New Game: Smoke in the house.

Hey guys. Vu, Iron and me invented a new game while playing some ffa.
Smoke in the house
General info
Map: Eagle Eye
Allowed: Only Winchester/Winchester scope, Smoke nade and knife.
Max amount of people: 5. I recommend playing it with 3-4 though, since there isn't much space.
Location: The house on A side

Well, so this is how it works, or how we played it.
Everyone goes to the house on A side and throws his smoke inside. Shooting, killing etc outside of the house is not allowed.
Example: Person A is outside of the house. Person B is inside. Person B is allowed to shoot person A, but person A isn't allowed to shoot person B before he is in the house.
With the house being full of smoke, you can't see any player running around inside.
So yeh, the whole action takes place in the house. It was a lot of fun when we played it, sometimes someone got a random 2k headshots while shooting in that house and just seeing the name. :p

You can also use the gr base or the hotel near B side if you feel like there isn't enough space in the house at A. I'm sure there are more maps with small houses that can be used for that game.

Another Version of it
I just tried this today and it's even more fun. All snipers are allowed, but you're not allowed to scope in. Which means, no scope only! I recommend using the dsr/psg rd or dragunov. :)

Well, I hope you like it. We did at least. ;)
