Patch Notes 19-04-2012 The Weapons Cache!



  • Gigglez_69 wrote: »
    This, is why I quit playing crossfire. :)

    If this was by some chance acquirable for permanent use, I was planning on downloading the patch and playing the game again.

    Stupid devs think they know what Americans want, because of their "Numbers and research".

    If they added this gun as a temp Zp crate, I would have bought 10K zp and earned 25k ZP in surveys, just to try to get it. I'm sure many would have agreed with me, temp coupon rewards is SO not the way to go, if some of the current temp coupon rewards could be acquired permanently, ZP sales would rise.

    If they added the Barret .50cal, ZP sales would sky rocket, yet they claim they won't EVER release that.

    As said, stupid developers, but long live Z8games. At least it's not Z8games's fault the devolopers are acting like uneducated egg heads.

    Me: My ingame experience and observations prove me right. ;)
    LAst patch was nice , but this is FULL of BUG! , i think all must to stop buy Zp from a whyle, because z8 dont hear comunity request, only money request!!!
  • Your English is fine, but no petitions are allowed, which is what you are techincally proposing.
    • No petitions.
  • Help me please!!!

    it wont let me patch crossfire
  • USGUNDAM wrote: »
    it wont let me patch crossfire

    If you're sure it will not let you patch, after a few tries, try uninstalling CrossFire, and re-downloading and re-installing it, and you should be able to hopefully patch normally in that case.
  • i tried, it keeps saying that access is denied and the client freezes
  • Is anyone else experience a script error? Not only that, I get clients from just moving.
  • Gigglez_69 wrote: »
    If they added the Barret .50cal, ZP sales would sky rocket, yet they claim they won't EVER release that.

    Game Devs can change their mind, they will still probably implement it. let me tell you a story, of how great and credible out Gamemaster once.

    He said: "No Scar light variant will arrive in CFPH, and stop begging for Barrett, we'll not implement it"

    but hey, that Change on February patch, they implemented 2 Weapons which broke what he said (the Royal Dragon Barrett and Scar L Gold)

    and yes, b4 he left, he did something aweful, he implemented MG3 Gold as GP Crate Item(MG3's in cash crate BTW, oh the Irony).

    CFPH is pretty much in a nut shell now

    so yeah, don't lose hope, devs might change their mind
  • Is anyone else experience a script error? Not only that, I get clients from just moving.

    Yes, it's most likely just an advertisement on the loader getting a script error or something of that sort.
  • Is anyone else experience a script error? Not only that, I get clients from just moving.

    Yep like 2 days before the patch. I got the script error. Daying its from Superewards. But i just press yes and continue,
  • Eclud1819 wrote: »
    Server is still down?

    No, the servers are up.
  • And For a change ... ZP PATCH WITH LOTS OF TEMPS :D Cf is fun
  • < i will wait >

    Thank you [GM]Saidin For the Temp Weapons !!

    M16 , 70 copouns for 90 days !! Holy ****

    I will wait until the next patch -.-
  • SaidinMe wrote: »
    Guyes.. the best pro weapon is M700

    Did you just call us a name ? Oh you mean GUYS...

    PS : Nice nickname but I think you have stolen it from somewhere .... SAIDIN ME ... lol
  • aRusher wrote: »
    No, the servers are up.

    have you been able to play yet then??
  • CF_B00M wrote: »
    have you been able to play yet then??

    Yes. msg2s
  • I get this error .. Failed to Download patch file ..
  • nfshot wrote: »
    I get this error .. Failed to Download patch file ..

    Try uninstalling the game, reinstalling it, and then patching it. Hopefully it will patch normally then.
  • aRusher wrote: »
    Yes. msg2s

    any ideas on how to get mine working?? it says xtrap timed out every time i try it
  • CF_B00M wrote: »
    any ideas on how to get mine working?? it says xtrap timed out every time i try it

    Um, if you delete all your Xtrap files, won't it automatically reinstall them?


    [MOD]Hi running around like a dumbass and trying to zombify everyone that "the patch is good" isn't helping things either. Oh well, eventually he will notice that he's becoming the local buffoon. His problem.

    This patch is a pile of trash, and people know it. The administration knows it as well, but they can't show it due to their asses being banged by SmileGAYte.

    Sad. Sad, but expected. Everything dies, so it's time for CrossFire to die. It has lived it's time anyway.
  • NeverTroll wrote: »


    [MOD]Hi running around like a dumbass and trying to zombify everyone that "the patch is good" isn't helping things either. Oh well, eventually he will notice that he's becoming the local buffoon. His problem.

    This patch is a pile of trash, and people know it. The administration knows it as well, but they can't show it due to their asses being banged by SmileGAYte.

    Sad. Sad, but expected. Everything dies, so it's time for CrossFire to die. It has lived it's time anyway.
    put him in as the new patch started to lagg me of ZM and often began to give me "Host error" or "server error" or "hack tools detected".... What must I do to remove these errors??
  • NeverTroll wrote: »


    [MOD]Hi running around like a dumbass and trying to zombify everyone that "the patch is good" isn't helping things either. Oh well, eventually he will notice that he's becoming the local buffoon. His problem.

    This patch is a pile of trash, and people know it. The administration knows it as well, but they can't show it due to their asses being banged by SmileGAYte.

    Sad. Sad, but expected. Everything dies, so it's time for CrossFire to die. It has lived it's time anyway.

    This is clearly your opinion. If you feel like this why are you on the forums complaining about this? Why don't you do yourself a favour and just quit? Also would you care to explain why 'This patch is a pile of trash'?
  • This is clearly your opinion. If you feel like this why are you on the forums complaining about this? Why don't you do yourself a favour and just quit? Also would you care to explain why 'This patch is a pile of trash'?

    It is trash because once again, z8 took some permanent coupon weapons away and replaced them with temps. It is trash because there is just another wave of ZP temp/crate weapon and only one single GP wep. Z8 just clearly has stopped listening to its community, which demands more coupon permanents and more GP weps, be it shop or crate...

    And now seriously, don't come with the "then they would make no more money" point. There are way enough people who buy ZP, there are those who want to get their ranks up, those who will spend hundreds of any currency to get every new ZP crate (ANYBODY ELSE NOTICED Z8 DID THE OVERPRICING AGAIN ON THE AWM LM?GUYS, ARE YOU WANTING US TO QUIT BUYING ZP? IF SO, PLEASE SAY IT NOW.)
    I don't know what these Koreans at Smilegate think but apparently they have this classical cliche that North Americans and Europeans will simply buy everything, no matter the cost.
    Just open your eyeslits a bit more to see the truth: the 80s and 90s are over, we don't buy any crap anymore....

    best regards,
  • Urkel2005 wrote: »
    It is trash because once again, z8 took some permanent coupon weapons away and replaced them with temps. It is trash because there is just another wave of ZP temp/crate weapon and only one single GP wep. Z8 just clearly has stopped listening to its community, which demands more coupon permanents and more GP weps, be it shop or crate...

    And now seriously, don't come with the "then they would make no more money" point. There are way enough people who buy ZP, there are those who want to get their ranks up, those who will spend hundreds of any currency to get every new ZP crate (ANYBODY ELSE NOTICED Z8 DID THE OVERPRICING AGAIN ON THE AWM LM?GUYS, ARE YOU WANTING US TO QUIT BUYING ZP? IF SO, PLEASE SAY IT NOW.)
    I don't know what these Koreans at Smilegate think but apparently they have this classical cliche that North Americans and Europeans will simply buy everything, no matter the cost.
    Just open your eyeslits a bit more to see the truth: the 80s and 90s are over, we don't buy any crap anymore....

    best regards,
    Wait one second.. Right, calm down.
    Z8Games does listen to there community, however the choose not to impliment what people suggest, sometimes they do, sometimes I don't. They changed the coupon system because of the guns which was there were in the for aprox. 2 and a half years...
    Also its not Z8Games which choose what the price is nor what to add... Just remember Z8Games/SmileGate/G4Box are companies, they need to earn money for the shareholders and there employees. If you don't like it quit.
  • Wait one second.. Right, calm down.
    Z8Games does listen to there community, however the choose not to impliment what people suggest, sometimes they do, sometimes I don't. They changed the coupon system because of the guns which was there were in the for aprox. 2 and a half years...
    Also its not Z8Games which choose what the price is nor what to add... Just remember Z8Games/SmileGate/G4Box are companies, they need to earn money for the shareholders and there employees. If you don't like it quit.
    How about I return you the question? If you don't like my oppinion, why don't you shut the F up? If you are stupid enough to accept 90 days limited weapons for 70 coupons (which is what, 'round $100?) than that's your problem, but don't you F'ing force the community to swallow the same sh't that you want to swallow.

    And that shiz you're selling us as the truth "They need to make money, poor poor smilegays" you maybe have their bank accounts and you maybe can prove us that they are going bankrupt? No? Then SHUT THE F UP.
  • Whether or not anyone here in the community likes it, both Smilegate and G4Box, Inc. have to make a revenue from CrossFire to keep the game and the servers up and running.

    Well it is important whether people in the community like it because if they don't then they aren't going to spend their hard earned cash; as you said Smilegate, G4, etc, have to generate revenue which they aren't going to do with a patch as awful as this one.
This discussion has been closed.