AK-47 hard to use? I don't think so!

I am a noob (smiley second bar) but I am armed with a AK-47 Camo!
I play on noob server sometimes but mostly on normal servers and right now I have 160/70 K/D's thats what 2.1 kdr? Anyway I find AK-47 Camo very easy to use is it just me or is AK-47 not as hard as people rumor? (also is normal AK-47 harder to use then Camo? and what are the disadvantages exept for the fact that it doesn't have 5 extra rounds?
I am thinking of buying normal AK-47 if its just as good (exept for -5 rounds) as the AK-47

You might think I haven't played much btw but I mostly play S&D with 10/3 k/d average the 70 deaths mostly from learning to handle (ok so it had a learning curve but not long :))
I only have chance to play 30 minutes a day so thats 1 to 2 S&D's max :(

Oi and this thread doesn't really have a point exept discussing the difficulty of the AK-47 and asking what the difrences between Camo and normal are, so if you don't like the thread don't post pointless comments just leave ;)
