Possibly looking for a new clan

So as the title says, I'm in the market browsing for a new clan, the current one I'm in is my brothers, and a few friends are in it so I may be reluctant to leave it if there are no good clan offers.

My profile link ---

About me ---
100% legit, though I do get accused of hacking (quite often to say the least, pretty much every game I play in I get accused of hacking, or kicked for "hacking")
In university right now, so my studies keep me occupied, though I do try to play everyday (and for the most part I play at least an hour every day, if not more)
I currently live in Canada so I do speak english (obviously since I'm writing this post)

My KDR is 2.16 if you were too lazy to look at my profile

I'm looking for a "pro" clan... that is not to say I think of myself as pro, but I do like to believe I'm a bit better than average, and thus playing with pro players, I can either improve, or hopefully learn from them

Thanks for taking the time to read this, let's see what we get :)
