that =)) YOU CANT TOUCH MY AWESOME GUN LEL
  • Axdouble1 wrote: »
    It annoys me because half of my team during TD are in the base waiting for me to die so they can pick up my weapon...

    dont necropost
  • Incentive wrote: »
    Being an active Crossfire player, I have learned much about what most players want, and feel. One issue that seems to come to mind often is whether to use that hard earned zp crate weapon or golden coupon weapon in any game besides a mutation mode type game. Many player don't use old event crate weapons and zp weapons from the fact that it might be taken when they die in a game mode. I, for one, also feel this when choosing whether to use it or not. Many friends who I have invited into the game, have spent zp, but never use the guns they got from the black market because they are tired of people taking it when they die, or their own team getting distracted trying to pick it up when an enemy is right in front of them. Although I feel that suggestions are rarely read, I would like to suggest a zp temporary item in the item shop, probably 5,000 zp for a month, that prevents certain chosen items from dropping after death. At that price, I would buy it, and I know many people will get over their anxiety of using their rare, and old guns in a game and it getting taken. Like the colored name/chat item, it will not directly affect gameplay, and it will likely bring in extra profit.

    Edit: It seems people are doubting the usefulness of the item, and I will say, it is pretty useless, and doesn't provide any boost/affect gameplay either, but like colored name/chat, it is just another feature that some people may want.

    i say this to everyone that complains about people using their dropped guns: not my fault you suck with it.
  • you do realize that this is gonna cause more noobs to follow you to trade for your gun (as if there aren't already lots) and they will often get you killed.

    If you die and you drop the gun, you can have noobs following you and use them as bait, which is quite nice in some situations.
  • Oh grow up, you drop a gun a pixel one at that and when others use it, it damages their weapon.

    If you want a weapon that doesn't drop buy a VIP then there is no need to be a whiny ass.
  • This thread is 9 months old if you didn't realize that.