The cake is a lie.
lol u pz'd prepaid. Wonder what type of visa he has. Wow, that was a bad joke.
prepaid is an excellent crossfire player with tons of cs s/1.6 experience. he makes a living winning wogl and esl tournaments. he is 34 living in his parents basement. -
No, everything you say is a joke. Are you even taken seriously with that gap? You must get turned down from every internship.
i had a small gap when you were 11. keyword had
i'm quite sure people take me more seriously as i'm in a graduate program in a university while you're struggling to graduate from high school. how is your gpa doing, mr.idon'tplaythisgamebutipostalldayontheforums? -
i had a small gap when you were 11. keyword had
i'm quite sure people take me more seriously as i'm in a graduate program in a university while you're struggling to graduate from high school. how is your gpa doing, mr.idon'tplaythisgamebutipostalldayontheforums?
you're like 17, you don't have a bachelors -
you're like 17, you don't have a bachelors
i'm 18. turn 19 this year... don't need a bachelors. i'm in a 6 year pharmacy program. at the end of 6 years i graduate with a doctor of pharmacy degree.
@tasty-very entertaining story you got there
edit: fyi STJ puts you in the program from day 1 and you stay there unless you drop below a 3.0 gpa or decide to change majors. some other good pharmacy programs such as the one located in LIU require you to take 2 years of core classes and then take the PCATs to the 4 year pharmacy program. It's very competitive so i chose the "free ride"(tuition is the same anyway)
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