CrossFire Memes
(dedicated to stefan) -
wrecked_BRo wrote: »When I'm in the zone, I can't **** while playing. Have to wait till match is over. Yesterday, I held it in for 3 hours while playing BLR...kept tellin mahself - k, after this match....1 more...k, now....i can't stop *wobwobwobwobwoooooobwooooob*. My restroom door is only 15ft from me too lol.
hahaha. Yeah I have certainly debated doing that.. The one time I tried to do that in a car I had to pee more than i thought like in dumb and dumber -_-. It was a fail. I think I ended up dumping the pee out my window while peeing in my pants slightly before I could get the cup back. It was pretty classic.
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