GodsGunman's Cross Fire Weapons Guide (V1.4.1)
my help for you.God, should I go for the M4A1 RD or the M4A1 Patriot? It looks like the RD might have better accuracy but it's slower. What would you recommend?
hello, i have the m4a1 patriot in game and i would reccomend it. it has the best reload time of the m4's and it has a scope!. personally though, this gun is great.
the scope is best used as aiming for Headshots.
if you do not want to use it that way, use it like a normal m4. since its silenced, it is best used for snd, gm , and other modes with no respawn. -
GodsGunman wrote: »accuracy and recoil is a touchy subject since I can't really test it and put a number on it.
You could post pictures for the recoil, describe the first 2 ~5 shots, and the settle rate.
Example: M4A1:
The M4A1's first five bullets travel up in a straight line pretty consistently. After that it's just a random cloud. Settles quickly
For accuracy, you can just give it a class. For example, AWM has class 1 acc, SG552 class 2, MP5 class 3, or something like that.
Please put these two in , I think they are very important stats.
Great guide , I thank you for all the time you and your friends put into this.
EDIT: What ?! The SCAR H is that weak??? -
GodsGunman wrote: »
~~5 meters~~
Hand/Arm: 100.
Foot/Leg: 82.
Back/Chest: 100.
Headshot: 100.
~~100 meters~~
Hand/Arm: 100.
Foot/Leg: 77.
Back/Chest: 100.
Headshot: 100.
Reload Time: 2.73 Seconds
Fire Rate: Rounds Per Second (RPS)
Bullets: 10/30
Total Bullets: 40
Full to Empty Mag: Seconds
Average Damage Per Shot: 93.167 -
Update please!
AWM-Gold (Missed DPS and RPS)
AWM-Red Dragon
M4A1 Bronze
Dual Double Barrel
Dual Double Barrel Bronze
Sterling L2A3
DSR-1 Rusty
AK47 LM Knife
Blaser R93 T2
Dual Desert Eagle Pink
<More if I forgot>
Hopefully melee weapons.
Weapons from previous patches on the weapons list but not in the guide. -
which is basically pretty sad..
The community has made it clear they don't need or want me here (on the forums), no point trying anymore even if I wanted to. Anything's possible, if/when I start doing videos again for cfdb I may update a few weapons on here.
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