Cross Fire heads to Latin America!



  • Meh has anyone signed up for a new account? I haven't received my confirmation email yet.. preventing me from signing in.

    I am only doing this cause I'm intrigued to see how diverse the community will be during the closed, then open beta.

    Does anyone think, or know for that matter, if the beta key arrives in that same confirmation email, or if it is sent in a new one on Dec 9?
  • one_9 wrote: »
    Meh has anyone signed up for a new account? I haven't received my confirmation email yet.. preventing me from signing in.

    I am only doing this cause I'm intrigued to see how diverse the community will be during the closed, then open beta.

    Does anyone think, or know for that matter, if the beta key arrives in that same confirmation email, or if it is sent in a new one on Dec 9?

    I signed up and got the email and activated it, I believe the beta key would go there.
  • Hmm.. you guys plan on making this news more like actual news by posting on the news section on the site and the launcher instead of just leaving it only on the forums where probably not even 3/4 of South Americans look at?

    Yes they should do this, it's what just 4 days until the keys are handed out and when I tell my BR friends in game they have no clue about CF LA.

    Very poor promotion.
  • [MOD]Rex wrote: »
    At this time, anyone on the current green region picture can access either version. This might however change in the future, but G4Box holds license to these countries and so they can be allowed on both, it is likely to see the split soon though.

    We are not likely to see all South Americans move in the first few months (especially in closed beta), however it is very likely to see as the game progresses that many of the current ones will move over, and new ones will go to the SA versions to play in their desired environment.

    You glorious, glorious SOB. I owe someone a shoe-shine.
  • You glorious, glorious SOB. I owe someone a shoe-shine.

    yeah but please read what all the south americans are saying :(
  • Oh, as a side note, look into transferring accounts for people who opt-in. I wouldn't want to start anew with all the crap I've got, and legit LA's won't have much incentive to head out (although I don't mind them here anyhow :]) If a region restriction does eventually come, I expect the company would have to do this anyhow, because you'll be denying them their digital property (btw I know G4 has the right to take that all away because players don't really OWN anything, but it's BM to do so)
  • yeah but please read what all the south americans are saying :(

    The people who are posting have been playing for a long time (ie - have not been banned/do not hack). The players who are forced to create new accounts all the time (hackers) are the ones with more incentive to move to the other version. Maybe the hacking will even ebb some, because it's easier to win legitimately with your ping isn't 200. This is a good thing, and at the very least it's better than leaving things unchanged. Appreciate the effort and thought behind this decision.
  • The people who are posting have been playing for a long time (ie - have not been banned/do not hack). The players who are forced to create new accounts all the time (hackers) are the ones with more incentive to move to the other version. Maybe the hacking will even ebb some, because it's easier to win legitimately with your ping isn't 200. This is a good thing, and at the very least it's better than leaving things unchanged. Appreciate the effort and thought behind this decision.

    no i appreciate it, but im from texas lol so it doesnt effect me much. i just wish more of the south americans would appreciate it.
  • no, youre going to say thank you to the GM's for working to get you guys your own server so you can play easier, without lagging and you are going to go play the SA CF.

    i love how ungrateful people can be >:(

    I Know That the GM Wants to do better, he serves Could only create in CF IN or br Could even try to transfer the accounts CF SA ... then all I did was in CF in wasted time and money in? :(
  • Wdf on brazil?

    Lol now the brazilian with low ping and hack? Wdf nooooooo on other country is more better but on brazil sucks :s
  • -.-'

    Vocês dizem para os Brs abandonar o Crossfire NA mais acham que iremos começar do zero só por causa desta versão os Brs só mudarão para o outro se haver transferência de conta
  • -.-'

    THE Brs paragraph you say leave the Crossfire IN What More Do you think we will start from scratch to Because of this OS version Brs only change the paragraph itself Haver Another Account Transfer
  • 80% of brazilians will not abandon your accounts here. unless the z8 do something about, such as making a data migration or at least of weapons and items contained in the accounts.
  • Chimpzz wrote: »
    I signed up and got the email and activated it, I believe the beta key would go there.
    Pfft...Could it be that all the closed beta keys have dwindled up?
    Really I just want to chat a while on their forums too.
    80% of brazilians will not abandon your accounts here. unless the z8 do something about, such as making a data migration or at least of weapons and items contained in the accounts.

    Ho ho ho of course we should ALL pay attention to that REAL stat!

    And no.
  • Making a South American Server would have been a smarter idea

    (SA server in the NA game) <<<< just saying
  • RTOman wrote: »
    Making a South American Server would have been a smarter idea

    (SA server in the NA game) <<<< just saying

    Wouldn't make profit. That way we have to start all over again.
  • [GM]Saidin wrote: »

    Atenção todos os fãs latino-americanos de Cross Fire!

    Temos o prazer em anunciar que a versão de Cross Fire América Latina será lançada no dia 9 de Dezembro de 2011 em fase de Beta fechado! Registre-se agora para concorrer a uma vaga na Fase de Testes Fechada no site

    Esta nova versão oferecerá:
    • menos latência (ping)servidores instalados no Brasil,
    • GMs, Moderadores e suporte técnico em língua portuguesa
    • E toda a ação, eventos e conteúdo que os jogadores já conhecem.
    Nós gostaríamos de convidar a todos os fãs e jogadores da America Latina a visitar o novo website e fazer parte da nossa comunidade pelo nosso novo fórum.

    Esta nova versão receberá atualizações constantes e novos conteúdos com a mesma consistência das demais versões do jogo. Uma versão em Português do site Z8Games será lançada futuramente e servirá à America Latina com as mesmas capacidades do nosso site atual.

    Soldados latino-americanos, avante!

    English only.

    So can we cheat in their version, since they ruined our game?
  • SlipWolf wrote: »
    English only.

    So can we cheat in their version, since they ruined our game?

    You would be the lagger one, easy kill.
  • one_9 wrote: »
    Pfft...Could it be that all the closed beta keys have dwindled up?
    Really I just want to chat a while on their forums too.

    Ho ho ho of course we should ALL pay attention to that REAL stat!

    And no.

    I'm pretty sure somewhere in here [MOD]Hi said that beta keys should be available next friday
  • Vamo pra cima agora,chegou a nossa hora :D

    Aqui primeiro é nois,dps é nois denovo
  • Bad idea

    Bad idea:

    1 - It was supposed to be a game for "Latin America" and the Portuguese language is still that most people in LA speak Spanish, therefore, is purely a game for Brazil.

    2 - Many players will not leave "Cross Fire UK" by reason of losing all your weapons and items as many have invested money in their accounts.

    3 - I personally would have preferred brazil servers within the same "Cross Fire UK," was more appropriate and would have been less work for you, and hopefully take this point and create a Clan Server LA.

    These three points reflect in summary what I think of this new "Cross Fire", I'm Chilean and I will continue playing in "UK Cross Fire" as well as will many people.

    PS: I used the google translator to express my opinion.
  • tks

    Now we need to have the revenge of the gringos from the servers up america Latil
    nen with hackers because everyone there was hacker never had the urge to use this hac thing eh noob chit 10 to 11 years aki Serto brs are hac I accept the errors are the errors of children who do not accept losing saidim earned by posting a server Latin American msm had to abandon my old account
  • gulinos wrote: »
    Now we need to have the revenge of the gringos from the servers up america Latil
    nen with hackers because everyone there was hacker never had the urge to use this hac thing eh noob chit 10 to 11 years aki Serto brs are hac I accept the errors are the errors of children who do not accept losing saidim earned by posting a server Latin American msm had to abandon my old account

    What ?
  • RealEgg wrote: »
    Bad idea:

    1 - It was supposed to be a game for "Latin America" and the Portuguese language is still that most people in LA speak Spanish, therefore, is purely a game for Brazil.

    2 - Many players will not leave "Cross Fire UK" by reason of losing all your weapons and items as many have invested money in their accounts.

    3 - I personally would have preferred brazil servers within the same "Cross Fire UK," was more appropriate and would have been less work for you, and hopefully take this point and create a Clan Server LA.

    These three points reflect in summary what I think of this new "Cross Fire", I'm Chilean and I will continue playing in "UK Cross Fire" as well as will many people.

    PS: I used the google translator to express my opinion.

    You know this is CF NA/UK right?

    Not just UK...
  • GodsGunman wrote: »
    I'm pretty sure somewhere in here [MOD]Hi said that beta keys should be available next friday
    Thx.. Now I gotta go find that post to reassure myself :(.
    I still haven't gotten my confirmation email from them so that I can complete my registration :(
    Bout time to bad most people already left.
    Not even that... a lot of NA players (well maybe) may have left since summer 2010, during that hack festival xD.
    In time, things will calm down, between BOTH versions now :)
  • GodsGunman wrote: »
    You know this is CF NA/UK right?

    Not just UK...

    Mostly NA imo, but yeah its NA/UK.
  • one_9 wrote: »
    Thx.. Now I gotta go find that post to reassure myself :(.
    I still haven't gotten my confirmation email from them so that I can complete my registration :(
    Found it!.
    Old news, I knew it was gonna start Dec 9, I was just hoping that I could get my key prior to then... idk how betas work lol. I just play.
  • Understand it , so ..

    They need now , only people in brasil , play cf with HACK they have 11 , 12 Years .You can see it in the rooms who is a Brazillian pro or a kid using Hack , and we don't creat hack , the people of Rusia , US , they creat .The problem is not the kids using the hack , the problem every time hack a new tipy of hack in the internet , creat by Rusia , US ,everthing .The X Trap att all week , and have hack's all wee .
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