MASTERS™ Recruitment Thread

ELITES or our Old name, MASTERS

We are CW Clan and pub. We've pros on: SnD , GM , Elimination , Escape , HM and ZM. We are an International Clan and We'll accept anyone who can speak and understand fluent English and who meets all of the requirements to join. We also do clan practices often to hone our skills.

We are looking for active and skilled players to come and hang out with us. We aren't an extremely competitive clan, and we play to have fun and enjoy the game. We want all of our players to be respectful to everyone in the game. We play clan war usually, and we treat each other like family. We don't want clan hoppers, we want loyal members. No acts of being disrespectful towards anyone will be tolerated.

This includes NO:

Minimal cussing.
Any other disrespectful things may be put here later on.

Things that we do encourage our clan mates to do:
Be respectful to everyone in the game.
Try to be on the Forums often.
Help others out.
Have fun and enjoy the game to it's full extent.
Say "Good game" at the end of Clan Wars, even if u lose.
Any other kind/respectful things may be added here later on.

Requirements to join ELITES
  • A positive K/D rate.
  • To be respectful.
  • [Optional] To have your Honorable Soldier Ribbon [IMG2=JSON]{"data-align":"none","data-size":"full","src":"http:\/\/\/albums\/u445\/Nocandothat\/HonorableSoldierRibbon.jpg"}[/IMG2] , However if u don't have it , it dosn't matter , i believe for the second chance , also there are too many rezones to lose ur H.S.R other than hacking , there are actually too many players who use hake , but didn't get reported yet , and they already have there H.S.R, So H.S.R is not as much important as some clans said. If u already a good mature player , then u'll be accpeted.
  • To be active.
  • +15 years. [With some Exceptions]
  • To have TS3. [It's not required to talk, just to be on during clan wars]
  • To have a positive attitude and be friendly.
  • To have 150 or less ping in the UK Servers. [Alpha Players- 199 or less in UK Servers And now MENA Server less than 80].
  • Other requirements may be added on here later on

  • No hacking/glitching at all. Any member caught doing this will be kicked and reported.
  • Be active at least once a week. Anyone who has gone inactive for a week without warning will be kicked.
  • Clan War when asked to.
  • Clan Practice when asked to.
  • Try to gain 3 clan points every day that you get on.
  • No rage-quitting from Clan Wars.
  • Kick all hackers from games.
  • Inform an LT or the Leader if you are going to be inactive for more than 1 week.
  • Must Follow Clan War Rule.
  • At least 1 Clan LT Must Lead The Clan War.
  • Leaving Clan War Will Lead Kicking You.
  • Recommended To Play Maps You Skilled On It.
  • Follow Clan LT Instructions In Clan War.
  • Don't ask for ZP or LT position.
  • If some 1 insults u , don't insult him back , and take a S.S of his insult and report it to LTs , then he'll be kicked , but if u insult him back , both of u will be kicked.
  • Breaking any rules will lead to kicking u.
  • Remember at first or last it's a game, so have fun get ur Clan points and enjoy playing with clan.
  • Other rules may be added on here later on.
  • Don't kick random people unless they break rule.
  • Don't be a jackass because you are a LT.
  • Try to recruit at least 1 person a day.
  • Someone fighting through clan chat? Fix it.
  • Someone making fun of us? Ignore it.
  • Make try outs with all new players.
  • Don't apply in clan random players.
  • Try to make people play together in 1 room.
  • If any member insults u "With many very bad wards" , keep ur nervous as possible as u can , and don't answer him in the same bad way, make from urself an example , then go and kick him ASAP, If u answer him by the same bad way , u'll be demoted to a normal member.
ELITES Application
Please answer the following questions if u would like to join us:
  • Age:
  • Real Name:
  • Country:
  • Ping:
  • CP/Day:
  • Are u read our Recruitment Thread?
We are looking for family, remember that. Interested?

Then go and join us NOW...
