10th Anniversary - December Update - Patch Notes
[IMG2=JSON]{"data-align":"none","data-size":"full","src":"https:\/\/forum.z8games.com\/core\/image\/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAPABAP\/\/\/wAAACH5BAEKAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw=="}[/IMG2] [IMG2=JSON]{"data-align":"center","data-size":"full","src":"https:\/\/z8games.akamaized.net\/cfna\/web\/main\/Forum\/190103_janupdate_patch.jpg"}[/IMG2]
[Lost City - Mutant Escape Mode]
30 Players race to escape in the Mutant Escape Mode. On the new map, Lost City, mutants will receive random drops to make it even more challenging for soldiers to escape.
[Arms Deal - TDM]
Enjoy the Arms Deal mechanics in Team Death Match on the map, Ship
[C4-Enhanced/C4-Red Dragon] Item Shop
Enhance your C4 in modes with numerous modes with a new design and perks! The enhanced C4 is also available with the Red Dragon design.
[GP Crate]
Swiss Mini Revolver Crate
Dahlia Character / AA-12 Iron Beast
*System Changes*
- Re-opened King Mode
- Removed Coin Mode
- Removed Captain Mode, Suppression Mode and Team Escape Mode
*Bug fixes *
- Fixed an issue where some items would visually appear with the use of 99999
- Improved an issue where sometimes ranked games would not count toward the mid-season victory rewards
- Fixed an issue that caused the Chat window to interfere with planting the bomb if certain keys were selected
- Fixed an issue that caused the ammunition UI of primary weapons to update improperly when picking up secondary weapons
- Fixed an issue that caused the Competitive NC - Lazarus to be displayed improperly
- Fixed an issue that caused the Character model to persist in Replay Mode after side swap occurs
- Fixed an issue that caused specific weapon collection namecards to not display properly (Ex. CFNA Exclusive NC)
[Lost City - Mutant Escape Mode]
30 Players race to escape in the Mutant Escape Mode. On the new map, Lost City, mutants will receive random drops to make it even more challenging for soldiers to escape.
[Arms Deal - TDM]
Enjoy the Arms Deal mechanics in Team Death Match on the map, Ship
[C4-Enhanced/C4-Red Dragon] Item Shop
Enhance your C4 in modes with numerous modes with a new design and perks! The enhanced C4 is also available with the Red Dragon design.
- Equipping these C4 skins will increase your chance to start with the C4 in related modes
[GP Crate]
Swiss Mini Revolver Crate
- Swiss Mini Revolver - Permanent
- Swiss Mini Revolver - 7 days
- Swiss Mini Revolver - 1 day
Dahlia Character / AA-12 Iron Beast
*System Changes*
- Re-opened King Mode
- Removed Coin Mode
- Removed Captain Mode, Suppression Mode and Team Escape Mode
*Bug fixes *
- Fixed an issue where some items would visually appear with the use of 99999
- Improved an issue where sometimes ranked games would not count toward the mid-season victory rewards
- Fixed an issue that caused the Chat window to interfere with planting the bomb if certain keys were selected
- Fixed an issue that caused the ammunition UI of primary weapons to update improperly when picking up secondary weapons
- Fixed an issue that caused the Competitive NC - Lazarus to be displayed improperly
- Fixed an issue that caused the Character model to persist in Replay Mode after side swap occurs
- Fixed an issue that caused specific weapon collection namecards to not display properly (Ex. CFNA Exclusive NC)
Maybe this AA12 VIP is the key to 2000 rounds in MM?? Do you know if the effect stacks up with multiple aa12 vips?
AA12 ammo on mutation is 30/150. +2 catriges from pouch, +7 from all bug AA-12 and 50% bonus results in 30/630 ammo count, so this is far from 2000 rounds but hurts as hell xD
Well, i'm thinking about that i've found a way to obtain double ammo, but need to test it first. PM me if you want to try. -
WOAH! The tiny revolver is a GP item?! Between that and the chicken grenade, this has been a good month for Crossfire. Thank you.
Edit: I got my permanent Mini Revolver in only 137 crates; Which is great because you forgot to allow us to buy more than 10 crates at a time. The gun's great. Good damage for a GP gun. Love the aesthetic. It runs out of ammo pretty quickly though. -
For people who complain about CF patches throw 2019 Please check the link:
For people who complain about CF patches throw 2019 Please check the link:
http://crossfire.z8games.com/patches/2019 -
By far one of the worst patches ever. Only good thing is the GP crate. And that has an awful winrate.
Release a map for a gamemode barely anyone plays. Publish C4 models for zp which nobody will buy since they aren't permanent. Make an arms deal TDM that nobody wants since tdm isn't about economy. Fix bugs that aren't even fixed. Add a vip shotgun that spreads so far when shooting it feels like shooting nothing, not even in the gamemode it was designed for. Release a vip char which is okay but not needed for anyone who plays zm since florence is way better.
Well I always support the game and the people behind it but the administration has become the worst of all games. Do they even listen to suggestions? Do they even adress the issues properly or is all they do blocking kids from their discord because they made a mistake?
Technical bugs that are reported aren't even replied correctly since nobody seems to have a clue about IT. Telling in the response to check the system is good enough for CF when all computer parts were already listed is not a satisfying answer. Like seriously, do you even read?
Day by day long members of your community help, suggest, try to make this game more enjoyable but you fail to make any improvements to their direction. Listen to your community, even if it's hard or sometimes not reachable.
I do play this game and I have spent more than I like to admit, but it's frustrating to see the game getting worse because of the poor decisions made by the people in charge.
But hey, let's keep making cute christmas card events so people think we are nice GMs.
Thank you for reading and maybe changing anything in the future.
No offense to anyone as a person intended.
BTW, a holiday sale or something is NOT our first and primary focus for the next days. It's a clean game without bugs and errors around every pixel.
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