The Pain Train - A Crossfire game
The Pain Train
W...what? What is THAT?
Pain Train is a game based on the popular survival games and the good and classic tag game.
How does it work?
One person (or more, it'll be explained in more detail below) is tagged as the 'Pain Train'. That person is not allowed to use any guns, only his melee weapon (no restrictions in melee).
If they successfully kill a Runner with a melee, that Pain Train is now a Runner, and the Runner that was killed is now a Pain Train.
The others are the 'Runners'. They're the ones that will be hunted by the Pain Train (or the ones that will hunt it). They're not allowed any weapons else than the M9/Colt 1911. They can't use melee either.
For every 5 people, there is one Pain Train. Meaning, a room with 16 people would have 3 Pain Trains.
An example.
11 people in a room would give 2 pain trains. The Pain Train kills a Runner, that Runner is the new Pain Train, and the old Pain Train is now a Runner.
Please consider the following: The rules can be changed as you like. They're only here so they can promote a better gaming experience and to be make it more fair.
- Runners can't use melee, and Pain Train can't use guns.
- Grouping is highly discouraged. This rule was made because grouping elevated the difficulty for Pain Trains a bit too much.
- If you're a Runner and you kill another Runner, you're the Pain Train.
- No grenades allowed.
Making a Pain Train room
Make a Free For All Room, and select Pistol Only.
You may use any maps but it is best played in Black Widow and Eagle Eyes.
Make it time based.
Guide to survival
This is a short list of things to do and to avoid so you can have higher chances of survival.
Please note: Those are not rules! They're simply guides so you can increase your survival chances!
I'd avoid camping. It is allowed, however, people who camp usually have a much lower chance of surviving (from what we have seen).
Aim for the head. The M9 and the Colt are really, really weak.
Run around the map. The Free for All maps have lots of ways to surprise someone, and if you stay at one place, a Pain Train is bound to use one of these surprise spots to catch you.
When you spot a Pain Train and he is coming after you, avoid running. Pain Trains are disallowed to use anything else than melees so they run faster.
Pain Train
Oh no, a Pain Train killed you/you have started as the Pain Train.
Don't fret. Following this guide, it is quite easy to tag someone else as the Pain Train.
I can't encourage people enough to bunny hop. Bunny hopping is actually very effective when you need to avoid shots.
Don't "tank" (run straight to the Runners) - this is asking for getting shot, pretty much.
Axes and Brass Knuckles are the most effective melee weapons to use in Pain Train.
Try to make people follow you, and then kill them around the corners. They won't see it coming.
If you see someone grouping, feel free to speak up! The grouping rule is not enforced much but you're still allowed to object.
Q1: Is suicide allowed?
A: Yes, as long as you don't use grenades.
Q2: What's the recommended amount of people to play Pain Train?
A: From 2-16, but we prefer 10, minimum.
Q3: You keep referring to "we". Who is "we", exactly?
A: Read the staff credits below.
Q4: Why is M9 and Colt the only allowed pistols?
A: All the other weapons we have tested have made it much harder for the Pain Trains.
Q5: Are we free to change rules around?
A: Absolutely! Make sure that when you make forumer rooms, you alert everyone about the changes.
Q6: Where do you plan on using this game?
A: We might use it on the X-mas Broadcast.
We came up with this game on a boring and normal Wednesday (or maybe not!). By we, I'm referring to:
and me, LobsterMts.
Beta testers
Thanks to everyone who tested our Pain train game (please don't tell people about the old name!), including:
And Ðestructive, of course.
If I forgot someone, please PM me!
Feel free to ask questions around. We might make a forumer room later.
Video will be done later.
Oh, and please don't quote the whole post.
Video will be done later.
Oh, and please don't quote the whole post.
We can use the colt 1911 now? YES! it's a lot more powerful than the m9 (1 hit HS at close-ish range).
Great game, but people really have to know the rules, otherwise it can become chaos (like when demon kept running after me with his kris although he wasn't pain train anymore ) -
It has been so long since I last played this game.
Btw wasn't it M9 and Glock instead of the Colt?i need a video
Tried finding a video, but couldn't. I even used filters, but no succes. I guess the best way to learn it would be playing one. -
Are you farming posts?No, but I never saw this part of the forum before. It's so much that I havn't seen before on this forum. Thats why I'm posting so much, I want to take part of what I missed and I have nothing else to do, I'm in school and my lesson start in about 1 hour
I just want to take part of this awesome Community
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