Invasion of the Ghost Tournament


Champions Prize 88,000 ZP
Rules and Guidelines

-It is mandatory that all tournament participants review and understand the rules.

Sign up date begins between ( December 13, 2012 )-( December 27, 2012 )
Registering form should be in the following format.

Team Name:
Team Captain:
Team Member:
Team Member:
Team Sub:
Team Server: (NA/EU)

Note: Rank staff sergeant is required when registering or they will be invalid. Members of the team do not have to be in the same clan. It most certainly can if you would like to represent your clan.

Tournament rules
This is a double elimination tournament meaning once you lose 2 games your team is eliminated.
There will be two brackets. A winners bracket and a losers bracket. Eventually there will only be one champion.

Upon the match up time, each team must have 3 members present during check in.
Your team is given 10 minutes to check in. Once the teams are checked in,
the overwatcher will give the teams 5 minutes to prepare.
During this time you are to equip yourself appropriately.
No Illegal gears. Check the list of weapons below.

Failure to check in will result in a forfeit. If both teams should fail to check in, it will result in both teams losing.
If both team fails to show up at the very first game of the tournament. Both teams will be drop out of the tournament.

If a team lose 2 member during a round. Resulting in a 2v3. The round must continue.
In the case of the whole team leaving before the game finishes, the winning team goes to the team that stayed.

Scoring system
In order to advance to the next round. Team with the most wins out of the 2 halves will proceeds forward.

Team A v.s. Team B (A-B)
score is 5-9 and 9-1
total score is 14-10
Team A is the winner and they will move to the next round

Tie breaker
In the event of a tie break, team captains are to play a 1v1 in a 5 round
randomized ghost mode map. The captain with the most wins win for his team.

Not following the rules stated will result in losing wins or forcing a team to forfeit.

EU division server change
EU division will be playing in UK5-5

Room setup
Server: Delta 2/ UK5-5
Room name: (team name) vs (team name)
Max player:6
Observer: max 10
Rounds: 9
Able to join
1st person
Password: ( )password will be giving to the team captain

Map rotation
Night Falls

The purpose of a sub is to replace 1 person who can't make it or dc as well as to promote variant gameplay.
Should a teammate disconnect during a game, the substitute on standby may take over.
Substituting can take place between and during matches as many times as you want.
However he or she must wait until the next round.
New Rule:Substitute will have to take a screenshot when they join the game.
Substitute is to wait in the lobby

Flash Guard
Any weapons used not in the green list above will result in a penalty.

Prohibited Gear and Gameplay
-no head armor
-no body armor
-no breath down
-no footstep noise down
-no reduce fall damage
-no extra mags

If you suspect that the opposing team is using armor, your team have to ask that person to take a ss and submit it to the overwatcher.
Should a player be caught with the following prohibited gears, penalties will be giving costing his or her team winning points.

C4 planting
C4 must be planted in an area accessible by the defuser

Only single person boosting is allowed. Double jump is also allowed.

Glitcher/hacker will not be tolerated and will be force to forfeit the game as well as being report.

Re-spawning after a death before the 2 minute mark will result in a penalty
Late spawn must forfeit the round by rejoining the team as an unplayable soldier.
Should we find a player using a weapon or gear not listed, that player may leave the room to re-equip themselves.

Screenshot is required to be taken at the start of the game.
if someone should accuse you for wearing invisible armors
New Rule:If you happen to disconnect, you should take a screenshot as you start the next round.
Screenshot should be taken with the tab button press during the game.
One person should also take a screenshot of the ending result to accurately count score.
In case the overwatcher mistakenly counts the score.
You are to upload and send the screenshot to the overwatcher

1. *Sugoi_
2. Seashores
3. Multiiii
4. Optiiii
5. TheSleepyFox
6. Cuum?
7. Shelleyy.
8. random1803jr
9. .*_]-Z-[_*.
10. *[O]zman

Time Zone
Time will be in (EST)


  • Tournaments Schedule

    Tournament Rosters

    EU Teams

    Team name: Blase
    Captain: WH0]BilL[4C3
    Member: Who]FeeL
    Member: Who]Anubite.
    Sub: -i]Live..

    Team name: Blue luckiers
    Captain: Job-
    Member: GameOver?
    Member: [Fr]iends.*
    Sub: mandaki

    Team name: Defuse
    Captain: Thehenkieman
    Member: Broodjekebap
    Member: *kjell*
    Sub: MegaCoolness

    Team name: GM.Junky
    Captain: [Seal]*4Ce
    Member: [C]obra.
    Member: pike.?
    Sub: ThunderBird.

    Team name: GM-Ryders
    Captain: *runb4ikill*
    Member: ikillub4urun
    Member: Pro_Header
    Sub: Preset

    Team name: huehuehue
    Captain: GM*[Pfand]
    Member: Nonnen]Wolle
    Member: SakeHUN
    Sub: Tiga.dG?

    Team name: InvaderS
    Captain: benny1371
    Member: bluesunred
    Member: omar16
    Sub: radwan2010

    Team name: [J-J]
    Member: DeXteR
    Member: [EmP]-Sta[R]
    Sub: *360*ZyXeR

    Team name: [J]udgment.
    Captain: [N]arniro.
    Member: *[super]*
    Member: GuckYy
    Sub: -Gm][SexY*

    Team name: Masters of Disaster
    Captain: -pF-kellen*
    Member: -Spellsword
    Member: [R]eality*
    Sub: xx.gunner.xx

    Team Name: Ninja
    Captain: Lazzivo
    Member: Major.[-Fara
    Member: 1T-Dew
    Sub: Just][Ninja.

    Team name: Rackers
    Captain: Mr_Vu
    Member: _Upex_
    Member: -[uK]Marshal
    Sub: SickJacken

    Team name: ROCKET
    Captain: *.
    Member: _[0]_[0]_
    Member: Annix.
    Sub: ItsMe-

    Team name: Sound masters
    Captain: Manter
    Member: ado0o0la
    Member: Lazer
    Sub: [messi]10

    Team name: Team Farmers
    Captain: _7?
    Member: [L]ove_143
    Member: *BiKeR-_-BoY
    Sub: [M]Chord

    NA Teams

    Team name: AlphaWolves
    Captain: -Winston
    Member: riaj17
    Member: kingpablox
    Sub: D-chillz

    Team name: Big D
    Captain: -Bback
    Member: JudgeSims
    Member: SH0CKER.
    Sub: Kwon.Yuri

    Team name: ßushido
    Captain: [P]andora
    Member: [L]egend.
    Member: -*starstruck
    Sub: TRIXXZ.

    Team name: Eliminate
    Captain: Colby
    Member: Kevin
    Member: KT
    Sub: *bunnnies*

    Team name: Golden Rule
    Captain: VATAV
    Member: i[A]narchy
    Member: Mr. Ecstasy
    Sub: NJ

    Team name: Goon Squad
    Captain: Excision-
    Member: KnifeParty-
    Member: Jewbacca.
    Sub: kyen-

    Team name: Inflicted-
    Captain: Incursion.
    Member: Zanax.
    Member: ]L[ight?
    Sub: Fly-Or-Die

    Team name: PhiLipPiNeS
    Captain: -pHhOcK*
    Member: -pH*[R]Kate.
    Member: :-pH*[J]hay*
    Syb: -Cyd

    Team name: pink ponies
    Captain: SNITCHEZ
    Member: -LOGIC
    Member: CHRISS

    Team Name: Pokemon?
    Captain: Jumbolia
    Member: pinetree
    Member: Deluxe?_
    Sub: GhostKing_

    Team name: RED PANCAKES
    Captain: INKK
    Member: Dotz*
    Member: DOM-
    Sub: HA

    Team name: Scratch™
    Captain: PickleZzzZzz
    Member: -1st_Ace*
    Member: [SC]-Blink.
    Sub: [SC]-Clever.

    Team name: Super Rich Kids
    Captain: ]H[opSinn
    Member: Raxsel
    Member: [IDK]Muddled
    Sub: sorrybyebye

    Team name: Team Danny
    Captain: -Danny?
    Member: Wet?
    Member: Sean?
    Sub: tash13

    Team name: TEAM OCP
    Captain: Edge_
    Member: Xhale_
    Member: Beatz
    Sub: Tansta

    Team name: Team yy.
    Captain: Crybabyy.
    Member: Clayton.
    Member: Buffyy.
    Sub: SilverHawk?

    Team name: The Abusers
    Captain: manetr
    Member: Who]O.o[Me
    Member: DarQ.knight
    Sub: MARSAFY

    Team name: [T]he Ghost.
    Captain: ujit-*
    Member: PinPoint]
    Member: PinkFloyd*
    Sub: SuPr3m3sOuL

    Team Name: Wheres Waldo
    Captain: Waldo
    Member: ****BOSS
    Member: Allah?
    Member: God?

    Tournaments Bracket
    January 5th 2013

    EU Division


    NA Division

  • Look very nice

    Ill get back into GM now for this.
  • Match Schedules

    EU Division
    Week 1 - Saturday, January 5th 2013
    Notes: Teams that get their first lose will be playing another game later at 3:00 p.m. EST(8:00p.m. GMT)
    EU division will be playing in server UK5-5

    1:00 p.m. EST(6:00 p.m. GMT)

    B. Masters of Disaster vs Blue luckiers 13-18 Blue luckiers win

    C. Invaders vs Blase 18-2 Invaders win

    D. huehuehue vs Sound Masters 18-1 huehuehue wins

    E. GM.Junky vs Defuse 18-11 GM Junky wins

    F. [J]udgement vs ROCKET 8-14 ROCKET wins

    G. [J-J] vs Ninja 18-7 [J-J] Wins

    3:00 p.m. EST(8:00 p.m. GMT)

    A. Team Farmers vs GM-Ryders 16-15 Team Farmers win by tie breaker

    Q. Defuse vs Sound Masters 18-5 Defuse wins

    R. Ninja vs [J]udgement 12-13 [J]udgement wins

    S. Blase vs Masters of Disaster 2-11 Masters of Disaster win

    Week 1 - Sunday, January 6th 2013
    EU Division
    Notes: Teams that lose this round will play 1 more game at 3:00 p.m EST(8:00 p.m. GMT)

    1:00 p.m. EST(6:00 p.m. GMT)

    H. Rackers vs Team Farmers 7-18 Team Farmers win

    I. Blue luckiers vs Invaders Invaders win by default

    J. huehuehue vs Gm Junky huehuehue wins by default

    K. Rocket vs [J-J] [J-J] Win 9-8 after points penalty

    3:00 p.m. EST(8:00 p.m. GMT)

    T. (Racker vs Defuse) Defuse wins by default

    U. (Blue luckiers vs [J]udgement) [J]udgement wins by default

    V. (Gm Junky vs GM-Ryders) GM-Ryders win by default

    W. (Rocket vs Master of Disaster) 7-18 Master of Disaster wins

    NA Division
    Week 1 - Saturday, January 5th 2013

    6:00 p.m. EST
    A. Team OCP vs Scratch™ Scratch™ win by default

    B. Golden Rules vs Inflicted- 12-16 Inflicted- wins

    C. RED PANCAKES vs PhiLipPiNeS both team DQ for not showing up

    E. ßushido vs The Abusers ßushido win by default

    F. pink ponies vs Team yy. Team yy. win by default

    G. Eliminate vs Super Rich Kids 0-10 Super Rich Kids win

    8:00 p.m. EST
    I. Goon Squad vs Pokemon Goon Squad win by default

    K. AlphaWolves vs Big D 6-18 Big D wins

    D. Team Danny vs (Scratch™) 9-11 Scratch™ wins

    H. [T]he Ghost vs (Inflicted) Inflicted win by default

    J. Wheres Waldo gets a bye

    Week 1 - Sunday January 6th 2013
    NA Division
    Note: Any green team who loses their match will play another game at 8:00 p.m. EST

    6:00 p.m. EST

    V. Team Danny vs Golden Rule Team Danny win by default

    AA.Eliminate vs pink ponies

    L. Scratch vs ßushido 11-9 scratch wins

    M. Team yy. vs Super Rich Kid 4-18 Super Rich kid wins

    N. Inflicted- vs Goon Squad 14-18 Goon Squad wins

    O. Wheres Waldo vs Big D Big D wins by default

    8:00 p.m. EST

    AB. (ßushido vs Pokemon?) 10-18 Pokemon? wins

    AC. (loser of M vs Alphawolves) Match cancel and reschedule for next week

    AD. (loser of N vs winner of V) Reschedule for next week

    AD. (loser of O vs winner of AA) Reschedule for next week

    Teams playing in the 2nd week have the option of scheduling their match time.
    Pm me if both teams would like to reschedule their match within this week.

    EU Division
    Week 2 - Saturday, January 12, 2013
    Map: Complex

    1:00 p.m. EST(6:00 p.m. GMT)

    L. Team Farmers vs InvaderS 18-12 Team Farmers win

    M. huehuehue vs [J-J] [J-J] wins by default

    Y. GM.Ryders vs Masters of Disaster 11-16 Masters of Disaster win

    3:00 p.m. EST(8:00 p.m. GMT)

    X. Defuse vs [J]udgement 14-12 Defuse wins after score counts

    Week 2 - Sunday, January, 13 2013
    Map: Metro

    1:00 p.m. EST(6:00 p.m. GMT)

    Z. huehuehue vs Defuse Defuse win by default

    AA. InvaderS vs Masters of Disaster 16-8 Masters of Disaster win

    NA Division
    Week 2 - Saturday, January 12, 2013
    Map: Complex

    6:00 p.m. EST

    AC. Team yy. vs Alphawolves Team yy. win by default

    AD. Inflicted- vs Team Danny 18-10 Inflicted-

    AE. Wheres Waldo vs Eliminate Both team DQ

    8:00 p.m. EST

    P. Scratch vs Super Rich Kid 18-4 Scratch wins

    Q. Goon Squad vs Big D Big D wins by default

    AF. Pokemon? vs Team yy. 18-7 Pokemon? wins

    AG. Inflicted bye game

    Sunday, January 13, 2013
    Map: Metro

    6:00 p.m. EST

    AH. Goon Squad vs Pokemon? 13-6 Goon Squad wins

    AI. Super Rich Kid vs Inflicted- 9-18 Inflicted- wins

    EU Division
    Week 3 - Saturday, January 19, 2013
    Map: Nightfalls

    1:00 p.m. EST(6:00 p.m. GMT)

    N. Team Farmers vs [J-J] 16-15 Team Farmers win

    AB. Defuse vs Masters of Disaster 13-16 Masters of Disaster win

    3:00 p.m. EST(8:00 p.m. GMT)

    AC. [J-J] vs Masters of Disaster 18-11 [J-J] wins

    Week 3 - Sunday, January, 20, 2013
    Map: Laboratory

    1:00 p.m. EST(6:00 p.m. GMT)

    O. Team Farmers vs [J-J] [J-J][/color] 13-16 [J-J] Wins

    Map: Hakenkruez

    P. Team Farmers vs [J-J] 10-18 [J-J] Wins the EU Division Tournament.

    NA Division
    Week 2 - Saturday, January 19, 2013
    Map: Nightfalls

    6:00 p.m. EST

    R. Scratch vs Big D 18-11 Scratch wins

    AJ. Goon Squad vs Inflicted- 11-2 Goon Squad wins

    8:00 p.m. EST

    AK. Big D vs Goon Squad 9-18 Goon Squad wins

    Week 3 - Sunday, January, 20, 2013
    Map: Laboratory

    6:00 p.m. EST

    S. Scratch vs Goon Squad 12-9 Scratch

    Invasion of the Ghost Tournament EU Final Result

    Supreme Champion: [J-J]
    Worthy Adversary: Team Farmers
    Maybe Next Time: Masters of Disaster
    4th place: Defuse
    5th place tie: InvaderS, huehuehue
    7th place tie: GM-Ryders, [J]udgment.
    9th place tie: Rackers, Blue luckiers, GM.Junky, ROCKET
    13th place tie: Blase, Sound masters, Ninja

    Invasion of the Ghost Tournament NA Final Result

    Supreme Champion: Scratch™
    Worthy Adversary: Goon Squad
    Maybe Next Time: Big D
    4th place: Inflicted-
    5th place tie: Super Rich Kids, Pokemon?
    7th place tie: Team yy., Wheres Waldo
    9th place tie: Team Danny, ßushido, Eliminate, AlphaWolves
    13th place tie: The Abusers, pink ponies, [T]he Ghost., RED PANCAKES
    17th place tie: Team OCP, Golden Rule, PhiLipPiNeS
  • Team Name: pink ponies
    Team Captain: SNITCHEZ
    Team Member: -LOGIC
    Team Member: CHRISS
    Team Sub: SALADHYSKA
    Team Server: NA

    before you take this application, do we have to bandicam or anything?
  • BLX2010 wrote: »
    Reserving spots :)

    If your wondering where are the guns that you can use, I will update on it shortly
    Please use these rules I'm telling you:

    You don't have to have it exactly the way it is. (i.e. The growler, ppl can use other recording programs) but at least the allowed equipment mostly similar to it. I'm not trying to dictate the rules or anything, it would just make the tourney more legit.

    Btw what are the prizes for 1st/2nd/3rd?

    If rules are good, prizes good, then I might play.
  • Please use these rules I'm telling you:

    You don't have to have it exactly the way it is. (i.e. The growler, ppl can use other recording programs) but at least the allowed equipment mostly similar to it. I'm not trying to dictate the rules or anything, it would just make the tourney more legit.

    Btw what are the prizes for 1st/2nd/3rd?

    If rules are good, prizes good, then I might play.

    moss please

    it's the easiest to cheat on
  • MiKEYYYYz wrote: »

    before you take this application, do we have to bandicam or anything?

    About the anti-cheat recording. I feel that it will harm players game play. We haven't talk much about having one. Going with screenshot is the best I can come up with.

    The answer at the moment is no.
  • Magic92816 wrote: »
    Should post the available guns here too.

    I will post them up shortly after I finish editing them.
  • BLX2010 wrote: »
    I will post them up shortly after I finish editing them.

    You're not playing?
  • i hope you understand what double elimination means..
  • BLX2010 wrote: »
    About the anti-cheat recording. I feel that it will harm players game play. We haven't talk much about having one. Going with screenshot is the best I can come up with.

    The answer at the moment is no.

    Lawl. It's easy to hide hacks in GM, all you have to do is not look at the ghosts until they come into range, then you "pinpoint" them ;)

    I'm just playin lol. Good luck.
  • The.. IOTG...T...?

    nicely put together so far. :)
  • OniPony wrote: »
    i hope you understand what double elimination means..

    The SAS is you random, 1v3. I hope players know what double elimination is.
  • You should make people record regardless of hindering there fps, At least make them record on lowest settings. You're going to see a lot of teams go 1-9 bl then gr there amazing "pinpoint" kicks in and 9-0s. Watch the winners be some random non gm clan that somehow got good over night. This tournament is going to be filled with hacks.
  • ' wrote:
    V[isionary;3320306']Looks good :o

    Fer is a noob.
  • Jewbaccah wrote: »
    Fer is a noob.

    jew please, u know im ferfect.

  • WOWMING wrote: »
    You should make people record regardless of hindering there fps, At least make them record on lowest settings. You're going to see a lot of teams go 1-9 bl then gr there amazing "pinpoint" kicks in and 9-0s. Watch the winners be some random non gm clan that somehow got good over night. This tournament is going to be filled with hacks.

    Exactly This ^

    Doesn't matter if it's lowest Bandi settings to 10. Just want recordings so they don't cheat.
  • BLX2010 wrote: »
    The SAS is you random, 1v3.

    but i would have a shotgun in my hand instead
  • Exactly This ^

    Doesn't matter if it's lowest Bandi settings to 10. Just want recordings so they don't cheat.

    lol the gm community is so small.. everyone knows eachother. Cant be so hard to know whos hacking and who isnt.
  • It will takes time to upload videos, and more times to review them.

    Matches will take places 1 hour after the first match. 1hour clearly isn't enough for all of that.

    Last time I played in Talonblaze's tournament, I never send him my guncam video even though it was require.
  • OniPony wrote: »
    but i would have a shotgun in my hand instead
    I believe your using a M16, the picture doesn't lie. :D
  • Time zone?
    Ill be entering as soon as i get a team together.
  • Hezzi wrote: »
    I want to use my M700, though..

    You will be penalized if you use it. J/k, I had it in my list, but i forgot to add it in. I kinda rush with the image.
  • Quick question: how do you check if people have flash guard?
This discussion has been closed.