Ribbons - Post Patch

Hello CF Gamers!

With this latest patch we released 5 new Ribbons! As many of you already know one of these Ribbons comes with a special permanent weapon prize!

Over the weekend we discovered a few issues with some of the ribbons and have corrected them.

The Ribbon "My Ribbons are made of Crystal" was previously not counting the new achievements. It does now and those who have gotten the recent ones should now get this one. Make sure to visit your clan profile page twice over the next few days to confirm this.

The first time you visit the system calculates how many ribbons you have. If it is 20 or greater then it awards the ribbon. But the ribbon won't show up on your profile until the Clan Page Updates over night. So visit a second time the next day to claim your prize!

The Ribbon "ZP For Everyone" was only counting ONE half of the gift, not the receiver. This has been corrected now. So make sure to check your profiles to see if you've earned this achievement. And remember now when you gift ZP you are also giving the gift of a ribbon as well!

The Ribbon "Military Inteligence" has gone through some changes in lowering the requirements for this ribbon. It now requires 25 posts. For an explanation read below.

Bringing new people to the forum is always a goal for our game. We want people to interact and be a part of the community. Previously the community here was very small and close, which is a great thing. But it is not an indication of the real size of the game and community. We want to be able to interact with more people on the boards.

Not only does this new ribbon bring more people here, it also increases the value of accounts by tying your forum account to your game account. This also has an added bonus of causing more impact on your account when you do something wrong. IE troll the forums, spam etc.

Forum Bans WILL lead to in-game bans. This can cause the removal of ribbons and in extreme cases may result in things like post counts being removed, or even prizes from other ribbons taken back.

We are serious about watching for spam, we want new people on the forums but we also want to keep the spam to a minimum.

Having said that, the original grind for the forum ribbon was designed to be a discouraging factor against spam. Since that wasn't the case it has been lowered. This changes the focus from a ribbon of experience to one of introduction. Look for continued changes and more tie-ins to the forums via the Ribbon system. The rush is still on and there are still plenty of new users coming to the boards. This isn't always a bad thing. We will stabilize and improve as it goes.

Should also put a quick note here that we're always looking for moderators, we won't be holding applications because those are too obvious. We want to select the right members from the community, which ultimately promotes better constant behavior.


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