Z8Games being greedy?



  • oh no i have to pay for stuff

    welcome to the real world
  • Pyllynaama wrote: »
    Z8Games FREE GAMING. EVOLVED. Something wrong? Yes. Most of incoming patches has only changes which associated with our players own cash. Couldn't you Z8Games make any changes which could be changed in Maps, Modes, GP Cash only which has no changes on ZP or BP, even ONE DAY? Events could be more pricey. Stop taking players money just by adding more real cash costing stuff. >> I demand more joy for players who don't have that much money. << .. My thread, my say, my word, my opinion.. Shut it.

    Z8Games is the name of a portal. And it hosts free to play games. And it evolved from its previous portal incarnation. Incoming Cross Fire content comes from Smilegate. That includes design decisions on maps. There is no major indication that any map needs to be overhauled. And some of the troublesome glitch spots on maps of old were addressed in those days.

    And new troublesome spots (like say the bridge in Venice ZM) are currently being looked at and have been addressed in some way in previous patches. The developers monitor these spots and try to address them as they can.

    If it is a matter of adding maps, we get almost on average a new map every patch. So I'm not sure where you're coming from with regards to this.

    In addition, while recently, we have not had any major permanent GP weapons, there has been a lot of secondary content that rarely gets upgrades or changes. Temporary weapons for coupons may be seen by you as some sort of a cash grab, but the fact remains coupons are "bonus". You are buying the crate for the chance to spin at a permanent weapon, to be able to get something from coupons is a great addition. And while permanent weapons in that area seem to be declining, new more exclusive and more interesting content is on the rise (rather than just boring old m4a1 variants in yet another part of the game).

    (note we did receive the QBZ-Camo which was a gp crate)

    This also holds true for Dog Tag rewards, mission rewards and other such secondary content, that while seemingly is bad because it's temporary, is good because it's unique.

    edited to add a line at the beginning about z8games.
  • ^^ Something I've wondered about Saidin. Does z8/g4 plan on investing in any other free to play games? Most other portals for free to play games seem to host a lot more than just 2 games. Would be interesting to know :P
  • Notice that the good or greatest things which is coming up for Cross Fire are just with ZP, like extra mission for 800 ZP or zombie mode **1** only 1 costs 400 ZP or can you believe that, Z8 set M4A1-Silver as !!89,00e's!!?
  • If z8 games didn't release new patch content, we would lose players and if we lose players that means they won't be able to sell as much content like zp crates and eventually go out of business...atleast thats how I view the situation

    I think if z8 games were to maybe add some more GP weapons WHILE adding in zp crate weapons..it could help both non zp and zp players. I am mostly just a GP person but i occasionally will buy zp if i have any money (lol make 5 bucks a week from chores). Honestly I don't think Z8Games is that greedy because they do care about what the people want and there is evidence on forums but sadly I think z8 games needs all the money they can to try and upgrade there software..cause they could use some new like graphics, engine and those kind of things.
  • z8 games don't choose new patch content.

    you're complaining about the wrong people.
  • ZP is like a boost. Don't like it, don't buy it.
  • z8, z8, stop being more greedy?

    I think this topic is not against the rule. So please keep it open.

    In the recent half a year, I found z8:

    1) keeping decreasing perm coupon exchange items, and introducing temp items instead;

    2) keeping putting multiple perm items in a single seasonal crate.

    Some MOD says the first issue is to keep coupon exchange items fresh and attractive.

    But evidently z8 can earn more than once from a temp item, comparing to a perm item.

    OK, z8 did something well: introducing a crappy perm SL8, at least it was perm.

    For the second issue, no doubt it encourages people repeatedly investing in a same crate.

    If someone already gets two M4 royal but keeps trying for Kukri, z8 is more than happy.

    Oh, yeah, I admit z8 has the right to do whatever it wants to maximize its profit.

    But, don't you think z8 should stop being more greedy, since it's profiteering enough?
  • Hm...I don't even remember if Z8 is even in charge of those things...but this is how Crossfire has always been (at least this version).
  • I don't care about the Coupon exchange. Only this I wish I had gotten was an AK Knife (didnt buy ZP before that) and M4 Crystal (cuz its rare). I've gotten everything else I wanted though, like an Axe, PSG, AWM Camo, AK Gold and Deagle Camo
  • CF is a free online game where you don't have to ever pay a cent and you can still be super beast. Some of the best guns are gp perm, you never have to spend any real cash. Personally I have always liked that.
  • I don't care about the Coupon exchange. Only this I wish I had gotten was an AK Knife (didnt buy ZP before that) and M4 Crystal (cuz its rare). I've gotten everything else I wanted though, like an Axe, PSG, AWM Camo, AK Gold and Deagle Camo

    I see.

    I already have all perm coupon exchange items.

    4 x axe, 6 x gold DE, and 1 x each other.

    Now I have 100 coupons again and I don't know what to exchange for.

    I don't want to waste coupons on any temp item.

    Introducing a new perm item, even if it's as crappy as SL8, will be better.

    This is not a complain about black market failure.

    I really wish z8 introduce something perm.
  • I guess I kind of missed the point of the OP and wasn't really on topic. Looking back on my post I apologize.
  • In another version of CF (the most recent one) there is NOTHING permanent in the coupon exchange. Which only leads me to believe ours is only going to get worse and worse. So don't expect these bad business men to help us any. We have the worst CF version to be honest.
  • How about this. Compare Cross Fire NA to Cross Fire EU, EU sells almost every rare/zp/bp/cp of NA by GP<
  • AwolSkaarj wrote: »
    We have the worst CF version to be honest.

    I disagree.
  • I disagree.

    True, some versions don't even have perm guns in Coupon Exchange.
    (Do I get infracted for that? ^)

    You could always buy armor. Or get a wrench. Wrench is great for GM, not so much for TD/EM since there isnt that much range on it.

    Its really fun to use.
  • cnhawk wrote: »
    I see.
    I already have all perm coupon exchange items.
    4 x axe, 6 x gold DE, and 1 x each other.
    Now I have 100 coupons again and I don't know what to exchange for.
    I don't want to waste coupons on any temp item.
    Introducing a new perm item, even if it's as crappy as SL8, will be better.
    This is not a complain about black market failure.
    I really wish z8 introduce something perm.

    It is your choice to not exchange your coupons for exclusive weaponry. No argument there.

    Who cares that it's temporary? Exchange enough coupons and you'll have it for more than a year!
    Look at the Wrench or the Ruger Bisley. For 60 coupons you can have either one for 90 days!
    Since you seem to be proficient at winning coupons, the next time you have another 100, go for the same weapon again, and now it's there for 180 days! That's a little less than HALF A YEAR.

    Look temporary is the new idea. Yes this version has had a lot of weaponry that was permanent in coupons, but that's changing, you can see that.
    Why NOT go for a newer weapon that you've probably never played with before?

    This argument applies to the Temp ZP weapons too, as they are pretty awesome to play with.

    cnhawk wrote: »
    I think this topic is not against the rule. So please keep it open.
    In the recent half a year, I found z8:

    1) keeping decreasing perm coupon exchange items, and introducing temp items instead;

    2) keeping putting multiple perm items in a single seasonal crate.

    Some MOD says the first issue is to keep coupon exchange items fresh and attractive.
    But evidently z8 can earn more than once from a temp item, comparing to a perm item.
    OK, z8 did something well: introducing a crappy perm SL8, at least it was perm.
    For the second issue, no doubt it encourages people repeatedly investing in a same crate.
    If someone already gets two M4 royal but keeps trying for Kukri, z8 is more than happy.
    Oh, yeah, I admit z8 has the right to do whatever it wants to maximize its profit.
    But, don't you think z8 should stop being more greedy, since it's profiteering enough?

    Multi-weapon crates aren't a new idea. They've been around since 2010, and are well established in other versions.

    Yes all in all, there are thoughts of turning a profit. Also, it wasn't a G4 decision, it came higher up from the developers at Smilegate and Neowiz, the original publishing company.

    Let me point out a major reason for changing around the coupon system that you yourself have stated:
    cnhawk wrote: »
     Some MOD says the first issue is to keep coupon exchange items fresh and attractive.
    People have always been asking for a new look of different weaponry in the exchange for a very, very long time.
  • I disagree.

    Sure some other version may be worse, but they started out bad in any case. Ours was once really good. Now, it's just getting worse. Besides, you're Aus. You have no right to an opinion.
    Thanks for [MOD]9's reply.

    From whatever you said, this is the point:
    [MOD]9 wrote: »
    Look temporary is the new idea. Yes this version has had a lot of weaponry that was permanent in coupons, but that's changing, you can see that.

    I don't know if it means "removing ALL perm coupon exchange items" is the final goal.

    At least it means "removing MORE perm coupon exchange items" is a trend (will keep removing).

    Regardless how you consider temp items, thanks for making this point clear.
  • cnhawk wrote: »
    I see.

    I already have all perm coupon exchange items.

    4 x axe, 6 x gold DE, and 1 x each other.

    Now I have 100 coupons again and I don't know what to exchange for.

    I don't want to waste coupons on any temp item.

    Introducing a new perm item, even if it's as crappy as SL8, will be better.

    This is not a complain about black market failure.

    I really wish z8 introduce something perm.

    I agree with you.
  • True

    you are true about everything u said in facti have 1 perm axe , ak-gold , de-gold , awm gold and i was hoping to get ak knife instead of BM and ak camo too and more axes and de camo's for my bags but now i dont know what to buy all the temporary items ins't good to waste my coupons on
  • cnhawk wrote: »
    Thanks for [MOD]9's reply.

    From whatever you said, this is the point:

    I don't know if it means "removing ALL perm coupon exchange items" is the final goal.

    At least it means "removing MORE perm coupon exchange items" is a trend (will keep removing).

    Regardless how you consider temp items, thanks for making this point clear.

    It doesn't mean that removing EVERY permanent gun is the goal. I'm pretty sure that they will have a few guns that are permanent in the coupon exchange.

    But the idea is to rethink on how coupons work. From thinking that you are limited to spinning crates only because you have 100 coupon maxed out JUST to get that specific perm weapon to actually looking at the exchange to see what cool newer weapons or items I can go for.

    Also, Armor @ 30 days for only 15 coupons or a cool grenade for 25 coupons? How could one NOT be spamming extra coupons to stock up on those?
    P.S. Merged your thread into this one, as the two topics are related (Z8 apparently being greedy)
  • So this game is free right? and we spent Money on this game and guns ain't cheap either right? so how Many Players spent money on this games thousands of people right? So here my question All that money We spent for this games is not enough to Fixed a Fu***ng Glitch / Client Error etc? I mean What's Up! Does Someone From inside slacking? I mean this is been going on for a while now. This is becoming a CRASHFIRE...I Love this Game but it tiks me off when i get Client Error.
  • So this game is free right? and we spent Money on this game and guns ain't cheap either right? so how Many Players spent money on this games thousands of people right? So here my question All that money We spent for this games is not enough to Fixed a Fu***ng Glitch / Client Error etc? I mean What's Up! Does Someone From inside slacking? I mean this is been going on for a while now. This is becoming a CRASHFIRE...I Love this Game but it tiks me off when i get Client Error.

    client errors every time when i have a good score
    but z8 is just improving the coupon system. I dont care if there are more temp weapons but one think **** me really of. Rx4 storm for 50 coupons for 30 days wtf it should be for 90 days imo
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