SMile GAte please develop "in game voice chat" with push of a button

This suggestion is to SMileGate.

Players deserves a voice chat option.

Stay with the technology.

It will make the game so much more user-friendly.

You will make many more friends in game.

Please put this on your priority list, Mr.Developer.



  • No thanks. Bunch a preteen 12 year olds crying hack every 5 seconds. TERRIBLE IDEA!

    Bad enough they can chat. No need to here them squeek too.
  • No thanks. Bunch a preteen 12 year olds crying hack every 5 seconds. TERRIBLE IDEA!

    Bad enough they can chat. No need to here them squeek too.

    You never even had used a voice chat in this game. If you EVER used a voice chat in game ANYWHERE you know it is OPTIONAL WITH ON AND OFF SWITCH.

    A third party voice chat is a must in serious clan wars. But it is not user friendly to a lot of people. A in game voice chat will solve the problem.

    Who is the 12 yrs old you are talking about? What does this have to do with 12 yrs olds? What kind of phobic is that?
  • Tecumtha wrote: »
    That's not true. You never even had a voice chat in this game. If you EVER used a voice chat in game ANYWHERE you know it is OPTIONAL WITH ON AND OFF SWITCH.

    Stop trolling on my thread, dude.
    Im not trolling. And lets bog down the already high latency **** servers with voice stream idea. You sir are a GOD.

  • I think it would be a okay idea. But of course this would probably create lots of problems in-game. Plus there already are lots of problems that are in need of coding/scripting. (whatever they call it :P)
  • Im not trolling. And lets bog down the already high latency **** servers with voice stream idea. You sir are a GOD.


    In game voice chat is a button like "T", that you hold while you talk, so it is not voice stream like Vent or Teamspeak. It is not a mp3 sound file, just a low quality voice sound.

    So your argument is rather weak one compared to the quality experience that users will have in pub rooms.
  • This community is all young and immature kids. Good iunno probaly 80%. Hence 12 year old preteens. I do believe i used both words above too. :)
  • I think it would be a okay idea. But of course this would probably create lots of problems in-game. Plus there already are lots of problems that are in need of coding/scripting. (whatever they call it :P)

    You will always have glitches with each update. voice chat is a one time development, there will be no need to update it once it is set up.
  • Tecumtha wrote: »
    You will always have glitches with each update. voice chat is a one time development, there will be no need to update it once it is set up.

    That is where you're wrong. Here's a example: a new map comes out called taco=awesome, there will always be glitches or unauthorized spots for that map. (I am not taking about trick spots and such)

    Something's are rushed because of the demand causing it to have a problem. And even if it's not rushed, even simple mistakes can cause horrid accidents.

    And what if a new function comes out? You have to update it and such.
  • That is where you're wrong. Here's a example: a new map comes out called taco=awesome, there will always be glitches or unauthorized spots for that map. (I am not taking about trick spots and such)

    Something's are rushed because of the demand causing it to have a problem. And even if it's not rushed, even simple mistakes can cause horrid accidents.

    And what if a new function comes out? You have to update it and such.

    Right you are, update it after it comes out if there is a glitch. Once it is updated, it is good for the life time.
  • This community is all young and immature kids. Good iunno probaly 80%. Hence 12 year old preteens. I do believe i used both words above too. :)

    I dispute that. I play with 21 yr olds. Lots of forumers are mature people. Your words contradict the fact, and you have lost your credibility.
  • Tecumtha wrote: »
    Right you are, update it after it comes out if there is a glitch. Once it is updated, it is good for the life time.

    That is also where you are wrong, think of it as this: a hurricane occurs and puts holes in the house's roof, after you fix those holes it doesn't mean it will not break again.

    Just like CF. After they created this game and made a update, it's not going to stay perfect forever.
  • That is also where you are wrong, think of it as this: a hurricane occurs and puts holes in the house's roof, after you fix those holes it doesn't mean it will not break again.

    Just like CF. After they created this game and made a update, it's not going to stay perfect forever.

    This is where I am right. After they patched the glitches in the map, they stay patched.

    For instance, we used to use the Venice bridge glitch in zm, but it was patched in the last update. It is gone, and will stay gone.

    So are you a programmer? If so what language do you use?
  • Tecumtha wrote: »
    This is where I am right. After they patched the glitches in the map, they stay patched.

    For instance, we used to use the Venice bridge glitch in zm, but it was patched in the last update. It is gone, and will stay gone.

    So are you a programmer? If so what language do you use?

    But let's talk about the house again, there may not be holes in the same spot, but surely new ones are to come.

    And for Venice, they may have fixed the railing glitch but I'm sure many more are to come.
  • I don't want my eardrums to be even more deafened...oh sprayers....

    Especially from high-pitched 9 year olds.
  • Stop making things up like all players are twelve and what not. There is no statistics showing that all players are closer to twelve then sixteen, especially since most people chose random birthdays. I personally know a twelve year old who is more maturer then a man I know who is twenty-three years old. (Seriously .. he is freaking annoying (the twenty-three year old guy..))
  • That's why there are, voice chat programs. I would not +1 this idea, unless theres a mute button option to use on the other players, or this will be CoD and many will fckin annoy me, with their cryings.
  • Tecumtha wrote: »
    I dispute that. I play with 21 yr olds. Lots of forumers are mature people. Your words contradict the fact, and you have lost your credibility.
    Ok so you can name perhaps what 30 people above 21? Which accounts for what percent of the community? Also forum goers make up a really small part of the actually community. Your a moron. Battling with me will get you no where cause you lack common sense.
  • Considering the CF players comunity I think it's a bad idea.
  • In some games with voice chat, F8 button is the voice chat on and off button. Why wouldn't you be able to turn it on and off, I would ask.

    How many of you have actually used in game voice chat?

    It is about user experience.

    We have typing chat, don't we?

    How many times have chatters died while typing?

    Can you try to type while shooting?

    The crossfire community is not full of 12 yrs olds. That is an insult, and a baseless stereotype on all the players.

    The players are from all age groups.

    Stop this bigotry against young people.
  • Good:
    • We can know which nationality each player is and prevents discrimination. (varies)
    • Hell, it's voice communication. We can't type anymore which leads to a happy time, and more focused on the objective.
    • Some teamwork involved.
    • Magical things come unexpectedly.
    • Competition.

    • Underage kids can repeatedly rage over the microphone.
    • Formation of verbal bullying.
    • Sheep. (One person discriminates, others join in)
    • *Can already use voice communication with X-Fire, Ventrilo and others.* (Just pointing it out there)
    • Unexpecting sound/noise going on the background.

    • Glitches where your voice isn't properly synchronized.
    • An option that can mute a person while in game. (Similar to Call Of Duty)
    • The use of voice chatting on the Main Lobby.
    • Maximum of 4 People on a sidebar of the Black Market for exciting and stressful times while obtaining the guns through crates.
    • That Smilegate will actually do this.

    ^ What goes on my mind when I read your thread. ^
  • Vacilliant wrote: »
    • We can know which nationality each player is and prevents discrimination. (varies)
    • Hell, it's voice communication. We can't type anymore which leads to a happy time, and more focused on the objective.
    • Some teamwork involved.
    • Magical things come unexpectedly.
    • Competition.

    • Underage kids can repeatedly rage over the microphone.
    • Formation of verbal bullying.
    • Sheep. (One person discriminates, others join in)
    • *Can already use voice communication with X-Fire, Ventrilo and others.* (Just pointing it out there)
    • Unexpecting sound/noise going on the background.

    • Glitches where your voice isn't properly synchronized.
    • An option that can mute a person while in game. (Similar to Call Of Duty)
    • The use of voice chatting on the Main Lobby.
    • Maximum of 4 People on a sidebar of the Black Market for exciting and stressful times while obtaining the guns through crates.
    • That Smilegate will actually do this.

    ^ What goes on my mind when I read your thread. ^

    ^^this is very thoughtful of you, thanks.

    We as a community should really believe in ourselves, in our ability to progress and be responsible.

    Why should we be afraid of everything and refuse to improve our user experience for the fear of unknown.

    It is not like if there is voice chat people will stop playing, in fact it will be the opposite, more people will be playing because they can make new friends and talk to people they don't have a chance to talk in real life.

    It is like partying--- are you afraid of going to people's parties because the girl or guy who is hosting a party might have a 12 yrs old brother or sister.

    What will a 12 yrs old do to you, that you are so scared, don't tell me you have ... your pants by the idea of speaking to a 12 yrs old.

    Heck, we were all 12 yrs old at some point in our life, and they deserve the attention and good role models from us.

    By treating them sub-human or ignoring them is bigotry in your heart.
  • its already bad having to block chat every single person in the room, now i have to do the same for voice chat?

    seems like a waste of my time, sorry -1
  • xXMizuXx wrote: »
    its already bad having to block chat every single person in the room, now i have to do the same for voice chat?

    seems like a waste of my time, sorry -1

    Have you ever used in game chat in any games. If u did , u would know you can push a button and turn it off. It takes 1 second, of your time.

    I totally have blocked about 3 ppl ever in this game. All of them cheats spammers in the lobby. Blocking them doesn't stop them from spamming in the lobby, so I guess the blocking function is unnecessary.

    I love chatting with people. It is awkward to play a game for 20 mins without ever saying anything. I made my game friends this way, and my clan mates too. We have become facebook friends through this game, all by us starting chatting with each other.

    It makes you feel autistic not being sociable.
  • Some people naturally play better without any noise or distraction. This is why some people won't mind any social contact of any kind.

    And some people, who are new, don't know how to understand games very well.
    Ex: A new person joins the crossfire community and a kick vote comes out. Some people, even if it shows F11 and F12, they don't know. So it could be the same with the mute voice chat since some people might not know and could have the clench their teeth praying that no one will, well in nice terms, talk loudly.

    Since you say the button to mute everything is F8 (Or whichever) then what if you just want to mute one person so you can still talk to your friends and not hear a annoying voice.
  • No thanks. Bunch a preteen 12 year olds crying hack every 5 seconds. TERRIBLE IDEA!

    Bad enough they can chat. No need to here them squeek too.

    Lol you read my mind.

    I also would have voice chat off for the above reason so I don't want the above mentioned people secretly chatting and telling people to kick me for hacking.

    Also what about the foreigners if you had this on? It would be like listening to a bunch of 12 year old aliens squeeking:D
  • JohnnyKie wrote: »
    The way Combat Arms set up their VOIP is fine. No "preteen 12 year olds" crying all the time. :]

    :) lol ^^^^
  • Oh and there are a lot of programs you can use to have voice chat like Xfire or RaidCall.
    If people weren't lazy they could have voice programs years ago, it would save time for the developers to fix more important problems as well.
  • Oh and there are a lot of programs you can use to have voice chat like Xfire or RaidCall.
    If people weren't lazy they could have voice programs years ago, it would save time for the developers to fix more important problems as well.

    3rd party programs vary, there is no one program that everyone uses. some cost money some have no servers. raidcall is better but u have to switch out of the game to do anything to it. pain in the neck.
  • Z8 officially partnered up with Xfire to provide these sort of services.