Possibly looking for a new clan



  • Clan: Legion
    Clan KD: 2.1
    Members: 6


    We would love to have you if you will take us. We usually play alaska if that means anything to you.

    too bad the clans been dead for 6 months
  • Good luck finding clan

    gives gift: free bump :)
  • What university are you currently attending? I assume it's bachelor level...

    I rarely see the R word thrown around so you caught my attention. If you're looking at the long haul for this game and want your scrims free of air and body traffic, keep an eye out on the current tournament. Most of the hardballs are in it starting from end of 2nd round:


    Also, most of the clans that probably fit you don't actively recruit. I'll tell you what I know so far:
    Clover, FGT, Elite, C2 are all Chinese speaking clans. To the point that they find it disrespectful if you speak,type english. Trio is more neutral and Bruce1nr + Popz are well known and strong.
    ADr is a big, relatively skilled clan. The average ADr is not a noob and their top8 are devastating.
    On that note, almost every member of Sorry/2K are devastating.

    If you want more info PM me. /end
  • pudgypaw wrote: »
    What university are you currently attending? I assume it's bachelor level...

    I rarely see the R word thrown around so you caught my attention. If you're looking at the long haul for this game and want your scrims free of air and body traffic, keep an eye out on the current tournament. Most of the hardballs are in it starting from end of 2nd round:


    Also, most of the clans that probably fit you don't actively recruit. I'll tell you what I know so far:
    Clover, FGT, Elite, C2 are all Chinese speaking clans. To the point that they find it disrespectful if you speak,type english. Trio is more neutral and Bruce1nr + Popz are well known and strong.
    ADr is a big, relatively skilled clan. The average ADr is not a noob and their top8 are devastating.
    On that note, almost every member of Sorry/2K are devastating.

    If you want more info PM me. /end

    Sadly, I go to York :( (might be an inside joke, but relatively all of Canada should know why if they watched the news). It is bachelor, though I'm planning for a graduate degree (masters most likely, but a slight possibility of a ph.d)

    I have been looking into Clover, Fear, and FGT as well, but as you said they are Chinese, so it takes them out of the picture for me unfortunately. I have seen trio in matches and they are good, I can normally keep pace with them for a 1:1, but I haven't looked into applying for them. ADr does have a lot of skilled players, and most of the time I see them I'm a little intimidated playing against them but I hold my own against them as well :)... Sorry/2k I've only seen 1 person from that clan and yes, he was devastating but I was on his team so I can't give any input on that, my friend asked why I didn't join them (when I told him about the "good" clans, because he just joined)... my response was they were too good for me, so I'm not sure...

    I want to join a pro clan, but I'm not entirely sure my skill level is up there just yet, but I'll play it by ear.

    Thanks for the info, much appreciated.

    On a side note to any clans still interested in having me, I play mostly SnD, though I play the occasional TD/Elim mode
  • Bruce1nr from Trio, and some of the people in Sorry were with me in the now-defunct clan called Serenity. We had plenty of people comment that they didn't feel skilled enough, though my estimation was not the case. Skill alone doesn't determine a vital clan member. As long as your reaction time between sight of target and trigger is within half a second you're fine. Knowledge of the map and situation guarantees you are facing your opponent when he shows up...

    Other factors are teamwork and a strong understanding of latency. Normally in competitive gaming the latter is not an issue as you choose close servers. I never cared about latency in CS:S but this game is different. If you want to be serious with CF (which I don't really advise as it will make you go on a 24/7 PMS) you must understand latency and how it works:

    Once you get that down it's just team chemistry and map knowledge. With your mindset I think you have the potential to be at Sorry level. The longer you know your teammates the better so you might as well go for it now/be more proactive. Those clans don't recruit let alone troll. =3
  • pudgypaw wrote: »
    Bruce1nr from Trio, and some of the people in Sorry were with me in the now-defunct clan called Serenity. We had plenty of people comment that they didn't feel skilled enough, though my estimation was not the case. Skill alone doesn't determine a vital clan member. As long as your reaction time between sight of target and trigger is within half a second you're fine. Knowledge of the map and situation guarantees you are facing your opponent when he shows up...

    Other factors are teamwork and a strong understanding of latency. Normally in competitive gaming the latter is not an issue as you choose close servers. I never cared about latency in CS:S but this game is different. If you want to be serious with CF (which I don't really advise as it will make you go on a 24/7 PMS) you must understand latency and how it works:

    Once you get that down it's just team chemistry and map knowledge. With your mindset I think you have the potential to be at Sorry level. The longer you know your teammates the better so you might as well go for it now/be more proactive. Those clans don't recruit let alone troll. =3

    Ah, much appreciated :)... However to be proactive would mean I have to actually get into their clan, but I don't think I'm good enough for that just yet... So what I'm trying to do is get into a bridge clan to improve and then maybe try out for them :)
  • (--knife--)

    hey caradin as you probably know we are still looking for members and would love it if you came and joined us.
  • Bump, still accepting offers, decision will be made on friday
  • if u like we small but active clan we rank is in the topp 400 so u wont have to start over u could help our team get better http://clan.z8games.com/clanstat_cf.aspx?guildid=8359
    hope u look us up ty
  • lol :) thanks, but it was already at the top.. haha, anyways if you're on, i'll be playing with my friend in a bit, if you care to join us again :)

    still studying for that midterm though, its tomorrow (i'm wondering why i'm even playing... i'm essentially signing my own death certificate...)
  • lol i was on the forum before you posted that so i didnt know it was up there. lol you got a double bump lol
  • Join Distinct Good Clan
    With Vent and Active members :D
  • l3ang1 wrote: »
    Join Distinct Good Clan
    With Vent and Active members :D

    clan link?
  • ImSoHigh clan

    I just made a new clan and i was looking for new members to join up. you dont have to be an awesome player you just need to be a good sport and a cool headed person and being high is a bonus hahaha but check the clan out and stay high lol http://clan.z8games.com/clanstat_cf.aspx?guildid=44847
  • bump... last chance to leave your clan offers! :)
  • Pandorum


    no worries about being accused of hacking i get it all the time aswel but i cant be much of a hacker if im not banned XD and neither can you if your not haha this clan is active so feel free to join


    wots the m4 gold =O that a permanent one aswel?
    also no one is pro there isnt evan pro clans the people who say there pro are hackers but we are good but still learnin :D
  • piemonkey3 wrote: »


    no worries about being accused of hacking i get it all the time aswel but i cant be much of a hacker if im not banned XD and neither can you if your not haha this clan is active so feel free to join


    wots the m4 gold =O that a permanent one aswel?
    also no one is pro there isnt evan pro clans the people who say there pro are hackers but we are good but still learnin :D

    uh, not entirely sure what you mean by that? does it say i have 1 of those? i assume it just means i got it off the black market.. but all my gold guns are permanent
  • _roOtz_
    Caradin wrote: »
    So as the title says, I'm in the market browsing for a new clan, the current one I'm in is my brothers, and a few friends are in it so I may be reluctant to leave it if there are no good clan offers.

    My profile link ---

    About me ---
    100% legit, though I do get accused of hacking (quite often to say the least, pretty much every game I play in I get accused of hacking, or kicked for "hacking")
    In university right now, so my studies keep me occupied, though I do try to play everyday (and for the most part I play at least an hour every day, if not more)
    I currently live in Canada so I do speak english (obviously since I'm writing this post)

    My KDR is 2.16 if you were too lazy to look at my profile

    I'm looking for a "pro" clan... that is not to say I think of myself as pro, but I do like to believe I'm a bit better than average, and thus playing with pro players, I can either improve, or hopefully learn from them

    Thanks for taking the time to read this, let's see what we get :)

    Ok...here u will be welcome and get free beer!!


    there we go!