Looking For a LEAGUE Team
easy there jonas, team.os is a clan that embarasses teams.
You are what they call a social outcast who makes teams every 3rd day to get noticed
cause internet drama
has an ego
and still blows
since CCC started youve been in 4 of these so called "teams"
till you last 2 months on a 'team" your still gonna be a clan hopper to me
only teams are lifeline and hammertime
Youve dodged us twice. come Esg i'll give you my account if your not in 4 different teams by the end of the preseason
we scrimmmed you guys on port 4 days prior, sht kicked you, and you guys didnt show
so act like anybody likes you on forums like suko
You just look incredibly stupid
@miniwrecker i dont respond to preteens stop quoting my threads
Guys we have idesi calling people oucasts. O jeez lmao I have ego? Really now? Ask anybody I don't have an ego your team is just a joke. I don't start drama either you brought up my name. You bring up suko in every thread. You're like a high school girl everything has to be about you lmao. I don't dodge I have perfect legitimate excuses. Your team won't be around for esg. Your idesi you make your self stupid just by being alive.
Billy you should know by now forums arnt the way of locating a team. Xfire ppl I love you tho. -
EdwardMorra wrote: »two of the biggest jokes in the game arguing! (idesi and exhale, LOL)
it is pretty humourous watching 2 of the biggest virgins having an argument about who's an outcast and who isn't, let's face it you're both pretty pathetic at the end of the day. -
it is pretty humourous watching 2 of the biggest virgins having an argument about who's an outcast and who isn't, let's face it you're both pretty pathetic at the end of the day.
AhahahahahaBrb I run these streets.
No you don't. -
making assumptions suggest ones own insecurity
nobody even knows me
anyone that called me a virgin is most likely a virgin himself
People know you because of how stupid you make yourself look on forums.
Plus the fact you bring me up in every thread. Hop off. Thanks! -
@miniwrecker i dont respond to preteens stop quoting my threads
You don't respond to preteens... why? I know why, you have nothing to say back to me. Sounds to be like you are speechless. Or is it because you yourself have worse grammar than a 5 year old child?
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