Extereme lagg!!

mods and admins first off thx once again for the recent big patch, i liked the patch very much and im very grateful and appreciative for the patch but their is one big thing u guyz have to fix.....~THE LAGG~

When i first downloaded the patch or w/e and it finished loading the patch stuff and when i started playing a while i noticed something very not cool and its the lagg! i Ive been experiencing some extreme lagg recently right after the patch was out and its still continuing!
I usually have around 50-60 fps and about 55-60 ping and i did in game but it seemed like i was having like 10 fps and its driving me crazy! After that i tried re downloading to see if that helped but it didn't....also i have all my settings all at low so i wouldn't lag but i still continued with the new extreme lagg i never experienced before in crossfire until this patch came out!

