Want to know whats cool about Crossfire? =D



  • Frycti0n wrote: »
    maybe you just didnt know that its not because people turn around and shoot that they are obviously hackers... oh and dw i know about aimbotters anyway ... keep on the QQ if you feel better but when a patch is made hacks are off for the time they need to remake them....... so just enjoy this time instead of trying to give me a class on aimbotters >.<

    Lol. OMG LOL.
    We are telling you they do not turn around. When they do their 360° lightning fast rotation over themselves, they already face you. And when I say lightning fast, the only way to turn this fast is to increase your mouse sensitivity to the max and move your mouse like a mad, or throw it off your desk. Incompatible with their deadly accuracy.
    I'll upload a replay where everyone can see what kind of spin we are talking about.

    And I'm sorry to disappoint you, but only two days after the patch release, I played against those obvious aimboters. Two days only. So what do you expect us to enjoy ? Two days of clean play (or even less, I had the X-trap problem preventing me to play just after the patch thus the 2 days delay) and then months of hack ?

    I'm not paranoïac, I never hackuse without certainty, but I watch a lot of replay, and sir, there are a lot players who hack believe me.Of course, I'm still giving X-trap time. It has just been released, I know it needs time before he becomes efficient, but just don't say there are no hackers. It's ridiculous.
  • Frycti0n wrote: »
    tho it can be 2nd accounts but yes i do aggree most of hackers are low accounts level rarely high ranked ones

    You are, imo, far from the truth. A lot of hackers are high ranked, I know of a Captain (double silver bars) that hacked (even though he got his rank mostly without it).

    Here is a replay : http://www.mediafire.com/?nzmzniyywlm

    Look carefully at the player I will tell you by PM, specially at the third round of the replay (score 5-0) and then tell me she just "turns around". She even spins while in mid-air never experiencing aiming issues like normal humans should. The most obvious thing being that this magical 360° spin is only visible through 3rd person view, like it wasn't a normal rotation but a hack induced artifact of some sort on the player model.

    Watch it, closely. It was taken 2 days after the patch. It was my first game since the X-trap patch release, my first one, and it already contained hackers. Case made.

    ps : sorry for the double post but a new message for the link was better I think.
  • It is pretty impossible for you guys not to encounter hackers. It's infested now. I find it funny that you guys find this new anti-hack so awesome.


    Are you remembering your team? You won't notice your team is hacking as easily as you would the opposing team.
  • i play each weekend night and the only hacker i have seen was a noob who got so fed up of being poned, hack or not, left.
  • well, on the topic of hackers and combat arms- I PERSONALLY think that CrossFire has about the same amount of hackers, maybe even more. BUT, Combat Arms hackers are MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH worse. ALL THE TIME in zombie mode (quarentine) i would be randomly zombied. And my attacker- a human who cant zombify anyone. And they would zombify everyone within half a second. AND went they were kicked, everyone would defend them too. And the terrible knife hack =( Just randomly get knifed to death: not fun. Here on CrossFire, ive only seen a hack like that twice- where ppl randomly fall over. Patched now, i think. Worst we have is a aimbotter, and a often chammer. We can live with a chammer. Aimbotter- well, they are a bit annoying. Not as annoying as randomly falling over. So, we have it good! Remember, this is MY opinion =)
  • Hack?

    I dont think you can hack in crossfire anymore? plus, i dont think you played hackers before, unless you saw them do something inhuman, for example speed hack, gun hack, invisible hack, but getting headshots all the time is something possible,
  • Combat arms is really messed up because of the spray and burst fire. Crossfire has the ebst porportions
  • well, i see it as this. all the public hacks are patched. but, there are the noobs who don't have skills so they BUY their hacks. and i seen a few out there. but overall the hacking rate has gone down ALOT.
  • kartmanny wrote: »
    I'm sure there are the few noobs who report a clean player just because he got a headshot or something stupid like that.

    One of the only people that I noticed that actually said that. On a Pistol Elimination, I was pistoling with only one guy left, which was a Jumping Knifer, jumping like an idiot to waste my pistol shots so its forced to melee duel. one of the times he jumped i managed to kill him, and he raged and called me a hacker that uses a bullet grab, yet i missed 3 out of 4 shots i fired at him.

    Anyway, back on topic...

    I dont see very many hackers, maybe sometimes, but not always.
  • I guess it's safe to say now that something must have been done since the hack level seems to be back to normal (good normal).
  • Half the people you claim hack are usually better then you and are legit, what's cool about crossfire? EVERYTHING: Ghost mode (CA DOESN'T HAVE) all the weapon crates with a coupon system, the gameplay, headshot is 1 hit kill on most guns..... everything so shutup there are pros and not hackers because after the xtrap came in place there is very little hacking.
  • Goosanator wrote: »
    Half the people you claim hack are usually better then you and are legit, what's cool about crossfire? EVERYTHING: Ghost mode (CA DOESN'T HAVE) all the weapon crates with a coupon system, the gameplay, headshot is 1 hit kill on most guns..... everything so shutup there are pros and not hackers because after the xtrap came in place there is very little hacking.

    There are still hacks out there such as chams and one shot kills.

    Also, I agree with you that Combat Arms sucks.
    Yet another thing to add to your list... weapons do not expire if bought, only ZP ones or Black Market crates.
  • X-trap has patched most hack.s publics in particular i never see aimbotters anymore and i hope, no pray that ur not another noob who QQ's about good players who kill them
  • TheProdgy wrote: »
    X-trap has patched most hack.s publics in particular i never see aimbotters anymore and i hope, no pray that ur not another noob who QQ's about good players who kill them

    The amount of Q.Q is still the same......and lots and lots of low ranks are in the game now.
    Just check the lobbyes and youll see tons of low ranks like never before.I saw a speed hacker today wich he could turn it on and off in game, and he was in clan called merga.They keep telling him to turn it off and not use it like that,in spanish.
  • what hackers?

    Did i just download this after a patch? I used to play and at a time hackers were bad. I was by far pro and still know legit from hacks. But I don't think I've seen a single hacker yet. Sure it's only my first day though. Maybe people need to know legit from hacks. i was going 45-4, 31-2, 28-3, and ect... on S&D and that was my first in months. As well as no speakers on. People assume wall hacks because someone is smart enough to check crappy hiding spots and corners. or to aim for the head.
  • I reported 4 over weekend and 0 on bann list:(

    right dude, they say "we dont care about ZP buyer" but they do because its bussines..... they say "read term and conditions" but they did nothing against reported players because my reported buy a lot of zp..... more then 100 reported cheater and obv. aimboter (360°) incl. screenshot and and and... exactly 0 on the banlist...... and i waste my time with reporting waller, boter whatever......
  • Some bans might not appear on the ban list due to legal issues and such.
  • Frycti0n wrote: »
    so far im only a GM player and yes i take care of everything that surrounds me and when im a GR its litterally a hunting open season if i hear one ill track him down until i get him so i sometimes pass around him even circle him and when i have a guess of his position i turn and shoot and most of the time i get it sometime i dont (for example he is above me on the other floor) so yes i oftenly make a 360 and shoot even though i never been hacking on any game not even on AoE to gather the ressources in an offline game hacks are waste of time .... so yeah

    LOL i got hackusated once in a GM match just for doing that.
    Lissen up, noobs...


    180 =/= 360

    Not even close.
  • ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...........

    xtrap is better then gg.... End of story........

    Yes there was a influx of aimbotters the first 5 days xtrap was in use... they patched to 2 times and i have ONLY seen one SUSPECTED aimbotter sence.....

    I have only seen 2 susptected wall hacks/chammers... and i give them both a 50/50 chance of being legit.

    ON THE OTHER HAND..... i have been hackused more sense xtrap came out then ever before with GG.............

    In **** with the exception of the aimbot epidemic that is OVER sence last 2 xtrap patches... there ARE less hackers in crossfire today then before. BUT "u hack cause u killed me" is higher then other......... I suspected all the old hackers are now getting pwned and are the ones hackusing cause they never realized how bad they sucked before.
  • RendoRazor wrote: »
    i have been hackused more sense xtrap came out then ever before with GG.............

    That's either because:

    1) noobs got their accs banned, came back and still cnt play legit
    2) people now think that hacks are still rife (even tho they're not)
    3) z8 haven't got anything to tell the non-forumers to behave
  • Lammero wrote: »
    LOL i got hackusated once in a GM match just for doing that.
    Lissen up, noobs...


    180 =/= 360

    Not even close.

    ? for doing what ?? flying ? and btw yes its a 360 since my headphones are showing me if the ghost is on my right or if hes on my left learn to use this ... 360 since i take a complete turn to make sure where the ghost get to be so whos the noob ?
  • stop saying they don't ban zp users.
    reported an SPOP w/ Kriss Super-V yesterday
    guess what? banned today.
  • Rorzer wrote: »
    jeez. these qq threads are every where.

    Theres like at least one in every Section qq about about themselves failing or somethin
  • do they have a GM on combat arms???? no they dont so stfu noobi :D<333
  • You guys make a very good point but you have to remember foreigners play this game to and i notice that (im not stereotyping) most Brasilians
    and Turks, and some other European countries hack most. I have a friend from Belgium who has hacks that he took from ***.Net because there pc systems work slightly differently so its easier to get through U.S websites while in Europe. Im not sure if thats the case but i honestly think CF should be cut down to U.S and Canada. but i highly doubt that will happen because Z8games are money greedy. When i 1st played this game they had no zp (or sp) weapons. Now theres more zp weapons then there are gp. And the exclusive ones are in crates. Overall this game needs some improvement instead of looking for investments.
  • QQ moar guyz.
    Im havin fun with my popcorn.
    And here comes hoes quoting my post.