Yeah but since it's their first event, they're probably so nervous and don't know what to expect. It's gunna throw them off.
Good point, but we've doubted people before. After WEM, nobody even would have guessed that the guys would go to LAN anyhow, so I'm hoping they consider that an achievement.If anybody could post when Hammertime and LL play, please post on forums or reply here :S
It will be on the official thread, I will post it if I can find it, or someone else will. -
IMO, I think Hammertime could beat these teams.. BUT they lack LAN exp and are probably shiitting their pants right now.
They probably were and are, but after that first round or two, the nerves set in and all that practice and hard work that they have put in will pay off (if they put enough work and practice that is......)
Really, the crowd of people won't cause them to choke up. Psychologically, with a lot of practice, it actually makes them perform better.
(kind of like a runner in practice he runs his average times, but at a meet with other people, he will break records that he never set close to in his practice) ^_^
Source: Psychology Professor. -
Oh and I personally hope they do well. They represent USA. I think many of us can name notable teams from NA CF that if took the place of LL and Hammer would do better. (from what I've seen from the cast, NA players are becoming the best in the competitive scene)
and if they lose, we can all say they cheated -
Oh and I personally hope they do well. They represent USA. I think many of us can name notable teams from NA CF that if took the place of LL and Hammer would do better. (from what I've seen from the cast, NA players are becoming the best in the competitive scene)
and if they lose, we can all say they cheated
Yes, but the decisive point is that they didn't. Whether it was problems with the hosters or whatnot, they still have next time if they have the drive to go. -
Yes, but the decisive point is that they didn't. Whether it was problems with the hosters or whatnot, they still have next time if they have the drive to go.
Yeah you're right, I didn't really word what I wanted to say correctly. Was just trying to say that there are a few more teams in NA CF that are at the LAN level.
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