Patch Notes: 11-27-2009



  • Yes

    Too many hackers with this new patch.All hackers have created new account because they're affraid to be banned of crossfire.Please remove the last version without this patch with troyan.
  • Not real play now. Many hackers.many many many.Please,banned all.
  • I am so F***** ANGRY right now

    Dear FallenAngel and all other Admins on CF,

    I love playing CF and specially Snipemode that I am really good at it and to become better I was going for ZP with that noob girl skin that is harder to hit, etc. For me it was very simple I wanted to become a very good player without any ZP stuff and with my bad ping of 130 because I live in Sweden, and then go for ZP to become even better with the advantages some ZP stuff gives you. But before I bought the ZP stuff, then came along your new patch that was cracked in a second and ruined everything for me and all other players.

    I have never seen some many Aimboters, Chasmers etc.. before this patch.

    Yes I am angry/raging and no I am not QQ, you know and every body knows what I am talking about. I have a ton of people in my friend list almost everyone a sniper pro like me. Half of them just quit playing CF. And people are quiting every day, just read this forums, "I will stop playing CF and wait for them to fix the hacking problem", etc.

    I really would like to continue playing CF, I love the game, better than CS and all other stuff. But how can I continue to play when you guys running this game looks like don't take this problem serious enough or just don't care, because this is what it looks like when you don't post any a "sticky" post answering this issue and informing your players what you are going to do about it. All pro players are f***** mad right right now.

    We would like to see the following changes.

    1. IP banning
    When we tell the hackers we are going to report them, they just laugh and say "I just fix another account". So IP banning is the only solution. I understand your model is earning by selling stuff, so maby it is not so good banning one kid that just tried out some hacking and got caught. But for every hacker you let stick around, you loose ten other potential clients. Do your math, it is very simple, better to IP banning the hackers, minimum 1 year, so it feels when you hacked.

    2. Ongame Admins
    Give away admin accounts to trusted players so they can ban on sight when they see a hacker. You don't need "proof" to see who is hacking, that is so lame, a hacker is a hacker, you spot them so easy. Fast key to record game for people that don't are admins so they can record a hacker.

    3. Screen dump
    A "get player scren dump" feature would be a very simple and nice solution to see if someone is wallhacking etc. You could limit that to one dump per session game etc.. Everything have a solution if you really want to fix this problem.

    I understand you guys need more players, I see you have only the Alpha channel full almost all the time, but the rest are almost empty. The more players you have the more potential ZP clients you have. Kick the hackers and you are going forward, second you don't reward your players for bringing new players, HUGE marketing miss there, fix that to and some other missing things and you are on the road to establish CF on the map beside CF and COD.

    Thanks for me, I will uninstall CF today and get back playing when you have done something about the problems you have right now.

  • x-trap is a good thing. It notifies the GM's when they did use a hacking program even when they use vip hacks. Just be patient. Yesterday my clan pubbed with sanitarium and others and it was a fun time. Nobody hacked. You just got to get friends and play with them.
  • Dear FallenAngel and all other Admins on CF,

    I love playing CF and specially Snipemode that I am really good at it and to become better I was going for ZP with that noob girl skin that is harder to hit, etc. For me it was very simple I wanted to become a very good player without any ZP stuff and with my bad ping of 130 because I live in Sweden, and then go for ZP to become even better with the advantages some ZP stuff gives you. But before I bought the ZP stuff, then came along your new patch that was cracked in a second and ruined everything for me and all other players.

    I have never seen some many Aimboters, Chasmers etc.. before this patch.

    Yes I am angry/raging and no I am not QQ, you know and every body knows what I am talking about. I have a ton of people in my friend list almost everyone a sniper pro like me. Half of them just quit playing CF. And people are quiting every day, just read this forums, "I will stop playing CF and wait for them to fix the hacking problem", etc.

    I really would like to continue playing CF, I love the game, better than CS and all other stuff. But how can I continue to play when you guys running this game looks like don't take this problem serious enough or just don't care, because this is what it looks like when you don't post any a "sticky" post answering this issue and informing your players what you are going to do about it. All pro players are f***** mad right right now.

    We would like to see the following changes.

    1. IP banning
    When we tell the hackers we are going to report them, they just laugh and say "I just fix another account". So IP banning is the only solution. I understand your model is earning by selling stuff, so maby it is not so good banning one kid that just tried out some hacking and got caught. But for every hacker you let stick around, you loose ten other potential clients. Do your math, it is very simple, better to IP banning the hackers, minimum 1 year, so it feels when you hacked.

    2. Ongame Admins
    Give away admin accounts to trusted players so they can ban on sight when they see a hacker. You don't need "proof" to see who is hacking, that is so lame, a hacker is a hacker, you spot them so easy. Fast key to record game for people that don't are admins so they can record a hacker.

    3. Screen dump
    A "get player scren dump" feature would be a very simple and nice solution to see if someone is wallhacking etc. You could limit that to one dump per session game etc.. Everything have a solution if you really want to fix this problem.

    I understand you guys need more players, I see you have only the Alpha channel full almost all the time, but the rest are almost empty. The more players you have the more potential ZP clients you have. Kick the hackers and you are going forward, second you don't reward your players for bringing new players, HUGE marketing miss there, fix that to and some other missing things and you are on the road to establish CF on the map beside CF and COD.

    Thanks for me, I will uninstall CF today and get back playing when you have done something about the problems you have right now.

    this is not a very good ideea. some isp delivers internet with a limited ip range.
    it may be someone else banned for the mistake of others. i did have a isp like that and is not so easy to prove "it wasnt me". and playing cf i got kicked ..... for reasons beyond my comprehension. so adding negative points to some account .... i dont see that either.
    a good thing is a goood antihack. something writen in assemler, to see if those smart guys are realy smart.
  • hi when i played this game first time i used aim bot after a little time i break my this habbit and i start playing myself to night 03.12.2009 z8 games made a update and i see that still tthere are a lot of hacker and cheater in the game. i was the cheater so i can understand who is cheating but i think this package didn't resolve main problem ... THE HACKERS. I think it only block the rookie cheaters but big ones ???
  • Q: why pay for anti virus?
    A: there is virus.

    Meaning No virus means no PAY.

    Same here.

    No hackers, of course No anti hack, and No PAY.

    So what ever happend. hackers will never be gone for good.

    get it?
  • I'lll like to first off by saying that I'm hoping GMs are reading this as it is a very good marketing research information ;) Also, I do not believe there are AS many hackers are there were before the patch. Reason I say this is because most people are actually being accused of hacking. Yes, it's true, there are still hackers lurring around trying to show off their "awesome" skills, but most people are acutally just good. I can relate to this because I have been called hacking many many times, when I don't. I'm not referring myself as a pro cause I'm not, but you have to understand that some people have skills.

    For example, in ghost modes, you say people cham cause they kill you when you're not doing anything. FYI, you're breathing, thus if they hear you through their awesome, big, headphones, you are for sure done for. I also been accused for "no recoil". I won the Thomson and for once, it has a very low recoil (not no recoil, low recoil). Thus, if you actually aim, it seems like you got very very low recoil. (it's not hacking my friends)

    So what I'm trying to point out to all you CF players is that yes it's true, z8games do need a better anti-virus hacking system (pay someone alot of money to do the job z8!), but at the same time, keep in mind that most people who report hackers may not acutally be hacking, but rather get accused for hacking.
  • Amen! I can also relate to being called a hacker, and I have a KDR of less than 1. No matter what anti-hack program is used, people will always write hacks to get around it, it's just how difficult the anti-hack software makes it for the hackers. Xtrap could be better, could be worse, but there's no way that we can conclusively tell yet. Also, to the person who said there has been a '70% increase in hackers', how the hell can you hope to know that? It reminds me of '67% of statistics are made up on the spot'.

    Also, for those complaining of a Trojan, I can be pretty sure that your anti-virus software is putting out a false positive. I don't claim to be an expert, but if you think about it Xtrap could *look like* a virus to the anti-virus programs, it uses the internet to update itself and it goes through your files to find hacks both of which could be counted as suspicious behavior if the anti-virus software didn't know it was protecting against hacks.

    What we really need is a GM to come in and give some answers to all these people...
  • Game dont start!

    i cant start the game... i dont know why! it say always "Failded to start Crossfire.exe"
    what is this? pls help me
  • all they have problems with crossfire...
    make you Firewall off than you can play normal! its a Tipp
  • Windows 7 support failed again, BlueScreen and MemoryDump problem is detected by me. But before 8 hours I play game at Windows 7 and it is good
  • hgwc

    Help! The game does not start always mistake a message appears why this is??
    "HGWC Timed out waiting for initializing xtrap-engine"
  • Language....

    Hi!How i can play with russian language ??help....
  • hey I can't bunny hop anymore after that patch is it just me or did something change?
  • sweet... the thigh is i too poor now to get those guns :(
  • sanaq wrote: »

    SEE THE HACK-ER ^^ Make him BAN =P

    -I get black screen in ghost mode GR side only, and only can play there -,-
  • I_sSawSs_I

    lol j'sis fraçais ^^ on recrute ds [$]G*unit[$] ^^' venait nombreu =D
  • This is a nice patch, but why did you nerf the m4 custom!?!?!?!
  • Pb

    Bonjour je suis français je ne parle pas anglais, je suis très mauvais ... j'ai un problème avec le nouveau patch je ne peux plus me connecter sur cf un français peut m'aider ?

    Traduction ===> Hello I am French i don't speak english, i have very bad ... I have a problem with the new patch I cannot connect any more on cf French can help me?
  • pff

    wy is map of halloween gonne ist de best map ever !!!
    plies let de map come back!!
  • Great patch

    This is an excellent patch. I’ve been playing for years and i haven’t seen a patch like this since the adv weapons. Nicely done.

    Xtrap is epic good. as far as i have see there aren’t hackers (even though most people who call hacks are in GM and most the time it can be easily explained.) I have been in a multitude of matches since the patch and have found a couple of small things that looked like hacks but in reality they were explainable.

    Don’t like downtown as much though but that’s an opinion and I’m kind of particular about maps. Plus I don’t like new maps till I get really used to them. Like Alaska when it was made.

    That said great job. I’ve got to give it up for this excellent patch.
  • just wondering what exactly was patched? i though they were suppose to be looking into what causes the high ping for some ppl and lags for some ppl with low ping. the only thing i've seen fixed is my game loads and unloads faster w/o hanging between loading screens like b4. perfect example of my problem my ping could be 10 and i've got 50-130FPS depending on how many ppl are playing, whose lagging and what not then 5-15min later my FPS drop from the 50-130 down to 5-10FPS and stay there for about 15-30sec. any idea when that issue will be addressed cuz it's been prominent since the switch to xtrap and the downtown map came out.
  • 2 days afther the patch there were hundreds of hackers (Aimbot and Cham)...just too many to play. There was az Xtrap update, and afther this my ping went up to 220 ms. This game become unplayable for me. Afther 8 months of playing i have to uninstall CF...i have to find an other MMOFPS :(
  • HuIIaX wrote: »
    2 days afther the patch there were hundreds of hackers (Aimbot and Cham)...just too many to play. There was az Xtrap update, and afther this my ping went up to 220 ms. This game become unplayable for me. Afther 8 months of playing i have to uninstall CF...i have to find an other MMOFPS :(

    i can bet you that other games will have more hackers then crossfire! i quited CF too and i change it to CA and Operation 7 but the gameplays arent the same has this one so i came back to CF :) my favourite FPS ever its CS 1.6 its so Fun and crossfire goes the same way the only thing that makes this game more awesome its some change on the sounds of weapons they seem to be similiar to aircroft :( they should have more realistic sounds thats all.
  • screw u who do u think you r aswipe

    someone who actually pays to play this and doesnt complain about every little detail
This discussion has been closed.