Cure.eXe picking up one
Trevor_Cure wrote: »Picking up 1 sub to top off the roster, post here or pm me here or in game. Here's what we have so far :
-[3D] (if he becomes active)
- MisterOwl (untill he gets his game down)
- [MB]Inc.
- You ?
who is this taeyeon kid, taking my name for no reason. -
sukosukosuk0 wrote: »Wait what? I was gonna tell you he cheated when I was in a pub clan with him, that's all. Idk if he does now, but it was a few weeks ago... gL moron.
Oh well. Never seen it, plus didn't people say you cheated aswell? Buuuuut you deny it ? oh well just cut the ****, not worried.
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