CFCL - Rules & Regulations

CFCL Official Rules & Regulations
1. Participation Eligibility
2. Game Regulations
3. Matches
4. Disconnection, System Errors, Remakes, Pauses
5. Official Warnings and Penalties
6. Unfair Practices
7. Conduct/Actions Subject to Penalties
8. Use of Anti-Cheat
CFCL Rules:
1. Participation Eligibility
1.1.Team Composition
- Each team must register 5 players. 1 captain and 4 main players, the team may optionally register 2 substitute players for a total of 7 players.
. 1.1 Register a team on the E-Sports Hub Here
1.3.Team/Player Name
1. 1 Any team name, player name or sponsorship name that is considered as public moral offenses or violation against CROSSFIRE server policies must be changed
2. Game Regulations
2.1 Game Version: CROSSFIRE (latest game version)
2.2 Match mode: Search and Destroy (Team match)
2.3.Weapons, Characters, Maps
- Maps: Ankara – Mexico – Port – Sub Base – Black Widow – Black Widow 2.0 – Ankara 2.0
- Weapons: M60, MP5, P90, M4A1, AK47, AUG, SG552, AWM, XM1014
Colt1911, Desert Eagle, M66, Anaconda, USP
Knife (Normal, Knight, Striped), B.C.-Axe
Grenade, Flash Grenade, Basic Smoke Grenade
(GP versions and CFS versions) - Items permitted: Bag 1-4
Grenade Expansion Kit, C4 Setup/Defuse Kit
Bulletproof Helmet, Bulletproof Vest (Will be provided)
CFS Packages
All EXP Plus items that are not dress items
All extra ammo items
Clan Bag - Characters: GP Characters (including 2.0 GP Characters)
- Items not permitted:
ZP/FP Characters
VIP weapons
FP Plus items
Dress items
- No limit on the number of snipers.
3. Matches
3.1 General Regulations
- Format: 5 vs. 5 (Team Play, 5 players per team)
- Mode: Search and Destroy (Team match)
- Round Time: 2 minutes 30 seconds
- Match: a Match consists of one or more Sets.
- Spectators: 6 per room
- View: 1st person
- Set: a Set is composed by 18 rounds and the overtime rounds (Extra Rounds and/or Golden Round).
- In the event that the 18 rounds are tied, one of the following overtime rounds must be applied:
- Extra Rounds + Golden Round
- Golden Round
- Extra Round: If the rounds end in a draw, 6 extra rounds will be played: 3 rounds as Global Risk and 3 rounds as Black List per team. The match will end once a team reaches 4 rounds. A knife round will be played to determine the side of the extra round
- Golden Round: If the 18 Rounds or Extra Rounds end in a draw, 1 more round (Golden Round) will be played to determine the winner team. The round will be played by the side (BL/GR) that was played last.
- The 18 rounds (Max rounds format) in a Set are played with 9 rounds as Global Risk and 9 rounds as Black List per team.
- The halves will be played completely, giving a maximum of 34 rounds and a minimum of 10 to determine the winner of the Set.
- The Set will end once a team reaches 10 rounds. The first team that reaches 10 rounds wins the Set.
- After the first half (first 9 rounds), the starting side will be switched
- In the Event of a Tie in Points after Monthly Finals, the tied teams will be required to play another match (BO1) to decide the winning team
- The maps will be assigned per stage
- The starting side will be chosen by a knife round between both teams and the winner will choose the starting side. After the first starting side, they will swap in the rest of the maps.
3.3 Finals BO3 Map banning phase
3.3.1. In the Match Lobby team captains will take turns banning 1 Map until there are 3 maps remaining
3.3.2. In the case of a dispute, team captains must provide screenshots of the banning phase chat
3.4 Match Preparation
3.3.1. In the Match Lobby team captains will take turns banning 1 Map until there are 3 maps remaining
3.3.2. In the case of a dispute, team captains must provide screenshots of the banning phase chat
3.4 Match Preparation
- All matches must have 5 players in each team. If a team fails to have the 5 players, the match will be forfeited. (this applies only to the beginning of the match; once the match has started, the team can continue with up to 4 players)
- (Online matches) Players need to be present 15 minutes before the match starts to guarantee their own playing conditions.
- Team Captains must be present in Discord at match start time, failure to do so may result in forfeit
- The organizer will not be responsible for performance issues related to the player`s personal peripherals.
3.5 During the Match
- For the entire duration of the match, players must abide to all of the referee’s instructions.
4. Disconnection, System Errors, Remakes, Pauses
- Disconnection: any connection loss between players due to system, network, PC, and/or power problems/issues, System error: being unable to proceed with the match due to PC and/or peripheral problems.
- (Online matches) Below are possible situations where a remake of the Set may occur at the discretion of the referee,
- Disconnection occurs upon game loading
- Disconnection of 1 player at the beginning of the match while all players are still alive
- Simultaneous disconnection of all players in the match
- It is forbidden to disconnect intentionally or leave the match in the middle of the game, to the lobby, and reconnect without reason. Such an act will be subject to penalty at the discretion of the referee.
- Pauses can only occur upon a disconnection or half time period
- Pauses may last no longer than 5 minutes
- Pauses are limited to a maximum of 1 per map per team
- If a disconnection occurs after a team has used their pause, the map is to continue
- If a disconnection occurs after a team has used their pause, the disconnected player may re-join the map
- Pause time between maps is to be a maximum of 5 minutes
5. Official Warnings and Penalties
5.1.A player will receive an “Official Warning” if he/she violates any of the rules and regulations.
5.2.“Official Warnings” do not accumulate nor carry over matches.
5.3.A “Penalty” is given after an Official Warning, which affects the final result of the Set.
5.4.The “Penalty” will be in rounds against the team that received the Penalty.
5.5.“Forfeit” means being defeated for that specific match.
5.6.“Disqualifications” are stricter penalties than “Forfeit” and will be given for serious violations which will result in complete removal from the current and future CFS tournaments.
5.7.“Official warning”, “Penalty” and “Forfeit” are made by the referee.
5.8.“Disqualification" decisions are made by the publisher.
6. Unfair Practices (including attempts) Subject to Penalty
- Boosting (stepping on top of a team player or nearby objects)
- Double jumping
- Climbing up to higher structures by stepping on a lower structure or a teammate
- (Offline matches) verbal or computer voice chatting among players when the player has been knocked out (dead in the game).
- (Offline matches) Any action taken with keyboard and/or mouse after the player has been knocked out will be subject to a warning from the referee.
- The use of F2 during the match will be subject to a Penalty (Penalty evaluated by the referee).
- The use of spray that affect the game play will be subject to a Penalty.
- Not following the list from 2.3.3 to 2.3.6 of Weapons and Characters allowed during the match will be subject to Penalty.
- Rage Quit (leaving the match, alive or dead with the motive of resetting KD) will receive an Official Warning the first time for the team, and can be reason for a Penalty.
- Change of players once a match has started. The sub can only enter the Set when the sides are changing.
- C4 must be planted at a visible location. Planting C4 at a location where boosting is required is not allowed.
- If a player is found to be gaining an unfair advantage through an external source (press, team leader, player, spectator, etc.), the team may be subject to forfeit.
- If the player is found to be abusing a rule(s) intentionally, the player will be forfeited at the referee’s discretion.
- Moving by abnormal method (such as using a bug).
- All players must set the color setting at 32 bit (16 bit is strictly forbidden). Failing to play with 32 bit setting will result in the team’s Disqualification.
- Use of unauthorized hardware.
- Using any program on computers that can provide any kind of assistance during a match. The identification of such software may result in disqualification of the team.
- During specific matches, players must use the programs provided by the organizer. If specific software is necessary, it must be asked the organizer to accompany the installation. If a player is found to have installed a prohibited program, the match will be forfeited and the team will be disqualified from the CFS tournament.
- Hacking into an account, server, computer, or other that is used for the tournament
- Any methods in circumventing the game rules will be penalized at the discretion of the referee.
- Professional teams that become in-active are subject to disqualification & removal from CFCL Professional
7. Conduct/Action (including attempts) Subject to Penalty
- Exhibiting any behavior that goes against the spirit of fair play or displays improper player etiquette or any behavior that damages another player’s reputation.
- Use of language or behavior that is obscene, vulgar, insulting, threatening, abusing, slandering, defaming, discriminatory or in any way objectionable.
- Providing false information on his/her profile and/or documents.
- Failing to show up on time for the match at the indicated time or absence of member(s).
- Abusive speech and improper behavior against the organizer officials, tournament staff, referees, other players, and/or audience.
- Disobeying instructions given by the organizer officials, tournament staff, and/or referees.
- Engaging in any activity that is considered by the organizer as immoral, shameful, or contrary to conventional ethical behavior standards.
- Bribing or attempting to bribe a referee or organizer.
- Engaging in any action that influences the outcome of a game or match by any means.
- Team members are allowed to wear clothing with logos or promotional pictures; however the organizer retains the right to ban clothing, at its own discretion, if it deems that it shows any inappropriate or offensive message.
- Any other inappropriate behavior, at the discretion of the referee and the organizer, may result in a Warning or Disqualification.
- The referee’s Final Decision shall be absolute and no objection will be accepted.
- 7.1.1 Use of the anticheat will be mandatory.
- 7.1.2 Proof of use of the anticheat will be asked for at the discretion of the referee.
- 7.1.3 Proof of use of the anticheat cannot be deleted until the referee dictates.
- 7.1.4 Proof of use of the anticheat can be asked for the winning team just as it can be asked from the losing team.
- 7.1.5 Only the servers chosen by the organizers can be used to upload proof of use of the anticheat.
- 7.1.5 Modifying, altering or not presenting the proof of use of the anticheat, will be motive for disqualification.
- 7.1.6 Account impersonation is prohibited.
- 7.1.7 The time permitted to present the proof of use of the anticheat will be announced by the referee.
- 7.1.8 It is the responsibility of the losing team to examine the proof of use of the anticheat to make any objections.
- 7.1.9 All the replays must be saved by at least 3 members of each team.
- 7.1.10 Only the latest version of the anticheat will be accepted for use. It is the responsibility of the player to install and make sure it is working effectively.
These rules may be amended or supplemented in the following cases:
- Should the publisher, at its sole discretion, decide to modify in-game settings and options required by the use of most recent patch version/release.
- Should the publisher, at its sole discretion, decide to use a newly released cheat protection program and/or cheat protection function.
- Should the publisher, at its sole discretion, decide to change game settings and/or operations guidelines due to differences between online and offline tournaments.
- Should the publisher, at its sole discretion, evaluates it is in the best interest of the tournament.
- For any rule amendment, the publisher will be responsible to inform each participating player.
- The publisher reserves the right to make decisions on items not outlined in these rules and regulations.
when I go here
for the anticheat it links me this tutorial
The tutorial shows the opposite of how to run this anticheat. Sort your **** please. The most unorganized cup ever. -
we are making claims about the rival team and there is no mod or gm, or the organizer gives us an answer, the rival team was using vpn which is prohibited and using rings, also speaking in the f2 chat, we have all the evidence of everything
we attach player photos using a zp article in all matches
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