*---* Coming Soon

Lets first off explain the title, *---* is blank. I left this blank because I have no title for the league, my staff and I will be coming up with. Right now this is a post to get the word out there and get staff and other.

For the people out there that want to become staff, you must have xfire.

To become staff you must fill this form out and send it to me. (Not all applications will be accepted.)

First Name:
Days you are free:
How you could help:
Why you want to be come staff:
Where have you helped and been staff before:
Are you community friendly:
Any other information that I should know:

You must email this to me or Private message this to me: Royster54R@yahoo.com

Once we have our staff, we will have a meeting. I'll make a post about it, list our staff, and have the meeting.

Thanks and more information to be released, soon enough.

My xfire is praiseworthy

