The cake is a lie.
what's pchem 2? i finished chem 2 already and first semester of organic.
pchem stands for physical chemistry it is normally broken up into 2 sections, it's a macroscopic look at chemistry
pchem1: thermodynamics mainly
pchem2: kinetic theory, chemical kinetics, electromotive force and ionic equilibria
you take what you learn in your general chemistry classes (freshman year or AP) and actually learn how its useful
you might not have to take pchem 2, it's not even required at my school for chemical engineering majors, i just took it so i could take a corrosion class
i can almost never take biochem, it's normally only offered in the time block in which my core classes are offered, so frustrating -
You know that's not impressive right?
it's definitely up there at 95 percentile at least(don't recall). one of my friends ended with a 3.75 gpa in styversant (top high school in new york) with an SAT of 2340 and my mom scolded me asking why i couldn't be as smart as him -
my team that was unr before end of the line got cut from the sponsor because they said we were "inactive and weren't in their vent enough" LOL. We won every esl match and wogl match we had when with them, guess we shoulda' used their vent more often. The ceo "twist" is pretty stupid when it comes to anything using logic. Including recruiting if I'm reading everyone's opinion on this thread right.
my team that was unr before end of the line got cut from the sponsor because they said we were "inactive and weren't in their vent enough" LOL. We won every esl match and wogl match we had when with them, guess we shoulda' used their vent more often. The ceo "twist" is pretty stupid when it comes to anything using logic. Including recruiting if I'm reading everyone's opinion on this thread right.
Excuse me for getting off topic, please continue your previous descussion lol
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