Duke's Music/Videos Thread.



  • News.


    Of course you couldn’t challenge Israel’s right to exist – that was like saying you were negating a fundamental Jewish right to have…rights, with all manner of Holocaust guilt thrown in for effect.
    Except of course the Holocaust is not my fault – or that of Palestinians. The cold-blooded program of ethnically cleansing Europe of its Jewish population has been so callously and opportunistically utilized to justify the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian Arab nation, that it leaves me utterly unmoved. I have even caught myself – shock – rolling my eyes when I hear Holocaust and Israel in the same sentence.
    What moves me instead in this post-two-state era, is the sheer audacity of Israel even existing.'

    'Even more brazen is the mass ethnic cleansing of the indigenous Palestinian population by persecuted Jews, newly arrived from their own experience of being ethnically cleansed.'

  • Song for Tonight.
    DUKEofYORK wrote: »
    I want some raw Rok!


    Steady there Eddie:)

    Had to return to this!
  • An Anonymous thought.


    An Open Letter to #Anonymous And Everyone

    Dear Friends,

    Much publicity has been gained by using tradecraft against the largest, most visible targets. However, very little of strategic value has been accomplished. The huge beasts simply consider the attacks a minor annoyance, to be shaken off like a bad case of fleas. While publicity has its place, displays of power without effect contribute little, and can in fact dangerously expose methods, avenues, and persons. The war has to be taken to the ground. It has to become personal.

    Many atrocities of the past were aided and abetted by people who were simply doing their jobs. “I never shot anyone. I just put them on the train!” Or, “I gassed nobody, I just drove the train to the camps!” As long as people are more afraid of not doing such jobs than doing them, injustices at scales grand and small will continue.

    What needs to be done, is to drive fear into the hearts of the aiders and abettors. They have to fear doing their work in furtherance of state oppression. They have to know that when their part becomes known, when their offenses become public, they are in danger of having all manner of electronic hell rain down upon them. They need to know that their credit, their finances, their communications, their utilities, their records - any and all form of electronic information and interfaces - will no longer be under their control.

    No longer should a thief with a badge like Larry Bates be able to blatantly lie and steal without risking his own financial well-being

    No longer should a bully in a uniform like Jared Wheeler get away with kicking a 9-months pregnant woman in the abdomen so hard that the force of the kick caused the baby to defecate in the womb. Imagine, having a cop kick the sh!t out of you before you were even born

    No longer should punks like Lt. John A. Pike be able to torture people without feeling significant pain himself

    No longer should a gang of uniformed thugs be able to beat a man to death without consequence

    No longer should swat teams terrorize families and murder children without having a sh!t-storm of electronic terror come into their own lives
    No longer should private property be taken under threat of violence to enrich government or private companies

    No longer should politicians like Charles Schumer, Joseph Lieberman, John McCain - the list is endless, from the federal to the local level - be able chain us down further with ever more oppressive laws without experiencing the same sorts of fear, the same feelings of helplessness, that they impose upon us. And let us not forget the bureaucrats, the functionaries, the “just doing my job” folks who make all this oppression possible. Let us not forget the conductors or the drivers of the trains.

    No longer should the CEOs of the corporate oligarchy that is now in control of almost every aspect of our lives sleep comfortably while they destroy the middle class, costing people their jobs, their futures, and their homes. Why aren’t the CEO and BOD of JPMorganChase afraid of having their private electronic worlds electromagnetically shredded? Why don’t the officers of Monsanto fear retribution for their crimes? Or the officers of Raytheon, Halliburton, etc. etc. etc.?
    The list is long, the time is short, and the revolution begins now.

    We are Anonymous.
    We are Legion.
    We do not forgive censorship.
    We do not forget the denial of our free rights as human beings.
    Expected us to Give An EPiC Fight

  • News.

    Evidence of a US judicial vendetta against WikiLeaks activists mounts

    'Iceland's government warns me not to visit the US, which tried to hack my Twitter account: Julian Assange has legitimate fears.' - Icelandic MP Birgitta Jónsdóttir.


    'I knew when I put down my name as co-producer of a video, released by WikiLeaks, showing United States soldiers shooting civilians in Baghdad from a helicopter that my life would never be the same. Telling the truth during times of universal deceit might be considered a revolutionary act, but only to those who want to keep us in the dark, not by those who feel compelled to do so.
    Most of us who expose an inconvenient truth know that we will be attacked for it and ridiculed. And every trick in the book of maintaining power will be applied to silence us. It's no big deal. The beauty of it is that, usually, these attempts gives us a chance to see the actual face of power and to understand, with real-time examples, how healthy or unhealthy our democracies have become.
    The US Department of Justice (DoJ) tried to hack by legal means into my social media accounts without my knowledge. But they were exposed by Twitter's legal team who manged to unseal the DoJ's secret document and give me a chance to defend in court my personal information from being used in a dragnet for the first serious attacks on WikiLeaks' supporters and volunteers. I still am not sure why they chose to take the risk of going after a member of Iceland's parliament, because it has caused distress among fellow parliamentarians from around the world. As a result of the speaker of the Icelandic parliament raising the issue at the International Parliamentarian Union (IPU), I was asked to appear for the human rights committee at the IPU to explain the details of my case. A resolution on my case was put forward and adopted unanimously by the IPU's governing council, in October 2011.'

    Read more.
  • DUKEofYORK wrote: »
    Liberty should always be 'liberal' methinks!

    clear thinking requires you to not take any sides with anyone, if you do, it is not a good source unless you can support what you're trying to propose with information etc. that website was just feeding lies with very little data to no data backing it up, the objective of news is to report information, not what the author feels or thinks, it seems that this is the case on many of these websites.
    DUKEofYORK wrote: »
    Evidence of a US judicial vendetta against WikiLeaks activists mounts

    'Iceland's government warns me not to visit the US, which tried to hack my Twitter account: Julian Assange has legitimate fears.' - Icelandic MP Birgitta Jónsdóttir.

    'I knew when I put down my name as co-producer of a video, released by WikiLeaks, showing United States soldiers shooting civilians in Baghdad from a helicopter that my life would never be the same. Telling the truth during times of universal deceit might be considered a revolutionary act, but only to those who want to keep us in the dark, not by those who feel compelled to do so.
    Most of us who expose an inconvenient truth know that we will be attacked for it and ridiculed. And every trick in the book of maintaining power will be applied to silence us. It's no big deal. The beauty of it is that, usually, these attempts gives us a chance to see the actual face of power and to understand, with real-time examples, how healthy or unhealthy our democracies have become.
    The US Department of Justice (DoJ) tried to hack by legal means into my social media accounts without my knowledge. But they were exposed by Twitter's legal team who manged to unseal the DoJ's secret document and give me a chance to defend in court my personal information from being used in a dragnet for the first serious attacks on WikiLeaks' supporters and volunteers. I still am not sure why they chose to take the risk of going after a member of Iceland's parliament, because it has caused distress among fellow parliamentarians from around the world. As a result of the speaker of the Icelandic parliament raising the issue at the International Parliamentarian Union (IPU), I was asked to appear for the human rights committee at the IPU to explain the details of my case. A resolution on my case was put forward and adopted unanimously by the IPU's governing council, in October 2011.'

    Read more.

    read the first comment, if it is true, i truly lol, there were many times people fall victim as collateral damage in every war, it seems they are blowing something once again...........liberals..
  • Anonymous And The War Over The Internet.

    All's fair in Love and War!

    This thought springs to mind, yet I ask, which 'War' and upon which 'Front'? In War the idea of 'Victory at any cost' may seem a worthy risk. Yet with the hindsight offered us by today's technologies can any true American feel much different than an ordinary German possibly felt in 1946? Especially when the hidden truths of their War are being shown long before their said War has finished?

  • Song for Tonight.
    iVisionary wrote: »

    ...............................................................................................and I sink into a Dream within a dream.
    DUKEofYORK wrote: »

    'These Voices, these voices........'
  • A Coming together of minds.


    Anonymous Japan picking up litter for the greater good!
  • Animated Thoughts.

    Fear turns to Hate and Haters gonna Hate! This is a positive thought if you can see past your fears.

  • Reality Check! - USA

    47bEI.pngSometimes it becomes hard to see a credible reason to these actions.

  • Anonymous And The War Over The Internet.

    ANONYMOUS "the image" An Introduction 2012.

  • A deep thought.

    Dreamzy began a noble debate that lasted a short time before burning with apathy. Rawrjafrikan,s last thoughts before it closed.
  • News.


    As police name James Holmes, the suspect in custody for shooting dead 12 people and injuring 50 others at the screening of the new Batman film in Denver, did he post a warning online about his intended actions? Police are currently investigating the reasons behind the shooting but some members of an online picture sharing site have reasons to believe the shooter had sent a warning yesterday.

    Users of the popular memes website 9gag have surfaced a meme that was allegedly posted by a user called JamesHolmes124.

    The photo shows a iconic scene of Nazis watching a film out of the film Inglorious *******s. Across the photo is a message reading "Tomorrow I will kill everyone during the new Batman premiere in Colorado - People will die - for the glory of the Le 9gag army!"


    One user posted "A few weeks ago, a man by the username of ‘JamesHolmes154' posted a thread on 9gag saying he was going to ‘shoot up’ a theater. He was clearly distressed and admitted he was suffering from PTSD. He said he was going to walk in and try to take as much lifes as possible. The whole 9gag community egged him on and give him tips on what to wear, etc. They give him tips on sharp-shooting and sent him messages on how to take as much lifes as possible."


    WTFK is wrong with the world? I see an answer right here. My soul bleeds....
  • Holy crap...it's Dukey. How's it goin? It's me, Beard.
  • News.
    Duke wrote:
    The original vid has been pulled fedaykin...



    Tuesday’s protests were the latest response to the fatal shooting of Manuel Diaz on Saturday. Diaz was killed while running away from police, which triggered a confrontation between residents that culminated in police firing similar riot-control weaponry into a crowd of women and children and a police dog, which Police Chief John Welter later said escaped from its vehicle, attacking a woman and her baby. Residents’ outrage intensified after police shot and killed another man, identified by The Los Angeles Times as Joel Mathew Acevedo, after Acevedo allegedly fired at officers during a chase.


    Welcome home Beard :P
  • Natural news.

    A beautiful thought....
    Duke wrote:
    I find this a relevant thought from Darkchylde....
    Gorillas Seen Dismantling Deadly Poacher Traps.


    Staff at a gorilla research center are getting some unexpected help to save the lives of the critically endangered animals: Gorilla youngsters are jumping in to disable poachers’ traps.
    Staff at the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund’s Karisoke Research Center in Rwanda recently witnessed two 4-year-olds and a teenage mountain gorilla work together to destroy the types of snares that have killed at least two young gorillas this year. It was also the first time staff members have been able to see up close exactly how gorillas dismantle the snares.
    “We knew that gorillas do this, but all of the reported cases in the past were carried out by adult gorillas, mostly silverbacks,” said gorilla program coordinator Veronica Vecellio. “How they did it demonstrated an impressive cognitive skill.”
    The discovery that younger gorillas are also learning to recognize and disable the dangerous snares was especially heartening to research center staff because it came while they were still grieving over the death just two days earlier of an infant gorilla named Ngwino who was caught in a snare.

  • Song for Today.
    DUKEofYORK wrote: »

    Looking at my older posts I find relevance!
    Kill your God! Kill your T.V.!!!
  • A Coming together of minds.
    charchar94 wrote: »
    like my band Great Scott

    Brings my memories back to this....


    I like your enthusiasm Great Scott!ska_trumpet_by_o0sascha0o.jpg
  • A Poetic Thought.
    DUKEofYORK wrote: »


    The opening ceremony made me proud to be an Englishman.

    Danny Boyle is Amazing!!!
