Post Patch Issues - Windows 8 and Client Errors - UPDATED MARCH 22



  • [GM]Saidin wrote: »
    Update 5:00pm EST March 22nd.
    We've updated the game server side which should help with the client errors.

    In testing we still saw an abundance of 18_1 errors, but this error is a clipping problem, most likely to occur on railings in Dinner Theater.

    Other errors should occur a lot less now!

    We are still working with the devs on the Windows 8 issue in TOP PRIORITY.

    We have received numerous reports over the last 24 hours regarding Cross Fire client errors and incompatibility with Windows 8.

    We have been working with the developers over night and have some new fixes coming today which should help with many of the client errors our gamers are experiencing. This fix is currently in testing, as soon as it gets the green light we will be putting it live.

    Please note that we have not seen any cases where players have lost items from Slaughter Tickets. If you purchase Slaughter Tickets and kill zombies then error out, you STILL RECEIVE ITEMS even though the Ticket count has gone down and you haven't seen the result screen. Until we can prove otherwise this is the case. We're looking at the Databases now to build our Support Team a better interface to confirm to players this information. We'll have more on it as we go forward.

    Windows 8 issues have been reported and are being worked on. When we have a fix for this we will address them as soon as possible.

    Stay vigilant! The zombies are coming, and we need to do everything we can to push back the Horde. Even if the technology is failing, we have a duty to kill as many zombies as we can! Especially because it equals free items and points!!
    Awesome. Will forward this for those who seek answers :)

    +100Billion :p
  • Something wrong with my cf. i can click start button but it doesnt open anything. i tried to click on patcher as well still nothing! tried to reinstall, turn firewall/antivirus on/off as well.. help me out!
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