Looking For a LEAGUE Team
-Looking for a team getting ready for leagues
-Practice and Scrim certain times/days ( So I can see If I can be on)
-Actual Crossfire League Experience
Only thing is I work alot and have to know in advance if I can make it
If I cant find what Im looking for might hit up some old friends and make a team.
xfire billystanish
-Practice and Scrim certain times/days ( So I can see If I can be on)
-Actual Crossfire League Experience
Only thing is I work alot and have to know in advance if I can make it
If I cant find what Im looking for might hit up some old friends and make a team.
xfire billystanish
-Looking for a team getting ready for leagues
-Practice and Scrim certain times/days ( So I can see If I can be on)
-Actual Crossfire League Experience
Only thing is I work alot and have to know in advance if I can make it
If I cant find what Im looking for might hit up some old friends and make a team.
xfire billystanish
make a team with skateic, inhale, kepper, chause
their teams last a long time -
I'm so popular even alts know me. Goml snitchesssss.
you aren't popular and if you even remotely are it is because you're a dumb sub-50 iq ugly looking virgin who spends over 50 hours a week playing video games while getting nowhere. -
EdwardMorra wrote: »you aren't popular and if you even remotely are it is because you're a dumb sub-50 iq ugly looking virgin who spends over 50 hours a week playing video games while getting nowhere.
Yet i haven't played since Thursday. Your trolling gets worse an worse in every post. Neck your self. -
Yet all my two week teams make team.os look worse then loveless.
Take a seat and shut up.
easy there jonas, team.os is a clan that embarasses teams.
You are what they call a social outcast who makes teams every 3rd day to get noticed
cause internet drama
has an ego
and still blows
since CCC started youve been in 4 of these so called "teams"
till you last 2 months on a 'team" your still gonna be a clan hopper to me
only teams are lifeline and hammertime
Youve dodged us twice. come Esg i'll give you my account if your not in 4 different teams by the end of the preseason
we scrimmmed you guys on port 4 days prior, sht kicked you, and you guys didnt show
so act like anybody likes you on forums like suko
You just look incredibly stupid
@miniwrecker i dont respond to preteens stop quoting my threads
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