Kicked in GM

Okay, so I play crossfire for 2 years now. I like Ghost mode the most. WIthout a doubt.

But when I play Ghost mode these days I get kicked EVERY single game for walling. And trust me, I don't wall. D: It's not even funny anymore. I just can't play Ghost mode.

I just don't know what to do anymore. I wish I could talk with a game master or something to not let me get kicked every ghost mode game. It's always when i'm GR or even when i'm BL.
My IGN is: *Melody* I play most of the time in UK4

Does anyone got suggestions what to do? There are so many noobs these days. After I kill them like 1 or 2 times because of breath they spam: WALLER KICK F11. Not even funny anymore.

Help me D: What to do?...
