10th Anniversary - December Update - Patch Notes

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[Lost City - Mutant Escape Mode]
30 Players race to escape in the Mutant Escape Mode. On the new map, Lost City, mutants will receive random drops to make it even more challenging for soldiers to escape.

[Arms Deal - TDM]
Enjoy the Arms Deal mechanics in Team Death Match on the map, Ship


[C4-Enhanced/C4-Red Dragon] Item Shop
Enhance your C4 in modes with numerous modes with a new design and perks! The enhanced C4 is also available with the Red Dragon design.
  • Equipping these C4 skins will increase your chance to start with the C4 in related modes

[GP Crate]
Swiss Mini Revolver Crate
  • Swiss Mini Revolver - Permanent
  • Swiss Mini Revolver - 7 days
  • Swiss Mini Revolver - 1 day

Dahlia Character / AA-12 Iron Beast

*System Changes*
Re-opened King Mode
- Removed Coin Mode
- Removed Captain Mode, Suppression Mode and Team Escape Mode

*Bug fixes *
- Fixed an issue where some items would visually appear with the use of 99999
- Improved an issue where sometimes ranked games would not count toward the mid-season victory rewards
- Fixed an issue that caused the Chat window to interfere with planting the bomb if certain keys were selected
- Fixed an issue that caused the ammunition UI of primary weapons to update improperly when picking up secondary weapons
- Fixed an issue that caused the Competitive NC - Lazarus to be displayed improperly
- Fixed an issue that caused the Character model to persist in Replay Mode after side swap occurs
- Fixed an issue that caused specific weapon collection namecards to not display properly (Ex. CFNA Exclusive NC)
