Things that need to be said and heard - Part 6



  • SPOP :
    I have nothing against people using it, but I don't like it because I know I will have to buy it someday to get the associated ribbon and the hopefully awesome rewards we'll get in the future. And I don't want to spend 8,900 ZP on something I will not use. :rolleyes:

    STAR :
    Same, I don't care if people use it. I don't like it and will never use it though, because she looks nothing like a soldier and the proportions of her body seem off. Her hands look too big while her head seems too small.

    SCAR Light :
    I used to think this weapon was way too OP but now, while I still find it better than the other GP rifles, I don't really care about it. Besides, before the M12s was released, it was THE weapon everyone used and, as such, was annoying as hell. Nowadays, a lot less people fight with it, there are more and more variety. There used to be room with half of the players with Scar L, and that was ridiculous, not matter how good or bad the weapon is.

    M12s :
    This weapon replaced Scar L in every way. Too much people use it and, without attacking directly the player (calling them noob, skill less or whatever), this is really annoying.
    The only people I may attack or QQ against in game are the hackusers, the laggers (i.e. people with at least 3 times my ping, >150 in UK4), the kickers and the obvious hackers/blockers/glitchers.
    M12s users ? I may rage in front of my computer about them but never use the chat to insult them.

    ZP Weapons :
    Money is everything. Just like with the M12s, I may rage alone in front of my computer but I never really hold a grudge against people using them. It's an advantage they paid for, just like IRL. I'm not going to call a guy with a better car than me, a noob Ferrari user... :)

    Competitive players :
    I don't understand people that want to be competitive in CF. I'm not really sure a F2P game is really suited for that, let alone CF with all its problems (registration issue, bug, disconnection, glitches, etc.)
    I'm pretty sure paid game can be better for that.
    I play CF for the fun, and despite that, I still find a lot of things about this game are stupid and shouldn't be here (Tiger hat, Valentine's bag, Chocolate Grenade, etc.) so I don't understand how people that want to be competitive can even approach this game. I wouldn't mind being competitive in a game made for that, but CF seems to be just the opposite.
    But since I'm everything but competitive, I may be wrong.

    In conclusion :
    I pretty much agree with the OT.

    ps : we need some kind of karma (or cookie) system, Polleus deserves some.

    Nice post, good point's, interesting read :)
  • SPOPs and STARs aren't much of a problem for me. In fact, since they are so skinny you can actually aim better in the long run.

    The same goes with guns. A guy using Scar Light M12s, or the like is bound to die from a player who goes in and knocks him out like he does every day. I've even seen people do really nicely with an M16 than with stronger guns, and even myself get ACE and MVP numerous times in such situations with the M16 (and yes, people were abusing the Scar Light). It's you that aims, not the gun. If you are bad at this game, then such cases become failures and it will be your own fault.

    The same concept is applied with melee weapons. I've had people rage against me because I slash people faces off with a knife. I've even been called a knife noob. So what? Do I complain about your axe or shovel? No, I either dig in or get an axe and start chopping away.

    There are also many definitions of a noob. It's up to the person do decide what he THINKS is right. There really is no real definition of a noob; in fact to an extent its a stereotype.
  • This is a great thread but the only people that will understand it are people who have a brain. The people who you are directing this thread towards dont. They will continue to QQ about everything that doesn't suit them.
  • The only reason people care is because of wogl and competitive players, the only gun that is really op at the moment is m12s fix that and the 1 hit rampent hacks ill be fine.

    I might buy spop just to **** of these competitive players
  • always kicked because of m12

    please remember some of us need to compensate with weapons because we lag and there is nothing we can do about it. Going up against someone who doesn't lag means one shot kills and being shot before they appear to you. Please keep this in mind when someone complains, and move to a different sever to be fair, not the other way around. Thanks
  • This is a great thread but the only people that will understand it are people who have a brain. The people who you are directing this thread towards dont. They will continue to QQ about everything that doesn't suit them.

    Hahahaha so true, nicely put DK
  • Some bullsh*t

    And the discussion comes full-circle.

    The guy trolling you in that thread is one of them. They mad :O

    I forgot to say...people get mad because they want things their way. Exactly what pretty much every other post related to the subject exaggerated.
  • why kept complaining about those stuff. real players never do. only young people who got a temper love to complain all time. there is always a reason behind it, so does people who keep saying "noob". one way to deal with it is to block his chat, which is one of CF's best option.

    Thread above = bad thread. I'm being trolled as well.

    There is really a notable difference in the different games where the people are either civil or immature. It seems like there are so few of these rooms and forum threads compared to a bad room. I've never been in a random room where people did not throw insults and complaints...ever.
  • you have to remember our version is way behind the other versions. Each version has their own separate licensee and thus we may not be on the same schedule as other versions. We will probably eventually get their updates/content, but it's not necessarily on the same time table. That's just simple business. All of the crossfire versions do not update at the same time, they were all released at different times.

    hahahah you make me laugh china crossfire has zombie ai want me to repeat that? Zombie ai!
  • I don't see why there isn't a competitive ruleset that allows all guns, characters, etc. I think armor could be the one thing you could limit.
  • On a side note, I find it interesting and exciding to see a mod post something like this more for the discussion.

    On the actual topic:

    I fail to see why people want to always kick these weapon users. Sure they are considered "easier" to use.. but if they are so feed up with it they should start using them.. Or atleast just ignore it and try to play harder next time.
  • 100% of people wich ever started to play cf. insulted some other players. it's for sure. ppl don't get it ... when a game unsitisfy u ... why u play it? probably everyone should make this question for himself. surely i insult other players too, but i wait till they starting trolling about me or other players. *..* it's just a first line where smart players should to think about game enviroment, not on spop/star sl sprayguns, kickvote, ping issues ... endless lines of fail improvements.

    P.S cf is just another rpg wich i enjoy *..*
    no farm / no exp+, esl rules ... rank lietnant colonel ... there are no rules wich can be to hard.
  • Both sides to this ever lasting argument are valid...

    Problem is none of these points are gonna change how the game gets played.

    Learn how to use your weapon and you wont really care what other people use cause it wont matter you will still roll them nubs
  • doop51 wrote: »
    I don't see why there isn't a competitive ruleset that allows all guns, characters, etc. I think armor could be the one thing you could limit.

    In a way, I have been thinking about this today. If you could clarify a bit more, as I do not have 100% knowledge on this subject.

    In the other versions, respectively the versions that Dragon AB and Genius Gaming compete in, aren't they allowed to use a much more expanded rule set? Fast forward to WEM, they used a MUCH more restricted rule set and still performed pretty well did they not?

    The point of the matter is -- Has the majority of this community placed SO much emphasis on the weapon set, that they have forgotten the other aspects of the competitive attitude/atmosphere/spirit? Strats, anti-strats, team work, placement, etc. It seems the community is so entirely focused on the weapon set, that has become the obsession. As a result, that has carried over into such things as Echo-8 and regular public games so much that if someone is using a weapon that is not on the competitive (accepted) rule set, then it is a ridiculed weapon or player.

    Also: Extremely delighted to see this thread is still going. Keep it up guys. I will bring more to ya! :P
  • G4 boc makes money on addicting kids to gambling on crates.
  • another epic post :')

    i always think that people are mad at SPOP/STAR etc because they cant get it//dont have it...nd tbh yeah, sometime i go m12s and spop in a match just to see if i get hated :') but at the same time, i also have a lot of other guns i do better with...

    think u shud sticky this at least temporarily, and all the regulars should bookmark it//save the address of it, and redirect people where-ever necessary...
  • I agree with everything except SPOP is best because it has smaller hit box:P
  • WHY aren't they accepted? Because they are easy to use? Because they aren't accepted in competitive play? Give me a LEGITIMATE reason.

    The M4 is easy to use. Should it be ridiculed too?

    I really agree with this. If it's about how easy it is to use, the m4-c is alot more nb.
    m12 and scar l are a joke compared to m4 a/s/c
  • St4yd0WN1 wrote: »
    hahahah you make me laugh china crossfire has zombie ai want me to repeat that? Zombie ai!

    You disgust me. You really expect the zombie ai in our version this instant, when in fact it had just came out in their version? Yikes. I hope the majority of this kid-aged community check their heads for concussions, cuz no one seems to know where they are or what this game is all about.
  • Meadow1 wrote: »
    G4 boc makes money on addicting kids to gambling on crates.

    Addicted kids rq bc they dont get what they want in black market, they come back after 3 days and hack. Good story enough?
  • R0Di wrote: »
    You disgust me. You really expect the zombie ai in our version this instant, when in fact it had just came out in their version? Yikes. I hope the majority of this kid-aged community check their heads for concussions, cuz no one seems to know where they are or what this game is all about.

    hero mode is newer than challenge mode isnt it?? and we've got that...
  • St4yd0WN1 wrote: »
    hahahah you make me laugh china crossfire has zombie ai want me to repeat that? Zombie ai!

    You do realise that CF CN just recently got Challenge Mode. We don't get content the instant it comes out in CF CN. We have to wait months for the Dev's to translate everything and then patch our CF with new content.
    Natterz666 wrote: »
    hero mode is newer than challenge mode isnt it?? and we've got that...

    Nope, Challenge Mode came out after Hero Mode.
  • Kriss xD go get em.....stop the damm trolls.
  • good read. will make alot of people see mentioned issues under a different light.

    just one thing. weapon restricted rooms. would make a lot of players happy.
  • The focus of the thread really isn't to figure out whether or not the said weapons or items make a player "noob". I want to help open the eyes of the community, both competitive players and non-competitive players, to the fact that all of these items were not just put here for no reason. G4Box is a business and is here to make a profit and these items such as the SPOP and STAR sell. That's what businesses do, they sell products.

    Like I said before, I do agree with MANY of you that weapons such as the Scar Light and the M12 need to be adjusted in statistics. However, they are readily available to anyone in the game and therefore should not be ridiculed in a public setting if used. Public games have no boundaries, no rules. That's what public games are for. If I want to play a match with restrictions and such, I will join a League team or set up a private match with friends. We really have no right to complain about these weapons being used in a public game.

    As an experienced player, you should be able to adjust accordingly to a lesser skilled player with an easy-to-use weapon. As Deadeye previously said, sure they may pick up a handful more kills than you, but that doesn't make them skilled. Public games are not supposed to be a measure of skill as a lot of people treat them that way. Public games are for fun and I feel a lot of this community has lost sight of that.

    I remember back in Open Beta when public games were just plain fun. You would go in and no one would care what weapons/items/characters you were using. That didn't happen until a "competitive" standard came into play and now that line between public and competitive game play is blurred. Everyone needs to understand there IS a difference. Competitive players should not try to force competitive standards on public games, which are meant for EVERYONE. Not everyone is a competitive player nor has a want to be one. If you want competitive standards, you need to set up a room with a team and have at it. I should not be ridiculed in a public match for an item or weapon I paid for.