Hit the deck but stay on your toes!

Hai guys. Well, I played a few pubs der the other night for like the first time in 3 months and...........since those who know me well know i'm injury prone, and bassically i've got like a tear in my calf now so im out of action for a smidge. So.......to keep me goin for 2-3 weeks i'll prolly play a bitta CF before I get bored and shag off again. Anyway, any offers on the table? Probably not many EU teams still around but I'll git it a crack anyway. If all fails i'll just revive pen15 for like 2 weeks if Aenaes and Snookie are up for it [anyone know if they are still around?

oh.......and in my first day back I made a very innovative idea while pubbing with iceman. He is now to be re-christened Riceman. Make it stick people. Anyway, i'll download xfire sometime soon so feel free to hop on and pop in for a cuppa tea and some biscuits.
